uno hu from uno where

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0223, 0101, 0101, h, 161, ν , 0101




RIP Peter Sarstedt 10/12/41 - 8/1/17

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jacalmi  From Canada
Check out my page
I was interested to see who is uno hu ,and where is uno where.Oh well, at least I'm the first to post a comment.Welcome to you whoever you are.
05/Oct/16 5:57 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
Check out my page
Another Phantom?
05/Oct/16 11:18 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
Check out my page
Welcome to the site and thanks for the visit to the Sudokuaholics Anonymous page. I've been around long enough that if I put my mind to it (well, what's left of my mind), I might be able to solve the mystery. But I'm too tired, and does it really matter? Welcome, and visit when you can!
20/Nov/16 6:56 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Nice tribute for Debbie. Brought back memories.
08/Jan/17 4:37 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
Check out my page
Very nice memorial for Debbie Reynolds. Thanks.
08/Jan/17 1:29 PM
Terry  From Bellingham
Check out my page
I'm guessing from the Pacific NW. You know about Dana Lyons and Cows With Guns. That's a fairly obscure reference.
17/Jan/17 4:31 AM
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