Tingle Forest, Western Australia

Inside the remains of a giant tingle tree.
L-R: Rob, Cathie, Judy, Laura

Inside the remains of a giant tingle tree. L-R: Rob, Cathie, Judy, Laura

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   Joan  From West Virginia, USA    Supporting Member
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This makes me think of our redwoods - what's left of them. It's astonishing to think that, when Europeans came over to the New World, this size tree was the norm. Most are long gone - the "heyday" of tree butchery was around the early 1900's, when most of the U.S. was logged. When I worked in the Monongahela National Forest, my background research revealed many photos of the loggers lying across the trunk of the tree they had just cut down - maybe two or even three guys stretched head to toe across the trunks - so sad to think about it.
01/Feb/09 10:45 PM
   Joan  From West Virginia, USA    Supporting Member
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Forgot to say what a great family photo! I trust those are your girls?!
01/Feb/09 10:46 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Wow, Judy, this looks just like the tingle forests near Albany at Walpole in W.A.
11/Feb/09 3:40 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I've just noticed your other photos of Albany and surrounding areas so perhaps this should read Western Australia instead of South Australia.
Sorry, Judy, I wasn't picking you up on mistakes, just thought perhaps there were tingle forests in S.A. as well.
11/Feb/09 3:43 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Anne you're quite right! It is Western Australia (and we had a lovely time there) I made that mistake a few times, I don't know why - fixed now, thank you!
11/Feb/09 4:03 PM
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