Cow rescue

Free and largely unscathed.  When we checked the next day, we couldn't find which heifer it was.  They were all moving freely and eating happily.

Free and largely unscathed. When we checked the next day, we couldn't find which heifer it was. They were all moving freely and eating happily.

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   Silvergal  From South Carolina
Check out my page
Glad the ol' girl got freed. Animals just don't have the logic.... Well, some people I know don't either!
05/Aug/14 7:38 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands
Check out my page
What a great result - she was a lucky 'gal' !
05/Aug/14 5:52 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Well, so much for the steaks.
17/Sep/14 10:20 AM
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