White-Naped Crane Grus vipio at St, Louis Zoo

WOOPS! My statement that this could be the same bird is soooooo wrong! That bird was at the Palm Beach Zoo, this one in St. Louis Zoo. And As I look more carefully at this bird, I am certain it is a white-naped crane; I took a photo of the sign.
Original text:
 This could be the same bird as I saw in 2005, the one in the Jigsaw Puzzle http://jigsawonline.net/H28-6-2010-jigsaw.aspx

WOOPS! My statement that this could be the same bird is soooooo wrong! That bird was at the Palm Beach Zoo, this one in St. Louis Zoo. And As I look more carefully at this bird, I am certain it is a white-naped crane; I took a photo of the sign. Original text: This could be the same bird as I saw in 2005, the one in the Jigsaw Puzzle http://jigsawonline.net/H28-6-2010-jigsaw.aspx

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