an easier step between hard and tough

Submitted By: Hiney from Australia

I can do the hard puzzles without using X wing or more complex/advanced techniques (see for a list that we can use for common terminalogy and classification of techniques). Now i not saying you cannot use more advanced techniques, just that you don't have to.

Tough  ones require the use of many of these techniques, which i am finding difficult to learn them. perhaps if there was a step in between that would only require the use of one or two intermediate techniques, this would make it easier to learn the techniques and then move onto moredifficult puzzles/techniques


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SudokuMan  From Texas
Check out my page
Here's some puzzles from the Sudoku Snake website of varying difficulty. It seems the 'Very Hard' require 1 or 2 intermediate techniques.
27/Oct/09 2:13 PM
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