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Tough Sudoku for 29/July/2021


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Jyrki  From Finland    Supporting Member
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I have a horrendous 'proof' for this level. UP intermediates 32, 39, 40, 81 with 2, 3 and 7 chains in between. If I manage to streamline it, I will post. Alas, that will have to wait :-)
29/Jul/21 3:33 AM
serban  From cluj
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Basics to 31
1.X-chain x=4 =>[b3,c4,d3]<>4 =>b4=4 basics to 32
2. if h7=6 =>b7=2 a8=6 => XY-wing 359 [a6,b5,i6] =>b6<>5
=>b5=5 UP79 d3=f8=0 =>h7=4 basics to 42
3. if a7=6 =>XY-wing 359 [a6,b5,i6]=> step 2 =>UP77 d1=e9=f2=g7=0
=>a7=2 basics to 46
4. if h5=1 =>UP73 c1=c2=d2=d8=e1=e8=46 f2=e5=0
=>e5=1 basics to 53
5. XY-wing 359 [b6,h5,i6] =>[b5,h6]<>9 =>h6=8 b5=5 solve
29/Jul/21 3:39 AM
Vao88  From Melbourne
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Beautiful Bottlebrush plant Flower😊Love that photo❤️
29/Jul/21 6:52 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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1. Unique possibilities to 32.
2. Whether b5=5=f4,e964=368;OR b6=5,i6=3;i9=7.UP39.
3. Whether h3=6=c12,c4=2;OR h7=6,b7=2;b5=59.
4. Whether i4=3=a6;OR i4=5=b6,b5=9;a3=9.UP40.
5. Whether h5=1,h4=8;OR h5=9,b5=5=f4;f4<>8.
6. Whether i6=5;OR i6=3=a4,a6=6,a8=8=i7=d3=f9,d9=5,e9=3=f5;f4=5.UP81.
Looks like I followed Jyrki's outline; UP32,39,40 and 81.
29/Jul/21 1:23 PM
serban  From cluj
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Basics to 31
1a. if b6=5 => UP43 XY -wing 259 [a36,c4]=>c2<>2 =>c4=2 => UP 79
e5=f8=0 =>b5=5 solve
1b if b6=5 => UP43 XY -wing 259 [a6,c57]=>a8<>6 =>a8=8 =>UP 79
e5=f8=0=>b5=5 solve
29/Jul/21 4:50 PM
rwm  From New Mexico USA
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Basics to 32
1. (3=5)i6 - i4 = (5-6|8)f4 = (68)e46 - (6|8=3)e9 => -3i9 ; UP = 39
2. (8=6)g9 - def9 = def8 - (6*)a8 = ab7 - h7 = (6*-4)h3 = (4-8)i3 = (8^-2)d3 = ab3 - c2 =
c4 - (2')e4 = [XYZ wing: (8='61)d46-(1=8)h4] - (8)f4 = (8)e46 => -8e9, -8^d9, -6*a3
3. (9)a3 = a6 - (9=86)eh6 - (6*)b6 = [(9)a3=(9-6)b3=*(6-2)b7=(2)a7] => -2a3 ; UP = 40
4. (6)e6 = a6 - a8 = def8 - (6=3)e9 - f9 = (3-5*)f5 =
[ (6)e6=a6-(6=8)a8-def8=(8-5)f9=*(5^-8)f4=(81)eh4 ] => -6e4, -6^f4 ; UP = 81
29/Jul/21 6:08 PM
malcolmg  From England
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Inputting possibilities - 10.23
At solving completion - 19.43
29 July
Straight forward today
29/Jul/21 9:27 PM
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