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Easy Sudoku for 17/January/2024


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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2:19 Seemed to take forever. Good morning all who arrive soon.

Arachnid, that was a bad finish for the Scorchers.
17/Jan/24 12:04 AM
Mary  From Naperville, IL
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Good Maen
singing ' inch worm, inch worm'
wanted to sleep in but body said - get up and get going - so I lay in bed and do my daily puzzles before I actually get up to face the day -
I made it though a cold cold day - got my errands done, but got an alert on my car - think my tire pressure is low -- my car does not like temp changes
17/Jan/24 12:07 AM
   Arachnid  From Yanchep
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Peter has rambled, and i don’t mean walking, as the last post of yesterday and the day before. In addition he has taken to abusing his betters which is probably the result of sustained compression. So, people, be nice to the aging submariner and remember we all may get to his advanced age at sometime in our lives
17/Jan/24 1:13 AM
   Arachnid  From Yanchep
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AND before he mentions it the Scorchers lost tonight on the very last ball of the game.
17/Jan/24 1:15 AM
   Arachnid  From Yanchep
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Anne, sorry I have just read your comment. In a tight game to bowl a no-ball in the last over is unforgivable especially as it was the Captain bowling. I was hanging on to my seat till the very end. Did you see me on TV? My granddaughter also won a hat for waving/dancing.
That is enough from me. I’m off (or “off” as the posh people say) to bed now.
17/Jan/24 1:20 AM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
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2:02. Not a caterpillar? Neat photo. Good Evening Anne and Arachnid and Good Morning Mary and to all who are headed this way.
17/Jan/24 1:20 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Mary & everyone! Goodnight, Anne!
Schools are closed today due to low temps. (I know this ages me, but they'd never close school because it was cold when I was young. I wonder if it's because of fear of lawsuits? Nobody sued back then.)
Have a good one!
17/Jan/24 1:20 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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(Saved for Shosho!)
17/Jan/24 1:22 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello to Arachnid & tom, too!
17/Jan/24 1:23 AM
   Denny  From Napa Valley CA
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Anne Mary, Arachnid, Tom, Shiela & Everyone Yet to Arrive!!
Hoping Anne is having sweet dreams
17/Jan/24 1:47 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Shiela! Here's flying your way!
17/Jan/24 3:29 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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It's fine to eat a test grape in the produce section, but you take one bite of rotisserie chicken and it's all, 'Sir, you need to leave!'
17/Jan/24 3:46 AM
Maggie  From Cape Cod
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Hi all!
I’m with you, Tom - looks like a caterpillar to me. But whatever it is, it’s a really lovely photo.
17/Jan/24 4:17 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I wouldn't call it a worm, either
We just finished clearing snow off the driveway and cars. The plow was by early this morning, so at least we only had to clear the end of the driveway once. Off to pop some ibuprofen!
17/Jan/24 5:40 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Morning everyone,looks like a caterpillar to me and will turn into a butterfly.
Hopefully the predicted rain will hold off until this afternoon so I car take Summer to the playground this morning.
17/Jan/24 6:02 AM
   Chris  From Canberra
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1:28. Good morning everyone.
17/Jan/24 6:09 AM
Darwen Jim  From Darwen.UK
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17/Jan/24 6:48 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Who knows? Maybe it'll be a pretty butterfly some day!
17/Jan/24 7:27 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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17/Jan/24 11:02 AM
   Arachnid  From Yanchep
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Auto spell check Off should be Orf
17/Jan/24 11:10 AM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Mornin' all. Keep smilin'.

Why don't you just turn your spellcheck off and rely on your own abilities? Now there's an oxymoron for you!
17/Jan/24 11:50 AM
Megan  From Sunshine Coast
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Definitely a caterpillar. Google images search comes up with various possibilities. Most likely - I think - is the Azalea Caterpillar whose behaviour seems rather worm-like: https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/azalea-caterpillar
17/Jan/24 12:20 PM
   Arachnid  From Yanchep
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17/Jan/24 1:20 PM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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It snowed just enough to be pretty, not enough to be a nuisance.
17/Jan/24 1:43 PM
Joyce  From Flower City
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Of course, it's an unspoken truth, DoA - but considering as you presented it - it was quite humorous!
17/Jan/24 3:26 PM
Joyce  From Flower City
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I also do not recall having schools closed if it was too cold, Shiela; but when I taught here in Rochester, we had several school day classes canceled because of inclement weather or bitter cold days! The difference might be that the schools then were considered 'neighborhood schools' & the students walked to school. Now most students are not walking to school; they may be getting a bus to the opposite side of the city!
17/Jan/24 3:45 PM
   Meg  From Kingaroy QLD
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I forgot the timer but it seemed like a good time for me...
Hello everyone
17/Jan/24 8:41 PM
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