Beijing, China

I managed quite a decent walk on the Great Wall of China, even though the wall sloped in places making it very hard to walk up.

I managed quite a decent walk on the Great Wall of China, even though the wall sloped in places making it very hard to walk up.

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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That's a great memory to have.
16/Aug/13 11:19 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I did quite well on the ''easy'' side, not so much on the ''hard'' side!
17/Aug/13 3:39 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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This is Great, Anne!
18/Aug/13 5:36 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I managed to get a lot further than where this photo was taken and this was the 'hard' side. The other side was far too busy.
18/Aug/13 9:20 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
Check out my page
Great photo, Anne! I've never seen a view like this showing TWO different parts of the wall! And good onya for doing the ''hard'' side!
19/Aug/13 6:07 AM
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