David and Goliath

Way classier murals than in the states.

Way classier murals than in the states.

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Some things are classier than in the states. Toilet paper isn't one of them.
12/Dec/12 8:42 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Not sure what to say about this picture. I'm more ingrigued about Kathy's 'toilet paper' comment.
12/Dec/12 1:40 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Looks like graffiti isn't a problem!
16/Dec/12 2:24 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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There was 'gang' type graffiti in some areas, but nowhere near as much as we see at home.
18/Dec/12 8:36 PM
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