Ian from Sydney

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   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I'm in I don't think I will have time to put in many pictures because I'm busy packing the car right now. We'll see.
Anne from Albany  From at work
Hello Ian, nice to come and pay you a visit. I've brought you a bottle of shiraz and some nibblies to help get you started. Enjoy your week at the 'beach' resting and relaxing.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, thanks for the shiraz and nibbles. I might be able to share some with Col and her friends at the Anglesea pub on Saturday night.
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian - thought that I would come to check out your page - hope that you have a great holiday
   Gath  From Sudoku.com.au    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian,

Glad to see you're settling in. When can we expect some pics?

   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Gath, I have about nine of mine on flickr but I can't seem to get them onto this site.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi all, my Flickr site is
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Have a good trip, Ian. I'll hang on to the and until you get back.
Rola  From Perth
Enjoy your holiday Ian
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Great photos!
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I'm signing out now. Back in a couple of weeks. There are more photos to come but I have run out of time.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian
can't believe you opened the front door of your new room here let us all in then went on holidays, not sure what state the room will be in on your return .......
Hey everyone party in Ians room while he is away...
only joking Ian
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Just popped in to say hello and see if this is where the party is!! The music is loud and the wine is flowing!! This going to be fun!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian! I finally drop in to see you and you've left on your vacation. Oh well, let me know when you return and I'll drop in again with some beavertail pastries foe you.
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian - I came to visit you and you are gone! I hope you have a nice Holiday. Oh, by the way, I dropped off some apples from Michigan and a gallon of apple cider. Enjoy! (I'll come back later.)
Topaz  From Jindera
Hi Ian, hope you have a great vacation! I loved your photos!!
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I just dropped in before turning in to check on Rosemary's proposal. No damage done Rosemary, you're forgiven.
Debby, thanks for the apples and cider.
Greg, I look forward to the beavertail pastries.
Andre, come and help yourself.
Topaz, thanks, unfortunately the site is displaying only half the photos I posted. Dunno what has happened to the rest. Oh well, it will be something to do on my return.
CP, Rola and Anne, thanks for your good wishes and the party nibbles.
Gath, thank you also- perhaps you might be able to help me find the missing dozen or so photos when I return.
everybody. Don't get up to too much mischief while I'm gone.
fi  From NT
HI Ian, I checked out your photos- Brilliant! - well that is except for the cat.... but you know about me and cats!
fi  From NT
Now where's that red paint.... mmmm and here's some yellow Let's start with this big wall over here- . ... I think that a big sunset might be rather special..... Splosh splash and some big arm brush strokes Oh Mix that red and yellow Brilliant orange (drip drip ooH ooops Sorry Ian I'll just squash those drips into the carpet and no one will realise) . Mmmm now some back and white - mixing to grey - a dab of clouds here and here and here and a few white sunrays and... Well nearly as good as a Kerang sunset. Hope you like it Ian.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Hey - not TOO much damage - I will have no choice but to report to Ian when I spot him in the pub at Anglesea on Saturday night .

Hmmmm - one problem - I've got no idea what he looks like - and he doesnt know what I look like...... could that be an issue ?
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Lovely painting, Fi - a touch like Pro Hart's methods? Or was that only for the carpet ad on the TV? I fancy some of that cider - Ian won't mind if we open it, will he?
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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ap  From india
wow fi..amazing work!!i just loved it..cool eh..
(never mind the mess,its not my room anyway!!)
hello Ian i am leaving this terracotta statue for your decoration..hey guys be careful eh..dont break it,till he returns..
(its an idol of an ornamental Horse)
fi  From NT
Haven't had a glass of cider in ages. Don't mind if I do CP.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Ian back to check the place as you wanted. What a mess Fi left! Don't worry about the spots on the carpet as I have made arrangements to have the carpet removed. The guys will be in tomorrow to pour you a new concrete floor. Oh, I found your 40 year old Scotch. Thanks!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Ian, sorry to pop in when you're not at home but I have just been in to see your photos and they are lovely. Waiting to see the rest of them.
I rinsed out my coffee mug before leaving.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Still away, Ian? Sounds like you and Anne had a good meeting with Col and the girls last weekend.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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CP it was great fun. It is a pity that our meeting didn't eventuate but there will be other opportunities I'm sure. At our recent reunion we received some warm invitations to visit old friends in Canberra who we hadn't seen in years.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone, I'm glad you had so much fun while I was away. The damage wasn't bad, the carpet was removed, my bottle of 40 year old scotch is missing, but the terracotta statue was amazing (thanks ap).
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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My apologies to everyone who has tried to access my flickr page and hasn't been able to view all of my photos. It seems that I was being too protective about the photos. I have now uploaded about 33 photos which are visible to everyone. There are more to come.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian! Looking forward to seeing all your photos. I think you need to link one photo to your personal page to make the site accessible to everyone. In the update your page featues, in the Flicker box Gath has provided, entered the 9 digit number of one of your photos (i.e.; the 30761649) such as the one you posted above, and make sure your photos in Flickr are indicated as public, and all will be able to see them (you might need to enter the full link address to start up, as I can't remamber). I'm looking forward to seeing them all, and I'd like to know more about your Antartica flight. You can leave details on my page if you wish. Cheers!
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Ian, just passing by and heard all the noise, but am glad to see you are back home and in charge!! Brought some bubbly from the Hunter and some Tassie cheeses to share, Enjoy
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Ian - just browsed through your photos and they are good (I thought that vintage car one was yours). Did you do the Trans-Siberian Railway journey. I went to a presentation for that 2 weeks ago at my travel agent and it looked quite good. Out of my budget, though, unfortunately.
Cheers, Anne
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, no we did a week long visit to St Petersburg. It was a city that has always fascinated me, particularly the Hermitage Museum. We did a package tour and it turned out that we had our own car and guide. A fairly expensive option but the guide turned out to be invaluable - she could get us in where others had to stand and queue. It cost a packet but gosh it was worth it. (We told the kids we were spending their inheritance)
Anne  From at work
Hello Ian - just browsing and noticed you've left a comment to me on your page.
You sound like me, spending the kids inheritance but there is a big wide wonderful world out there just waiting to be explored and I would love to see as much as I can before I get too old to enjoy it.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Welcome back.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Point Cook looks dry.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi CP, thanks for the welcme back.
Point Cook was dry, in fact the whole of Victoria was very dry. Bushfires were bad too, the family lost a wonderful little holiday shack on the Buffalo River.
But the whole of Southern NSW was dry as a bone - no feed, no stock.. I'm glad I'm not a farmer, it must be heartbreaking.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Welcome back. It was lovely to meet with you two at the pub (unbelievable!) albeit not for very long. We were a bit naughty that night and went and socialised with all the young things in the bar with the band later on. lol. Talk about feeling like a granny
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Ian. Great pictures. You shame me by posting shots from Canada, especially the shot from the museum. Looks like you have enjoyed a lot of places in your life! Good on you! I like the shot your wife took with the pocket camera! I also envy you for having the Antartica flight. What a wonderful experience!
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