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Tough Sudoku for 24/January/2007


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Check out my page
A proof for tough sudoku of 01 24 2007:

Is found in another new blog page!

A link to this page is in the upper right column, directly under 'Check out the Sudoku Blog'.
kevin  From Utah
don't get bitten.
Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
Hi everyone
Good maEn to all
Nice shot
Fred  From Michigan
6:50 Maen
Erik  From Minnesota
Good Maen! Been a while, 10:02, i seemed to have guessed correct on one and it ran the board, got lucky!
Cathy  From southern Ontario
Keep smiling, everyone!
as  From Finland
Have to check once... but it was okay.
I think I'm tired
Nice evening to all!
Dan  From Vancouver, Canada
What is that hideous thing?
good day everyone!
shruti  From ca
14:57; unfortunately had to guess as the fc's didn't help much. Looks like there is some guesswork required to figure out this sculpture too - hissssss!
Judy  From San Diego
Once bitten, twice shy.
Tazmanian Boxers  From Georgia
Didn't time it, but thanks to Steve's notes on the Toughs, I've been able to get this done without ANY quesses. Thanks Steve!
Nick  From Toronto
joe b  From ontario
mAen all
kt  From syd
12:08 Never can finish within 10min, pls advise what is the way to do this
fire bloss  From canada
The sculptor is pretty punny. Ha Ha
Nancy  From New York
Not a fan of snakes.
Morgan  From NY
Blah. Been trying to get my head around Sue Du Coq (2-sector disjoint subsets) and spent so much time looking for them (in vain) the puzzle took way longer than it should have. As for the statue, just the sort of thing my mom would have had in her living room (she had garish tastes). Regards to all.
Trevor  From Southern Ontario
That is art?
Keyan  From Landed
It's part of the 'Tree' theme sculptures along the San Diego water-front...
Eva  From KY
Interesting photo.
mb  From delaware
Dec. 28, 2007.
29/Dec/07 2:03 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 11:28 PM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
1.SST to UP26
2.(7=1)f3-f7=c7-(78')c79=(7)g9 > -7g3, UP32
3.(9=6)b9-b4=c4-(256=9)c125 > -9b3, UP81
02/Feb/11 1:34 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
18/Nov/20 6:27 PM
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