Ray's garden, July 2012.   The wet weather this summer has led to much growth in the Hydrangea without reducing its flowering.   The plant is now half as high as the Japanese pear tree (behind it).   The tree to the left is an apple with two or three different scions grafted onto its stock.  The Hydrangea was surrounded by myriads of ants, and nettles (as weeds).  I despatched the ants last week.  I hope that does not adversely affect the Hydrangea.

Ray's garden, July 2012. The wet weather this summer has led to much growth in the Hydrangea without reducing its flowering. The plant is now half as high as the Japanese pear tree (behind it). The tree to the left is an apple with two or three different scions grafted onto its stock. The Hydrangea was surrounded by myriads of ants, and nettles (as weeds). I despatched the ants last week. I hope that does not adversely affect the Hydrangea.

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   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Wonderful colouring.
24/Jul/12 8:37 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
25/Jul/12 2:00 AM
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