Sudoku Forum

Welcome to the Forum!

Forums are a great way to find answers to tricky problems, to get advice from more experienced players or to chat about anything!

Sudoku Techniques
Problems, Tips and New techniques - Post anything Sudoku here.
Watch Amazing Blindfold Sudoku Solving Video - basscom4lifesudokurockbraveheart79727
OK - Ask me a Sudoku Question! - Gathsudokurockbraveheart11543779
16 x 16 broken? - barclaysudokurockbraveheart82321
Welcome to the Sudoku Forums! - GathHarly1835750
Sudoku Solving Techniques - sudoku lovermac_sudo28239
SUDOKU FLICK - Sudoku_FlickAbdellah Machmoum22969
chocolate suppliers - michaljn007Abdellah Machmoum75415
BREAKING NEWS - uno huAbdellah Machmoum61716
- basscom4lifebasscom4life04093
Questions about this Site
Got a question about Found a bug? Or an improvement suggestion? Here is the place.
Jigsaw/picture for Hard sudoku - willowberrywillowberry00
Numeric Keypad Support - dcmdcm00
Jigsaws broken - willowberrywillowberry12
New design - Glennmalcolmg414602
Pictures - JackieDevilOrAngel21020
Flash is dying in December 2020 - willowberrywillowberry1894
How do I change my password - carolannsaltie31882
Problems caused by animated ads below the game gri - saltiesaltie61346
16 x 16 - GailAbdellah Machmoum34727
"Tough" puzzles disappeared 9 Jan 2017 - JiminoregonAbdellah Machmoum21348
Off Topic
Start a New Off Topic Thread
So what did you get up to yesterday? Lets talk about something other than sudoku.
RIP You Are Missed - PlumDevilOrAngel211360
Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11 - MizTricia1CynB19091382335
A Little Different Story About Electric Cars!! - DevilOrAngelDevilOrAngel171769
Open Forum Discussions and Debate - rosemaryDevilOrAngel1701238760
Sudoku Apps for iPhone/iPad - Dextersavicioussudokurockbraveheart73718
Sudoku Center OnlineBillyDev03322919
[NEW PUZZLE] Introducing Notrio, Sudoku's elegant - mike5011BillyDev03341813
Guess the Weight and Date Competitionremismommy:]5911343
Recipes - GailSarah33641466
Sodukoists Favourite Films - ArachnidArachnid3751
Funny / Music Videos
Relax with the best clips found on the web.
Obummer - DevilOrAngelAbdellah Machmoum12652
Old Song - New Twist - JerryAbdellah Machmoum22685
and its goodbye from me - beeh‎iveAbdellah Machmoum21945
and its goodbye from me - beeh‎iveAbdellah Machmoum22057
Sheep Turn You Gay - Abdellah Machmoum43968
I Think My Dog's A Democrat - DevilOrAngelAbdellah Machmoum31415
This might make you smile. - ΒeehiveAbdellah Machmoum83580
The Horny GuyAbdellah Machmoum43919
New from Apple ComputersAbdellah Machmoum83297
Come To The USA - Ray Stevens - DevilOrAngelAbdellah Machmoum2804
Flash Games
Start a New Flash Games Thread
Lets Play!
Flip Words - AngieAbdellah Machmoum3010470
Bloxorz - Mamacita 2Abdellah Machmoum37166
Letter Rip - GathAbdellah Machmoum116626
Math Lines - vdVAbdellah Machmoum3412024
Element Tower Defence - GathAbdellah Machmoum2740521
Tetris - GathAbdellah Machmoum4030109
The Idiot test - KevinKevin04574