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Tough Sudoku for 2/September/2009


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Above tree line? Pretty high!
02/Sep/09 12:12 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Beautiful, Wilodene!
02/Sep/09 12:15 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Enjoy your day/night, everyone!
02/Sep/09 1:07 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Oh!!! Just beautiful - I would like to have a small cabin beside the lake! Thank you, Wilodene!
02/Sep/09 2:56 AM
Jyrki  From Finland    Supporting Member
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34 minutes

Pretty! My first thought was Lake Louise, but this
is just as beautiful.
02/Sep/09 3:46 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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1. Note triples 789 at ade6;136 at efi4.Unique possibilities to 35.
2. Note triple 267 at g9/i89;pair 89 at h78.If c8=4,i8=7,b8=2,a9=3=h5=d1,e1=5,i4=1,i1=4 and column a is devoid of 4.So e8=4.UPs to 40.
Here I thought I found a proof that g3=3, but it was a mistake.Maybe someone can take it from here.
02/Sep/09 4:13 PM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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I shall eventually blog this one.
02/Sep/09 6:00 PM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Hi Alfred, in your step 2, has the possibility of (4)a2 been resolved?
02/Sep/09 6:16 PM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Rather than the usual very detailed blog post, for today's puzzle I choose a sparsely illustrated solution path. This of course saved me much time..... - is lazy a virtue?
02/Sep/09 6:33 PM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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35:48, a bit slow today. Lovely photo!
02/Sep/09 7:49 PM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Steve.a2 is not determined yet in step 2.Step 2. resolves e789 and h78. Regards,Alfred.
02/Sep/09 11:42 PM
Brenda  From Queens, New York
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Of course lazy is a virtue. If we weren't lazy we'd still be living in caves.
03/Sep/09 1:11 AM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Thanks Alfred, I think. What I meant, perhaps unclearly, is that from your forcing chain, I still have (4)a2 as a possibility. Thus, column a is not quite yet devoid of (4). Perhaps I missed something easy?
03/Sep/09 9:33 AM
Brenda  From Queens, New York
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Thanks for the blog, Steve. Wow.

04/Sep/09 1:23 AM
Nick  From Toronto
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06/Sep/09 10:12 PM
Brenda  From Queens, New York
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Steve's blog was great but I couldn't help wondering if the puzzle couldn't possibly be solved by more elementary means. Here’s the “lesser mortal” solution I’ve worked out with some help and polishing from Alfred (Thanks, Alfred!):

Starting at 22, given UPs to 23 --

1) ghi6=456, so d6=9, etc. to UP35.

2) c8=4 or e8=4. If c8=4, i8=7, b8=2, a9=3, h5=3, i4=1, d5=1, d1=3, e1=5, i1=4, a1=8, a7=5, b4=8, a4=2, c4=5, c3=2, & all candidates are eliminated from e3. So e8=4 & UPs to 40.

3)Note gi7,h9=134. a9=3 or h9=3. If h9=3, g7<>3.
If a9=3, h9=4, h6=5, h2=1, h5=3, i4=1, i7=3 & g7<>3. So g7<>3.

4) g7=1 or 4. If g7=1, g13<>1. If g7=4, g6=6, g9=7, g2=1, and g13<>1. So g13<>1.

5a) i4=1 or h5=1. If i4=1, g7=1, f4=6, e4=3, d1=3, e1=5, g2 & i1=47 & gi3<>4.
If h5=1, i4=3, e4=6, f4=1, f3=4, & gi3<>4. So gi3<>4. (Note then that FC3 in g13 so i3<>3 & g13=38.)

5b) i4=1 or h5=1. If i4=1, i3<>1 so ghi123 has FC gh2=1, so f2<>1.
If h5=1, i4=3, e4=6, f4=1 & f2<>1. So f2<>1.

6) (Alfred’s) f3=1 or 4. If f3=1, f2=4, i1=4, d1=3, b1=7, and row 1 is devoid of 1.
So f3=4, UP 41. Then SSTs to UP=57.

8) b4= 2 or 5. If b4=2, c4=8, a4=5, a2=4, a1=8, g1=3, i1=4, h2=5, i3=1 and all candidates are eliminated from i7. So b4=5, UP 58. SSTs to end.
13/Oct/09 6:53 AM
sotir  From New York
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10/Sep/10 6:22 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
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possible solution similar to Steve's:
1.SST to UP35
2.K column(1)f234 > -1h2
3.(4=5)h2-(5=134)i147 > -4i1,FXW(3),-3i1
4.(3)h9=a9-(3=258)ac7b8-(2=7)i8-i1=YW(153)i14e1-(3)e4=d5 > -3h5, UP81
27/Mar/11 10:12 AM
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