JEB from KS

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well, I see you figured out a way to get on the site. Welcome to your new page Jeb, and welcome back! I'm looking forward to your comments on Easy!
30/Nov/13 11:20 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Welcome back Jeb.
30/Nov/13 12:28 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Jeb, is it really you? It's been a long time since we saw you last! back.
01/Dec/13 6:12 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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I miss the 'good old days' of Sudoku, Jeb. Now it seems to be mostly about other kinds of puzzles, & the number of participants continues to go down. Most of the old gang are now on Facebook. Our Group called 'Sudoku Friends', all of whom used to be here on Gath's site, now numbers almost 100, including Gath himself.
01/Dec/13 8:28 AM
   Petula  From Harston Vic
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Raising a cup of Milo to ya, Jeb. :)
01/Dec/13 8:46 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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it is you! Woo hoo
01/Dec/13 9:00 AM
   JEB  From KS
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Yup, sure is. Stuck my nose back in and got hooked.

Wish Milo wasn't so danged expensive to get over here. I've got 'bout half a can left that I parcel out like it were a 100 year old single malt.
01/Dec/13 9:07 AM
   Fiona  From France
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03/Dec/13 2:20 AM
   JEB  From KS
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Slainte mhath, Fiona.
03/Dec/13 2:49 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas to you and all those you care for Jeb, and have a peaceful, healthy and prosperous 2014!
24/Dec/13 1:55 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Merry Christmas to you, too, Jeb. Hope Santa brings you a nice bottle of single malt Scotch. Rob has a new favorite. When we went to his 50th high school reunion in Michigan this summer, his old history teacher (still alive!) introduced him to Oban. He loved that teacher, & he loved the Oban. I got him a bottle for his 69th birthday yesterday. Have you ever had that one?
25/Dec/13 12:39 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Jeb!! What a great surprise to find a message from you on my page! I rarely participate on the sudoku site anymore since I find Facebook so much easier to use & more fun with lots of photos & lots of people to chat with along with the Sudoku gang. Our Sudoku Friends Group is up to 116 now. Jane & I got to meet 45 of the Aussies during our trip there this spring. Were you lurking at that time to read about some of the places we went? Rob & I are doing fine. He had a rough year following his open heart surgery in May of 2013, but since the placement of a new pacemaker in June of 2014 he is doing much better. We're glad he'll be celebrating his 70th birthday in a couple months. I'm sure he'll think another bottle of Oban will be a nice gift again! Hope you are well. And hope to hear from you again before 2015!
22/Oct/14 12:55 PM
b33h1v3  From g3r0
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I don't know if you come back here often Jeb, but apart from the Oban, what other whiskies do you keep for 'sippin'? I'm partial to a wee dram of Balvenie meself although I just bought a bottle of Lagavulin 16yo. I have heard its not a bad drop. We'll see.
05/Nov/14 8:56 PM
b33h1v3  From g3r0
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Still prefer Balvenie. A few years ago I took a trip through Scotland and tried a few malts, one of being Laphroaig. It tasted like bitumen and that's what the Lagavulin reminded me of. Haven't quite got the taste for that as yet compared to the Balvenie which feels like liquid gold sliding down the throat.
08/Nov/14 1:54 AM
b33h1v3  From g3r0
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Good scotch, good beer, good red wine....can't go wrong, although it makes me a little sad that I never got the chance to share a drop or two with James and probably not with you either. Don't know if I'll ever make it Stateside in my time.
But when I have a drink I will raise a glass to two of the best people I can't and won't ever get to meet.

Cheers mate.
08/Nov/14 4:16 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Back in Kansas    Supporting Member
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Hello, JEB. I snuck back into Kansas while you were gone. And you snuck back into Sudoku while I was gone. I hope you stayed warm the past few days.....brrrr.
20/Nov/14 8:24 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Back in Kansas    Supporting Member
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Yes, I am in Salina. I was on a farm about 10 miles south of Salina, but evidently his learning curve was just too steep. So there is a new woman in your life? Congratulations!
20/Nov/14 1:43 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Jeb. I just want to wish you and all your loved ones a happy festive season. Merry Christmas, and Peace.
24/Dec/14 1:02 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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You mentioned Billy. She, and a number of others that never post here any more (Andrè for example), are in a Sudoku group on Facebook, and comment there regularly, if you'd like to see them again.
26/Mar/16 11:06 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi, Jeb! I am chagrinned to admit that I kind of quit the regular practice and do a desultory playing on it. I like doing Amazing Grace, because I love hearing it on bagpipes. But . . . I think I'll try again, but baby steps this time and maybe it'll be better this time! I'm just not used to holding my fingers straight. I hope you're doing fine, missed you!
14/Jul/16 1:09 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Ack! I'd have to learn the song before I could translate it to instrument! I do it easily enough for piano but just the tune. I'm listening to it now and I'd have to make sense of it musically.
15/Jul/16 5:10 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh, JEB, you're a hard task master! But I printed out the first Battle of the Sommes. The grace notes alone will do me under!!! But now I have a goal. YES SIR!!! in the US Marines obeyance cry!
16/Jul/16 2:07 AM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Good to see you again ol' son. I see you are still lurking around the site.
16/Oct/16 2:50 AM
   uno hu  From uno where
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18/Oct/16 6:59 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Not this time Matey. We are in Sydney hob nobbing with the upper crust at the Opera House to see My Fair Lady the stage musical tomorrow arvo.
And no I haven't had enough of that foolishness either, just getting a bit cold for these old bones. Might have to limit my diving to warmer climes.
21/Oct/16 7:35 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota
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Hey Jeb, it was great chatting, here is the link about Winona

29/Nov/16 8:32 AM
Joyce  From Flower City
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Great contribution to Hal's limerick challenge!
31/Jan/17 1:12 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Jeb! I have heard of it and intend to see it if they have a repeat of showing Asian American.
26/May/20 1:16 PM
b‍eehive  From g‍ero
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I'm hunky dory old son, still fighting to live another day, (oops wrong way round), but you know what I mean. You should check your inbox now and again...left you a msg in June last year...the last time you raised your ugly mug on the site over a bit of 'salty language'. You should go back and have a look at the puzzle pic for November 3rd then check the comment thread for a couple of days after that. Over to you. Cheers. Buzzy
01/Dec/22 1:24 PM
b‍eehive  From g‍ero
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Did you find my number on your trip?
04/Dec/22 3:20 AM
b‍eehive  From g‍ero
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Oh well, I can always ring you if you feel like a chat.
05/Dec/22 3:59 AM
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