Sudoku gathering Sydney 26.2.16

Bill, Mr P, Lizzy, Sacky,Kate, Leia Jane Alfred, June, CP, Amelia.

Bill, Mr P, Lizzy, Sacky,Kate, Leia Jane Alfred, June, CP, Amelia.

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Another lovely photo of a Sudoku gathering.
28/Feb/16 10:50 AM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
Check out my page
It's always nice to be able to put a face with a name. I don't think I'd see Alfred before. And I really think I'd remember Mr. P with his mustache.
28/Feb/16 12:39 PM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
Check out my page
The restaurant reappears, as well as some of the guests. Mr. P is seen two photos back, Dottie, at the gathering with Wolf.
28/Feb/16 2:30 PM
Joyce  From Flower City
Check out my page
And more new faces to attach to names; Sudokuists are just the most friendly folks ...even in person! Such a grand Australian Welcome!
28/Feb/16 3:05 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
A fine looking group.
28/Feb/16 5:32 PM
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