b‍eehive from g‍ero

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   Arachnid  From Yanchep    Supporting Member
Check out my page
You’ve done it again! Keith can’t understand what you said - I have my theories but am far too much of a gentleman to state them.
Why not put your phone out there publically and let us all phone and abuse you
03/Nov/22 9:20 PM
   JEB  From KS
Check out my page
Well, I'll be jiggered! Haven't visited the page in a month of sundays and there you are. Hope everything is copacetic with you.
01/Dec/22 7:23 AM
   JEB  From KS
Check out my page
Made the trip. Interesting photo, a rail to the edge of the world. Beyond that place, there be dragons.
I do miss the olden days when the chat room was a hot spot for rapid fire hilarity.
03/Dec/22 6:36 PM
   JEB  From KS
Check out my page
yea, I stumbled through a forest of border entry and exit code confusion and gave up.
04/Dec/22 6:20 AM
   JEB  From KS
Check out my page
I'll revisit and see can I get it sorted.
05/Dec/22 4:11 AM
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