Grandsons & Girlfriends

Our daughter Cory took this picture of Stefan, Delaney, CJ, and Griffin at the beach house.  Wish we were there.  They are such nice people.

Our daughter Cory took this picture of Stefan, Delaney, CJ, and Griffin at the beach house. Wish we were there. They are such nice people.

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Judy  From San Diego
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Wow, Keith! Those little boys have grown up to become very handsome men! Best wishes to you, Lynne, and all of your family!
13/Aug/20 6:03 AM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Good lookin' group of youngsters there, Keith.
13/Aug/20 8:09 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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1000 years ago when I had a boyfriend with long hair to his shoulders, I figured it was my responsibility to keep my hair longer, well below my shoulders. Delaney certainly does not take on that task.
14/Aug/20 5:03 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Both boys used to have their hair at least half way down their backs ... beautiful hair, made me envious.
14/Aug/20 6:29 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Also, you may not have noticed, but Stefan is the only one in the picture wearing earrings.
14/Aug/20 6:33 AM
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