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Tough Sudoku for 30/August/2006


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Glenn  From Winter Springs, FL    Supporting Member
Good Maen to all from Ernesto's target!
Sue  From Ottawa, Canada
What a waste of electricity - no wonder California has blackouts! Mind you it does look pretty, but I still say what a waste.
Debby  From MI, USA
Nice night picture, Keyan. Glenn, where is Winter Springs? East or West Coast? Near Miami?
Fred  From Mi
9:40 Maen
Lizbaby4  From NJ    Supporting Member
that looks more like a fire picture than yesterday's fire picture.
Bruce  From Sydney
After embarrassment of 28 8 06 I am hoping I haven't missed anything.
1) Start 23 UP 29
2) hidden pairs 24 at A3 B3 & 78 at H7 I7, naked pair 79 at G6 I6
3) not sure how to express it as a forbidding chain If E4=4 then both C8 & D8 would = 4, therefore E4 cannot = 4, UP81
Cathy  From southern Ontario
12:57 with a guess. I love San Francisco, but I'm with Sue--turn off some of those lights! Have a great day/night, everyone.
Geoff  From Marietta, GA
It's near Orlando.
j  From tx
lovely lights look lots like lava
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Very nice Bruce!
Solution to 'tough??????' sudoku of 08 30 06:

1) Start at 23 filled - the given puzzle. Unique Possibilities to 28 filled. (UP 28).
2) fc on 4's: c4 == c8 -- ab9 == e9 forbids e4=4 UP 32
3) Hidden pair 24 at ab3 forbids ab3=1358 UP 81
Sets: 4: Max depth 2. Rating: .06 Does not belong here, methinks!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Gonna have to eat more for lunch, as sudoku did not take up enough time....
Kaz  From UK
Straightforward puzzle today. Much the same as Bruce's. After easy techniques, if f5=7 there's a conflict in Column c therefore f5=9. UP81
Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Good Maen to all! Agree with both Lizbaby4 and Sue, but hope that Ernesto doesn't play havoc with the power in Florida!
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama    Supporting Member
sergio  From boston
Very easy today. Nothing to brag about. Simple elimination up to the end. The only marginally interesting point could be an elimination of 8 at h1.

We have a1=8 or a2=8 and e1=8 or e2=8. That lives g3=8 or h3=8 or i3=8.
Nick  From Toronto
Syl  From Montreal
Zoel  From SoCal
if you think they is bright, you should see vegas some time.... thats sparse lighting for a city. (and heavily blurred)
Keyan  From San Francisco sometimes
maeN all!

The brightest lines of lights come from headlights of cars on Market Street. Most of the rest is just street lights and lights in offices and homes, only a small amount of landscape or decorative lighting.(Like the Bay Bridge.)

One guess today.
jef  From Paris
like lava flows in volcanic eruption, strange city -
Martha  From Saratoga, CA
This is a time lapse picture so the lights over the course of some period of time are compounded. Any city would look this way if you use really slow shutter speed.
Andrea  From Melbourne, Aus
Trazey  From Brisbane, Aus
11.55 and close to my best time on the tough
Maen all . . . I loved San Francisco when I was there (got married overlooking the marble steps of the city hall).
Cheers . . .
James  From Sevier, TN
Looks like it's on fire. Now there's a thought!! lol
Dave  From Perth WA
cyndi  From sc/usa
This is a great picture to work as a jigsaw puzzle.
elsie  From strath
Goodness knows what time that was. Over 20 mins. I didnt find it easy like the guns did. (Too much Kahlua tonight perhaps.)
yarale  From Hong Kong
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Oct. 2, 2007.
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Check out my page
27/Dec/19 10:40 PM
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