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Tough Sudoku for 31/March/2007


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Today's tough puzzle strains to justify the label tough. However, I found one very pretty step. Thus, I could not resist the temptation to use this puzzle as blog fodder.
At the end of the proof, I wax almost philosophical about sudoku solving in general.
To view both my grandiose grandstanding, and a very pretty puzzle proof, visit the blog. Link to same can be found in the upper right column, directly under 'Check out the Sudoku Blog'.

30/Mar/07 9:58 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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This was taken from the walls of the dam and looking down on the other day's picnic spot. You can see the red iron ore in the hills in the background.
31/Mar/07 12:06 AM
fire bloss  From canada
Another great photo from Anne. I love these armchair tours.
31/Mar/07 12:10 AM
Dan  From Puyallup, WA
11:12 Maen! One guess, probably at the point where Steve said there was a 'very pretty step' (which I didn't see or look for!) :)
31/Mar/07 12:33 AM
mb  From delaware
Fairly easy one today. No guesses.
31/Mar/07 12:52 AM
Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
Well done ANNE another nice picture without Blackboy!
31/Mar/07 1:11 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Wagdy, this time they are ghost gums (the trees)
31/Mar/07 1:16 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Beautiful, Anne!
31/Mar/07 1:17 AM
ap  From india
no mistakes today..from starting till end no looking back...feels good..
and a perfect picture from Anne..and Anne,the color combinations,it just happens are you choose such locations specifically??
31/Mar/07 1:27 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Ap - I took this photo when I was up north at Christmas time. The colours there are quite different to down my way in Albany.
31/Mar/07 1:38 AM
Nick  From Toronto
31/Mar/07 2:25 AM
Mark  From Shenzhen China
Ok time to submit a picture.

31/Mar/07 2:46 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
Another round of applause for Anne. And have a great weekend, everyone!
31/Mar/07 3:36 AM
shruti  From ca
11:12; thanks for an easy tough Gath, I could get to Anne's picture without losing my mind. Couldn't get to yesterday's pic though, but given your record so far Anne, I'd say it was beautiful.
31/Mar/07 4:34 AM
joe b  From ontario
great natural beauty
nice pic Anne
mAen all
ditto Cathy
31/Mar/07 5:03 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon to all! Another very nice picture Anne. The north country still looks a little bleak. With the iron ore showing on the surface, is the mining for the ore done as open pit?
31/Mar/07 6:48 AM
Virginia  From Wisconsin
24:49 Keep the pictures coming Anne. Thank you. No guesses. It is unusual for me to do a tough without guesses. I'm going to check out Steve's blog. I can usually do a hard in 10 to 15 but I think this is only the second tough I finished without guessing. I usually don't even take the time to try the tough ones.
31/Mar/07 12:23 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Greg, yes, the iron ore is mined in open cut mines. About 25 years ago we toured a couple of the mining towns and saw a couple of the mine sites. They were huge and so were the iron ore trucks. An interesting experience.
31/Mar/07 2:26 PM
Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
It's unusual to see the water so blue when its near the red soil, I'll get there one day.
31/Mar/07 2:30 PM
gail  From sydney
My first tough and a time on 8.32
31/Mar/07 5:49 PM
rugram  From India
Reasonably simple.
02/Jun/07 8:53 AM
mb  From delaware
All of March done, except for 5th, 25th, and 26th. First quarter of 2007 completed.
04/Jan/08 11:58 PM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

06/Sep/10 10:52 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
05/Sep/21 9:01 PM
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