Tawny Frogmouth family

Masters of camouflage.  They sit still on a tree branch all day, blending beautifully with the tree.

Masters of camouflage. They sit still on a tree branch all day, blending beautifully with the tree.

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   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Those are very strange looking birds.
Nice set of pix, Sacky.
30/Nov/14 11:06 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands
Check out my page
Mum and Dad look as though their eyes are shut, but Baby Bird is keeping watch !
30/Nov/14 6:01 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
Check out my page
They were all aware I was there. I was sitting on the ground just below them - I could almost have touched them.
30/Nov/14 7:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
Check out my page
More Pork, More Pork!
When I was young we always called them Mopokes because of their call at night. (which sounds like more pork!)
01/Dec/14 8:08 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
Check out my page
June, the Mopoke is the Southern Boobook owl. The 2 of them are often confused, with the Frogmouth making a range if sounds. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawny_frogmouth
01/Dec/14 11:04 AM
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