RIP You Are Missed

Submitted By: Plum from SW Michigan, USA

Post your kind remembrances of people who once were active members who have since passed away. Multiple memories = multiple posts. Let's keep the memories alive here. Links back to archived comments or significant posts welcome. Let's keep the memories alive.  
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   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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This would work better if there were any way to search archives by member name, not just puzzle date. Going forward, we could more easily post comments here, but it is hard to go back to establish memorials for those already lost to us.
24/Nov/18 7:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I forget her sudoku name. A gracious hostess for people who travelled a long way to meet other sudoku members. A lovely lady who called frequently to check on me. She even traveled down to my area, with cancer, to check on me when my husband died.
25/Nov/18 5:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Canuck Greg, who never forgot to send an e-card for birthdays, Xmas and thanksgiving.
25/Nov/18 5:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, known for her kind thoughts and wise advice.
25/Nov/18 5:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sharon, June’s daughter. A very talented woman taken far too young by cancer. Her daughter was very young, 7 I think.
25/Nov/18 5:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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RIP Dizzy Lizzie from Melbourne. Lovely lady, liked a good laugh, she and I shared a love of the Maxine comics. She adored her dog Gizmo. But she had a sad life losing her husband and parents too early and she was plagued by health problems.
Rest in Peace Lizzy, those who knew you won't forget you.
26/Nov/18 8:26 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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June's presence continues to be felt in the form of pictures she submitted to 'Parents Page'. Her pics show up, frequently. One proud Grandma she was.
27/Nov/18 5:47 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Today Canuck Greg's name has come up in the birthday list. So I thought in his memory I'd come here and leave a hot stack of sweet fried beaver tails. Enjoy in Greg's honor.
23/Mar/19 12:17 AM
   k (brissie)  From Queensland, Aust.
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Another sad loss - Lynne form Kanahooka Rest in Peace
23/Mar/19 2:15 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Plum, after some sleuthing, found out that RayRay passed about two years ago. He was a prolific contributor on easy. RIP, Ray.
11/Jun/19 4:11 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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This from Plum:
Jane instituted another RayRay search on TOS. I decided to do some deep detective work since we've been wondering about him for so long. Sadly, I've just had an email back from a neighbor of his at his last known address who says he passed away peacefully a couple years ago. She says she didn't know him well enough to add any details and sends her condolences to our group.

This from Kathy:
Ray had been in ill health for some time. Last I heard from him he was pretty much house-bound and not feeling well at all. I had sent e-mails but never heard back from him.
12/Jun/19 2:17 AM
Abdellah Machmoum  From Casablanca
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Download Sudoku from google play store
12/Jun/19 11:01 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Just to get us back to normal...
12/Jun/19 3:59 PM
b‍eehive  From g‍ero
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I never met Ian, but just to ensure he is remembered. Thanks to CynB for the info.
22/Apr/20 8:04 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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We Remember
Air Commodore Ian Russell GORDON AM RAAF (retd)
02/07/1934 - 09/04/2020

The Post by CynB:

Hello all, we have had some very sad news today. Our long time member Ian from Sydney has passed away on April 9th after a long illness. He was 85. I was lucky enough to meet him in Sydney in 2009 when Vici came to Australia. He was a very distinguished gentleman who had been an Air Commodore in the Air Force for many years.
Many here will remember his photographs from his travels around Australia.
Rest in Peace Ian.

23/Apr/20 4:57 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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We Remember ''HalT''
Harold Eugene Tuttle
Major, United States Air Force (Retired)
January 24, 1938 ~ August 24, 2020 (age 82)

A long time Sudokuist having joined the site in early 2008.

Rest in Peace, Hal...
26/Aug/20 6:01 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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My brother used to be very active on this site. He made many friends here, and some of you met his daughter Leah when she spent a year abroad in college, in Australia. I am sad to report that my brother, whose Sudoku name was Glenaki, died yesterday. He was 70 years old.
13/Feb/21 3:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Today we remember Wagdy, who passed away yesterday.
He was always such a gentleman. always acknowledged birthdays and was a family man. He spoke often about his wife, children and grandchildren who, after Kevin, grew to be 4 at last count.
In recent years he moved from Egypt to Florida to be with family.
I think he had suffered with ill-health a lot in recent years.
Rest in Peace, dear Wagdy.
25/May/21 9:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Rest in Peace our Judy from Nunawading in Melbourne.
She had suffered from ill-health for the past few years and, as advised by her husband Rob, she passed away last week.
I met her once when I went to a Sudoku gathering in Melbourne. She was a lovely lady!
05/Dec/22 12:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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We lost another one a few days ago. Our dear MizTricia. She started the Sudokuholics Anonymous pages in Forums. So much fun, support and camaraderie between us all.
Rest in Peace dear Tricia. ❤️
31/Jan/24 6:49 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Wombat passed away November 2023
(This posted by Sarah From DC on 12 November 2024.)

For those of you who remember Wombat (how could anyone forget him??), I received this message from his daughter in response to my inquiry, which was in response to an inquiry from someone who remembered him fondly:

My father died last November. It was very peaceful, he had his usual afternoon nap and didn't wake up. Feel free to share this with the group if you feel it is something they would like to know. Your sudoku group gave him so much pleasure over many years and even though he didn't want to read or post messages anymore it was something we could talk about when he was feeling low and it would bring him a spark of happiness.
13/Nov/24 3:50 AM
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