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Tough Sudoku for 10/December/2011


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   Shiela  From MI
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Now you know what its like to be a hawk harassed by a blackbird???
10/Dec/11 12:09 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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site puzzle 8.3***
10/Dec/11 3:14 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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//WW(63)g2.e3,-3gh3; FXW(4)ai68, -4h8
1. (3=6)e3-e4=(6-3)g4=i4-(3=4)i9-(149')d79e9=(1)e7 # -3e7, -1e4
2. (3)c8=c7-(3=2)f7-(2=689)f156-(6)e4=(368')g4i46 # -3i8, -8f6
3. (1=2)e7-WR(23)f7.h8=(9)h8-WW(49)h6.i8=(1)h6 # -1e6
4. (9)e1=(9-8)f1=(8-6)f5=e4 # -9e4
10/Dec/11 3:33 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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a friendly little 8.4**
10/Dec/11 4:30 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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note, just posted valid path for yesterday's 8.4 mystery entry.
10/Dec/11 9:38 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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note, just posted path for SMSL 8.6***** of two days past.
10/Dec/11 10:51 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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// FXW(3)bd.48, -3ef8
1. (59=8)a9c8-XW(8)ch36=(8-3)a6=f6-(3=259)fgi7
# -59a7, MR(38)a7/bd8.d7, +38d8
2. { SF(4)cei.456=(258)chi6-(589=4)ceg8 }
# -4e9, -8c13, -5b8.af6, -2f6
// color(5):b9=c8-c3=d3-f1=f79 # -5e9
10/Dec/11 5:16 PM
peterj  From London
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Lengthy version...
Site Puzzle
#0 SSTS, w-wing(36) e3,g2,eg4 ; gh3<>3
// finned-x-wing(4)ai/68,i9 ; h8<>4
// als-xz (89=6)f15-(6=14598)gh5ghi6 ; f6<>8
// ahs-xz (9=236)f673-(6)e3=e4 ; e4<>9
#1 (2)gh9=(2-9)e9=d9 - (9)d4=l-wing(29)[(9)h8=i8-i4=(9-2)b4=b8] ; h8<>2
// m-ring-ext(36) (3=6)e3-e4=(6-3)g4=i4 -i9=e9 -loop ; e7<>3, i8<>3, g4<>15
// xy-chain (92)f6,(23)f7,(39)e9,(94)d9,(43)i9,(39)h8 ; e46<>9, h6<>9
// ahs-xz (8=94)i68-(4)a8=a6 ; a6<>8
10/Dec/11 8:13 PM
peterj  From London
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#0 SSTS, finned-x-wing(3)bd/48,d7 ; ef8<>4
#1 (7=253)d234 - (3)f6=a6 - (8)a6=x-wing(8)36/ch - (8=5947)cgef8 ; f1<>7
#2 (3=25)b42 - (5=14)bh9 - (4)f9=(4-3)f6=a6 -loop ; a4<>4, b158<>25, e9<>4, f6=34
// kite(2)b24,cd3 ; d4<>2
// w-wing(25)c3,e9 ; d78<>5, e1<>5 // w-wing(35)e4,f7,d3f1 ; f6<>3
10/Dec/11 8:40 PM
   Meg  From Kingaroy Qld
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Fly away birdie .. fly away home...
10/Dec/11 11:51 PM
   Meg  From Kingaroy Qld
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kobold.... can't say I agree with your 'friendly little' description. But then we all know that I'm not good at the 'Tough' ones.
But still have fun "havin' a go"
10/Dec/11 11:55 PM
   Meg  From Kingaroy Qld
Check out my page
With that done.. time for bed. Another big day again tomorrow. Night all
10/Dec/11 11:56 PM
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