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Tough Sudoku for 26/June/2006


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Quite easy, almost boring today:

1) Start at 22 filled - the given puzzle. Unique Possibilities to 24. (UP 24).
2) Hidden pair 34 at d6f4 forbids d6=57, f4=78 UP 25.
3a) Locked 8's at ef5 forbids ab5=8.
3b) Locked 8's at a79 forbids b78=8 and c89=8. UP 32
4) Locked 7's at def5 forbids abh5=7. UP 33.
5) d6=3 == g6=3 -- g79=3 == hi8=3 forbids d8=3. UP 81.
Max depth 2. Total sets: 7. Rating .09.

Ros  From England
5.51 - Red Arrows?
Sue  From Manotick, Canada
A great picture of the Red Arrows display team from Great Britain.
andrei  From US
Steve, you've been too modest. Your step 5 is not easy to find at all!
Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Good Maen to all! A repeat photo but still a nice shot. The Canadian Air Force Snowbirds will be here in Ottawa on Canada Day, July 1st.
ap  From india
15 solid minutes to see this colorful air show..
SS  From England
Seen that picture of the air show used before.

Steve, the puzzle based on your proof is fairly predictable till step 5. I always see the logic behind the step when I see it written out, but cannot spot it easily when I'm doing the puzzle by myself. Guess it needs more practice.

Still don't understand the ratings, though

Watching England-Ecuador in the World Cup, so was quite distracted today.
Ericsonz  From NZzzzzz.............
Not this pic again..........
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
The ratings are just an arbitrary measure of proof efficiency. If the proof given is the most efficient proof, then they also serve as a rough measure of puzzle difficulty. In the end, there is no real way to rate a puzzle objectively without first making some subjective judgements. Given that, I have adopted a rather simple formula that looks at only the 'depth' of each step. Depth being the number of 'strong' sets needed in the step. Strong sets being a set of which at least one of the members is true.
For the purpose of ratings, I also require that the strong set have at least two memebers in it.

The formula, which is not very good, is:
Difficulty of proof = 1/100 th of sum of difficulty of the steps.

Difficulty of step = 2**(depth of step)-1.
Note that UP contributes zero to puzzle rating.
A locked set (the only depth 1 step possible) has a difficulty of 1.
A pair has difficulty of 3, whether it be a hidden pair, naked pair, (Also X wing, and two deep coloring)
Triples, swordfish, xy wings, and many other contraptions have difficulty of 7.
Very long fc's or very large matrices quickly add a lot to the difficulty ratings.

Suggestions for a better rating system, as long as it is not too complicated, are welcome.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
In a general way, the ratings serve to label a puzzle or proof as more or less difficult, but they do not put a very fine point on the difficulty.

To my way of thinking, ratings versus difficulty are sort of like this:
Rating = 0 - A puzzle of all 'UP's, super easy.
Rating .01 to .1 - Easy
Rating .11 to .3 - Medium
Rating .31 to .5 - Hard and probably interesting
Rating .51 to 1 - Tough and certainly interesting.
Rating 1.01 to 2 - Very tough, and probably painful.
Rating above 2 - Monstrously tough, and certainly painful.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Thanks Andrei!
I did check and was surprised that Simple Sudoku gets stuck with this puzzle. Guess I just was lucky and stumbled quickly upon the coloring-like step.
Nick  From Toronto
Huaiyu  From Paris
Start at 22. Up to 24.
d6f4=34 -> ef5=8 -> a79=38 -> g8=8. Up to 33.
g6=2 ->(g79=39 -> d8=3) and (ab6=47 -> d6=3) so g6<> 2 -> b6=2. Up to 81.

Thanks to Steve for your notation explanation.
jeana  From philadelphia
10:05 and i didn't think it was all that easy... had to guess a couple of times. good mAen all!
Garrett America  From Good ol USA
Thats not about stupid british red arrows.... GO USA!!!
Baz  From Normanton    Supporting Member
Good, sensible post Garrett??????
Jill  From TAcoma, WA
9:52 after setup - easy for a tough today.
ivor dunnet  From uk
Soozn  From NZ
I am getting better and quicker at solving the toughs. i can't follow the proofs most of the time. I have my own system which seems to work but probably isn't very scientific...I have a look once I have got all the easy solves and then follow an alternative through until it either shows me it can't be possible or it is the correct answer cos i've solved it. cheers
Jeana  From Maine, USA
12:01 A repeat, but still a great photo! maEn all!
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
AGAIN with the jets? Time to submit some more photos for the TOUGH!
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
Where are the Picture Archives? There were only 5 days worth when I went to count how many times the jets had appeared!
fi  From NT
I think that repeats means Gath needs more photos Kate.
Fred  From MI
8:23 Maen
glennis  From young
neally day over and i only just get here to do my puzzles......better late than never
Lizbaby4  From NJ    Supporting Member
That is some pretty cool stonework!
Lizbaby4  From NJ    Supporting Member
I didn't see jets!
mb  From delaware
Aug. 6, 2007.
07/Aug/07 5:41 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 9:05 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
24/Oct/19 1:42 PM
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