Silvergal from South Carolina

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"Hi Y'all" from South Carolina, USA!  Entrenched in my late 50s and digging deeper, by day I'm an accountant (certified, but inactive).  Into running, free weights, Body Pump and gym rat stuff; hiking, outdoors, road trips, WWII history, singing in choir, former Girl Scout leader.  And I like Bitmojis!

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   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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A BIG welcome!
07/Jul/14 2:08 PM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Thank you! I've visited this Sudoku site off and on for years, and recently rediscovered it. This time I joined - comments are so upbeat and chatty, its own community.
07/Jul/14 9:02 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your own page Silvergal! I hope you enjoy your time here. Indulge in one of my chocolate fudge beavertail pastries as a welcome gift, and come visit us on our pages! Cheers!
09/Jul/14 12:51 AM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Thanks Greg! Oh, YUM - you Canuks know serve beavers up right ! I ought to whip up a pot of Frogmore stew to share.
09/Jul/14 1:35 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Silvergal. Where in SC do you live? We are co-owners of a beach house at Fripp Island. We get to stay there four weeks each year, every 13 weeks. You will find some pics of it in my Photo Gallery. Are you on Facebook as well?
09/Jul/14 1:57 AM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Hi Kathy - smack dab in the middle of the state! It's about 2 hours to Isle of Palms county park where we take our day trips to the beach. Nice view from your porch on Fripp, and what a beautiful family! And yes, I'm on FB.
09/Jul/14 3:05 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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nice to see you posting. Keep coming back we do have our good days here.
09/Jul/14 4:20 AM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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to the site and enjoy your stay. Here are a couple of gifts from my neck of the woods.
09/Jul/14 5:00 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to Sudokuland!
We have a very unique group of people here. I'm so glad you've joined us!

09/Jul/14 6:44 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hello Silvergal. I meant to welcome you yesterday, but...

Anyway, I normally welcome newcomers with boiled peanuts and grits with cheese and bacon. But I guess you're already familiar with both.

I have to ask, are you upstate, midlands, or low country? For what it's worth, I call Sumter home.
09/Jul/14 12:50 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Guess I should have read all the previous comments before asking?
09/Jul/14 11:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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to Sudokuland Silvergirl.

Thankyou for the congrats on the birth of my Grandson.
10/Jul/14 10:00 AM
   Meg  From Kingaroy QLD
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Hello and welcome to Sudokuland Silvergal. You have joined a fabulous worldwide social group. Hopefully one day we might meet in one of our get togethers!

10/Jul/14 2:33 PM
   Captain J  From North Carolina
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Greetings Silvergal, from one Carolinian to another, tho I'm in the other one - western NC. I haven't chatted much on here lately since most of the others are much more entertaining. I hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to seeing your posts.
14/Jul/14 2:02 AM
   Wilodene  From Utah
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Silvergal, thanks for your comments on my photos this last week. I have been traveling, without internet, so haven't been back on until today.
16/Jul/14 3:32 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello Silvergal!!
Another fun person to have around! Welcome!!
16/Jul/14 3:23 PM
   Aileen  From California
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Hi, Silvergal!
We have some nice strawberries at the local produce stand, so here's a virtual Fresh Strawberry Pie to welcome you to this site
Enjoyed the photos in your gallery!
17/Jul/14 5:47 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nice photos Silvergal. Thanks for sharing!
17/Jul/14 7:05 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Silvergal, for the Birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day. It was made even better hearing from my Sudoku friends.
25/Jul/14 9:45 AM
   Danstell  From Terrafirma
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welcome back Silvergal... Thanks for sharing photos... and for your comments... I enjoy it all
07/Nov/14 1:33 AM
   lonewoof  From S.C.
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Anyone know? Is there any such thing as an archive of SENT messages? (ones that were sent to another member's private mailbox?)

17/Dec/14 6:02 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Silvergal. I just want to wish you and all your loved ones a happy festive season. Merry Christmas, and Peace.
24/Dec/14 12:55 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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24/Dec/14 3:10 PM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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Happy New Year, Silvergal to you and your family
01/Jan/15 2:55 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you for checking out my latest photos and for your comments. It was an experience of a lifetime.
07/Jan/15 8:42 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Looks like they got tangled up in Eric.
24/Jan/15 2:51 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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for your birthday wishes. I had a very enjoyable day.
14/Feb/15 7:47 PM
Judy  From San Diego
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for the good wishes, Gal! It has been fun getting to know you a little bit! We are kindred spirits in more ways than you know!
17/Feb/15 2:03 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Back in Kansas    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Silvergal. I am assuming this was a Sunday, since they lived in another town, but still, we wore dresses! Play clothes were for play. If you notice the legs of the adult in the picture, even she was wearing a dress. And the grandies are growing so fast. That is why I am excited to move back to Colorado. I can see them more frequently!
03/Apr/15 3:43 AM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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to you.
to you.
dear Silvergal.
to you.
04/May/15 1:54 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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04/May/15 5:40 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Silvergal, enjoy your two day celebration .
04/May/15 8:30 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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Happy Birthday! Clever of you to have a two-day birthday just after your two-day difficult rebus challenges, so we all can't be anything but happy for you when we might otherwise have somewhat different feelings....
04/May/15 3:03 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I hope you have a wonderful birthday young lady! Enjoy, have fun and relax with family and friends!
04/May/15 10:56 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Wishing you a very Silvergal!
Enjoy your birthday dining celebration!
05/May/15 2:36 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi, there are so many things in season thought I would answer here. Okra, corn, cantaloupe, water melon, tomatoes - different types, eggplant - different types, potatoes, peaches, asparagus, squash, zucchini, onions - different types, cabbage, garlic, I am sure I have missed something. We have different Asian venders and they have hot houses so we get some things that might not be in season, I bought some leaf lettuce today.

16/Aug/15 9:08 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Silvergal, look at the date of the picture on medium. I submitted it on 8/20/13. Now over 2 years later it is shown. If you want a picture on easy it is even a longer wait.
30/Aug/15 2:42 PM
   Jerry  From Washougal/Toledo, WA
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Merry Christmas, to all the ''Silvers'', from my place to yours.
24/Dec/15 6:06 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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wishing you a great day
04/May/16 11:12 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Too close not to - Start a new page with

04/May/16 12:44 PM
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