shosho from los angeles

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Welcome to my page!  Sit back, enjoy a glass of wine and some chocolates!  Mi casa es tu casa.  You can play around with my fishies.  To feed them by clicking here and there, which leaves little fish pellets.  Also they like to play follow the leader.  Just move your cursor around, they will follow!
Grandma and Brandon in a heart to heart talk

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Judy  From San Diego
Good for you, Sharon! Welcome to Sudokuland! If you are down at Camp Pendleton another day, let me know, as I am only 20 minutes inland from there! Can't wait to see the baby picture!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sharon - welcome to your own page.
Here's some to brighten up your page until you've had the decorators in.
Feel free to visit me at any time, visitors always welcome.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hello Sharon....Thought I would pop in and goo and ga over your gorgeous Grandson but I can't find him!!! Is he napping?
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon,
Welcome ! Hope you will succeed in fixing the Flickr . You made us very curious to see your grandson
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon, and welcome to your own page! My traditional page warming gift for members is a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Hope you enjoy it!
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hey Deb help!!!! I keep trying to make my pictures public but Flickr keeps telling me that they're still private. I go into the site and resetting the pictures but yikees they don't cooperate.
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Canuk Greg, thank you! How did you know I am a chocoholic? There I've made it public! But I'm a picky one. I'm constantly dieting or trying to anyway. So it had better be worth the caloric expenditure. Double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry, you pushed my button. There's a dent on my monitor where I accidental bit it.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon! Welcome to our gang! Glad to have another grandma amongst us. Flickr can be tricky to work with until you get used to it. We will wait patiently to see your new grandson. Congratulations!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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2/25 Hi Sharon - I'm back! Your message on my page was the first one that came to me via e-mail, Gath's newest idea. Loved your story about your grandson smiling when you sang the lullaby you composed for his father. Don't believe those who say it's gas that makes babies smile. I like to think my mother had it right when she told me babies smile when they hear angels talking to them!
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Hi Sharon, Read your note that your son races in Punta Gorda - it is a huge Harbor but shallow in many places. We don't sail anymore but have a shallow draft fishing boat so my husband can fish way back in the mangroves. If you ever come with your son to PG let us know! We can gather the gang together!
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon,I see your still having trouble with your flickr,I have ran into that and I didn't have the numbers right,I don't know if thats the problem?
Rosemary was so helpful,she told me what to do.
She's a sweetheart she would be helpful I'm sure.
21/Mar/07 2:24 PM
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon, welcome to the sudoku site! and thanks for the visit to my page. The rappers are my boy Franklin 'frankie g' and his buddy Nigel 'n jazizzle'. I have a 16 yr old girl too, check out my flickr photos! Hope to see you around!
26/Mar/07 1:21 PM
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon, Thanks for the visit to my page. The song was Taxi. Not quite at popular as Cats in the Cradle, but I like it. Hope you get you flickr photos running soon. Take care and stop by anytime.
28/Mar/07 1:39 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon. Was glad to hear you had a nice visit with your son, daughter-in-law, & grandson. Sure wish you could get a photo up for all of us to see. Has anyone tried just entering your Flickr website separate from the Sudoku link to see if they can see the photos that way? For example, my flickr address is Maybe you could go to my page & give me YOUR Flickr address? Rob & I plan to spend some time today posting some of our trip photos. We'll just pick a few favorites as we took over 2000 combined, his camera & mine!!!!
02/Apr/07 10:41 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Way to go sharon ...
wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo
and Brandon is so cute
03/Apr/07 4:40 PM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Sharon! He's gorgeous. How old is he now?
03/Apr/07 5:58 PM
MizTricia in Alabama  From USA
Oh, My, Brandon is really listening to your every word! A very alert young man you have there. Nice photo. Is that your studio? Love the space, those windows are HUGE, and I can imagine the light you get daytime. Yes, I notice light, I think I am part plant, needing my daylight, living with a bear who wants a home to be a cave :>)
03/Apr/07 9:40 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Good for you! You got your photos posted & you have a beautiful new baby grandson. I will be able remember his name because Valrico, FL is right next to Brandon, FL. How far do you live from where Brandon & his mom live? Does your son have to go back overseas? Where is he stationed?
04/Apr/07 3:06 AM
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Sharon, Brandon is a sweetheart! I will wait a few years for grandkids, but will spoil them well when they arrive I am sure! Yes, I could have been considered precocious at times, still can be
05/Apr/07 12:51 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Sharon! Good to see you, and all of the pictures you've posted are just super. You have a wonderful looking family! Happy Easter to you and yours!
06/Apr/07 3:48 AM
rob  From utah sure do have a nice looking family.
congrats on that new little baby, he sure is cute.
06/Apr/07 5:24 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sharon - You have an awfully nice place here and a gorgeous grandson! I am leaving some flowers for your table on Sunday!

Here is wishing you a very Happy Easter.
06/Apr/07 8:22 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Hey Sharon - what a great looking grandkid. Is the artwork yours?
Have a wonderful Easter.
07/Apr/07 8:14 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sharon - I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter and a relaxing break.
I love your photo, it's so lovely spending time with your grandchildren. Mine have now moved further afield but I will be visiting my three grandaughters soon for the youngest ones sixth birthday.
07/Apr/07 1:43 PM
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello Sharon,

Just dropping by to wish you and your family a Happy Easter
07/Apr/07 6:56 PM
   rob  From utah    Supporting Member
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hello sharon. i wanted to thank you for stopping by my place. the gifts you brought, wine, glasses, cappucino, and liquor pastilles hit the spot. have a very happy easter. thanks again.
09/Apr/07 4:49 AM
   rob  From utah    Supporting Member
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sharon, thanks for comming by my site. glad you got to see lots of family. we too, have the white hairs in our clan back in michigan and indiana and will attend our family reunion in july.bruce and i will take our oldest grandaughter sadie with us this time over the july 4th weekend. we will spend about 10 days visiting our families and traveling back and forth from utah. thanks again sharon.
14/Apr/07 11:27 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Thank you every so much for you good wishes today. I've had a wonderful day, made even better by receiving so many good wishes from all on site. Our virtual family is growing.
03/May/07 9:06 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Sharon, thanks for the warm welcome, and of course the chocolates!
04/May/07 1:38 AM
Susan  From Ingham
Re the ongoing fight with Oscar from Ontario, I've emailed Gath to alert him. If we do that Gath can track the culprit if he posts under another name and expose him, but we have to keep him talking.
05/May/07 2:40 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Sharon: Here is the url link for 'That's What Friends are For'. Enjoy....
05/May/07 11:33 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your very kind visit to my Egyptian Guest House and Your lovely invitation during my next visit to Los angles.Sure will let You know when we do.My son try to push me to visit them sooner but becuase my daughter will finish her last examination of her University study ,I see to wait till she finish it and looking for a job,by that time we will be free to do this visit.Is that sound reasonable Sharon!
You are more than

To my page any and every time You wish.
08/May/07 4:29 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Please accept my appologise that I missed a letter in Your lovely name .Verry sorry SHARON.
Have a nice Day.
08/May/07 4:34 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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SHARON - thanks so much for the kind note. I almost didn't get back to the site today - must have been 'told' to check in to hear from you.
Alzheimer's is certainly a devastating disease. We just have to be able to laugh as we go along.
10/May/07 1:02 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Sharon
I am very glad to recieve your lovely words and if You realy don't mind the name change so Your Egyptian name is 'Shosho' Is it sound Ok to you? If it is OK, you can tell all your friends as of now your Egyptian name,or you can be back to your birth name Sharon.Both is nice names of nice friend.

Let me know 'Shosho'.
Have a nice Day.
12/May/07 12:15 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Sharon, was it you who posted a joke the other day about the elderly couple having sex against the fence? Can you tell me which day or page it was one? I just loved it and wanted to share it at work.
13/May/07 9:27 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Shosho
Your new name is your gift of Mother Day.Happy mother Day for You and Your Brandon's Grandmother from Brandon and myself.
for your lovely words and wish you all happyness every time.
See You and Good luck Shosho.
13/May/07 5:45 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Sharon, and may you celebrate at least 50 more birthdays!!
14/May/07 8:58 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Yes I am a Tauraen as well, my birthday is on the 16th (Wednesday)......
Hope you had a great day.
14/May/07 9:15 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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I know about age going backwards . slight problem when saying I'm 29, when the oldest child is almost 21
14/May/07 9:58 AM
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