Quantum Example in Tough Sudoku for 09/02/2009

The Tough Sudoku of September 2, 2009 contains yet another excellent example of the power of using Quantums. Unlike the previous example, this one does not utilyze uniqueness. However, it was during a search for uniqueness quantums that I found the step. Below, I have only sparsely illustrated the proof for this puzzle. The main intent of this post is to further investigate the sudoku tip, trick or technique of using quantum sets.

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The Puzzle

The PUzzle

Above, find the puzzle with the possibilities, or pencil marks, already filled in. One way to proceed from here:

  • 1) Start 22 UP 23: (6)c1 % column & box (hidden single).
  • 2)(NakedTriple258)abc4 => a6,bc5,efi4≠258

Some more easy steps

At UP 35

Some more easy steps are available here. The following are sufficient for this solution:

  • 3a) (LockedCandidate8)h78 => g7≠8
  • 3b) (NT134)gi7,h9 => g9,h78,i89≠134
  • 3c&d)(LC14)e789 => e1234≠14
  • 3e&f) (TwoStringKites1&3):if4,d51 => i1≠13
  • 3g) (LC7)b12 => b8≠7
Although there remain some more relatively easy steps, the following quantum step is available, and it serves, imo, to significantly uncomplicate the puzzle.

Almost Quantum Naked Triple 147

Below, find a precursor to the actual step.

Almost Quantum Naked Triple 147 at bfg2

Above, three apparently disparite items can be considered as one possibility. HP is shorthand for Hidden Pair:

  1. (HP17)b12 = (1)b3
    • Meaning at least one of (1)b3, (HP17)b12 are true
  2. (HP14)f23 = (1)f4
  3. (QuantumNakedTriple147)bfg2.b1.f3 = [(1)b3 = (1)f4]
In short, because of the almost Hidden pairs at b12, f23 and the contents of cell g2, at least one of the following three items must be true:[(QNT147)bfg2, (1)b3, (1)f4].

This, by itself, does not eliminate anything. However, just a small amount of additional information is required.

Almost Two String Kite with candidate (1)

Almost Two String Kite

Above, but for the possibility of (1) at f3, we would have the following Two String Kite with candidate 1:

  • h5 = d5 - f4 = f2
Since this Almost Kite and the Almost Quantum Naked Triple share a target, we can now easily write:
  • 3h) (QNT147)bfg2.b1.f3 = (1)b3f4 - (1)f3 = (Kite1)hd5,f42
  • => h2 ≠1
Although this elimination seems rather tame, imo, it does unlock this puzzle significantly.

Below, find a path that finishes this puzzle:
  • 3i) (NP45)h26 => h9≠4
  • 3j) (LC4)gi7 => ace7≠4
  • 3k) (4)h2 = (4)h6 - (4=6)g6 - (6=7)g9 - (7)g12 = (7)i1 => i1≠4
  • 3l) (7)c8 = (7)i8 - (7=5)i1 - (5=3)e1 - (3=1)d1 - (1)d5 = (1)h5 - (1)h9 = (1-4)e9 = (4)e8 => c8≠4 , UP 56
  • 4) (NP57)bi1 => aeg1≠57, UP 81



The following spectrum of difficulty applies to the path published above:

  • Sets: a total of 34 sis considered in all the steps
  • Maximum Depth: 7 at step 3l.
  • Non ssts steps: 3 - steps 3h, 3k, 3l

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Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Thanks for blogging a solution for this difficult tough, Steve.I didn't quite follow the logic for h2<>1, but when I tested h2=1,I found a contradiction along the paths you mentioned.
04/Sep/09 7:52 PM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Hi Alfred,
Here is another way to view the logic:
If (1)f3, then both of these occur: (HP17)b12, as (1)b3 is eliminated. (HP14)f23 as (1)f4 is eliminated. These two in conjunction with (147)g2 forms a naked triplet(147), driven by hidden sets, at bfg2.
If (not1)f3, then 2 String Kite as illustrated above.

Either way, h2<>1.

Another way to think about it is that (1) is a restricted possibility between two events. In order for both events to not occur - the kite and the naked triple - (1) and (not1) must be both true at f3.
06/Sep/09 10:25 PM
Bob in TX  From Austin
Check out my page
The puzzle link (URL)-- Tough Sudoku of September 2, 2009 -- in the first line of the text takes you to the 16/August/2009 Sudoku.
09/Dec/10 4:07 AM
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