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Tough Sudoku for 4/June/2006


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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martin  From penn state
edsel  From Portland OR
edsel  From Portland OR
9:05 cute pup
glennis  From young
What a grand little puppy is it a border collie???

WE had fog here till 1 am and now it is about -3 so who knows what it will be in the am as it is about 1 am
glennis  From young
oops i should have said 1 pm sori
PJ  From Perth    Supporting Member
cute puppy - 13:13 through a 'comedy' of errors and mouse errors...
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
A yawner today:
1) Start at 22 filled - the given puzzle. Unique Possibilities to 23. (UP 23)
2) Hidden pair 26 at e3,f1 forbids e3=458 and f1=478. UP 46.
3) i3=3 == i7=3 -- c7=3 == c2=3 forbids b3=3,h2 =3. UP 47.
4) i3=5 == i6=5 -- e6=5 == e2=5 forbids d3,h2=5.UP 53.
5) a5=9 == a7=9 -- i7=9 == i6=9 forbids bc6=9. UP 81

Total sets 8. Max depth 2. Difficulty rating 4*.03 = .12.
John  From ch
When you get as far as you can with simple moves, look for forbidding chains in the 7s
MB  From DE, USA
Made it up to 46 cells filled, then needed a guess. The rest fell into place.

What big eyes you have, Meggs!
george  From greece
Is a try ,which is proven wrong,not a legitimate technique?
ap  From india
not very tough but i dunno why took 20 mts to see this big eyed puppy called meggs.....may be the odd time i work on this puzzle..normally i never stay up this late..its now 11pm here in india and i could come near the pc only now!!
Nick  From Toronto
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama    Supporting Member
Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Good mAen to all. Just got to the Tough and rewarded with Meggs. Photographs well, because it doesn't look very old!!
Linda  From

Cute puppy, looks like its eyes are blue?

What is a 'forbidding chain'?
nal  From miami    Supporting Member
Cute Meggs!
jeana  From philadelphia
10:14 and truly tough. several guesses. good mAen all!
SUZ  From MD
15.53 Hey Meggs - cute pooch!
Lana  From Maryland
Good maEn cute puppy.
Patty  From Pennsylvania
Cute Meggs! I thought the Tough was TOUGH today. Maybe I am just tired. Good maeN to all.
rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
cute little meggs
have a great day/night one and all
Amy  From Perth
Hey Steve,
how do you work out the A5=9, etc. I see how the connection is made, but I don't know why it forbids BC6=9.
Cowgirl  From Snoqualmie WA US
What an adorable pup...I'm addicted to border collies
Len  From Mackay, Qld, Australia
Len  From Mackay, Qld, Australia
10:57 I guess I'm a slow thinker.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Hi Amy!
If a5=9 then bc6<>9. If, though, a5<>9, then a7=9 which forbids i7=9 which forces i6=9. But i6=9 also prevents bc6=9. Thus, in any event, since at least one of a5=9 or i6=9, we can have no more 9 at bc6.
ken  From usa
4:30 good time
Mandy  From
thank goodness there was cute Meggs to look at instead of barbed wire. This was a tough tough
Such blue eyes!!! Assuming from the comments that this is a border collie, do they usually have blue eyes or is it a rarity?
Ford  From Melbourne Australia
Hi Steve from Ohio,
I'd really appreciate it if you could explain your steps 3) and 4). I've looked and looked and can't work out WHY the i3 i7 c7 c2 forbids b3 and h2 being 3. I'm hoping you might be able to give me the next logic step in sudoku that I've been searching for!
Sundance  From Virginia
My steps were the same (approximately) to Steve's except my step 5 was a y-wing of 459's in e2,e5 and d4 forbidding d2=5. Maybe a yawner for you, Steve, but it took me a while to find the chain of 3's. I don't have your 'vision'.
Sundance  From Virginia
Hi Ford,
If you read the result of the chain as, 'If i3 is not 3 then c2=3,' then you can see that because cell h2 shares a box with i3 and a row with b2, and i3 or c2 is 3, h2 can't be 3. Likewise for b3. Does that help? You might try looking at Bruno's explanations, following the proofs link on this page.
david  From texas
07/04/06 poss , 2 guesses (both wrong)
isdhgz ntuscq  From isdhgz ntuscq
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06/Jun/07 5:01 PM
mb  From delaware
Aug. 4, 2007.
05/Aug/07 2:47 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 8:55 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
04/Oct/19 5:35 PM
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