Nancy from Pa

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   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hellllllllooooooooooooo Nancy! Good to see you! Glad that you managed to put a photo on! Here's some flowers to brighten the room up
ap  From india
hi ya!!!!more than what i've imagined....bubbly bubbly nancy..oh how i like it..........
your laughter is infectious nancy..keep it up
Billy JJ  From Perth
Hey Nancy sweetheart how you going?! Love catching up with you in the chatroom - always make me smile. x
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Got some hot chocolate, Nancy, I'm off to bed. But here's some cake for tomorrow's guests
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Nancy - A lovely smiling face xx Do we get to see what you have censored??? Spill!! Leaving you some chocolate to enjoy at your leisure xx
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, just stopped by on my way to lunch. Nice place!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! Mind a return visit? To answer your question, no, I live in Scranton. Thought I'd drop off a maple sugar and cinnamon beavertail pastry for you from Ottawa. Enjoy!
Aileen  From California
Hi, Nancy!
Nice to 'see' you.

Here's a nice houseplant to decorate your place.

I'll have some of that beavertail pastry from Greg now that I know what it is!

   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Misssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeed Yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I'm just visiting a few people and handing out bouquets of roses from my garden Here you go - just go and pop them in some water, I'll be back later to have a good look around.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Nancy, was on my way around sudoku land and was in your neck of the woods, so I've dropped in to say G'day. Its so nice to finally put a face to all our friends out there. I must be away and continue my journey, thank you for hospitality and be sure to pop by and say G'day when you are down in my neck of the woods.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Thank you all so very much for the lovely hosewarming,all are welcome.... pull up a set and theres hot coffee and tea to go with the yummy chocolate and cinnimon beavertails.
and the beautiful flower! they smell wonderful!!!!
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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LOL typoNancy ....have a seat after you set and hosewarming!thats why I'm !!!!!
Renee  From PA
Hey Nancy! Nice place you've got here! And nice photos, too!
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy - tell me what's it like to be in the viagra sandwich!! The mind boggles!!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Hehe, Fiona, that does spark the imagination.

Nancy, my gift, a redwood starter burl. Keep half submerged in water for 1000 years and what a tree you'll have. What a cheerful smile you have.
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Love the picture of Sky and Camper together.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! Love your pets & your Mom looks like a sweetie, too. Now that guy with the tongue hanging out, I'm not sure what to make of him! Is he related ? Hope you're keeping cozy in the woods. If you need to warm up you can head down to FL for a visit. Hope you can stop by sometime.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Neighbor of sorts, Good to be able to say hello. I've looked for you at the parties, but never could connect. I'm dropping off a little something, a nice case of wine and cheese, that I thought you might use. When ever you get a chance, drop by my place and lets chat for awhile. Great pictures by the way.
arlie  From nashville
hey there lady. finally got around to checking out you page. nice photo. thank you for putting up my pic. i just need to find a way to get a new pic of me. talk to you later
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Kathy - thats Harley from the chatroom our Mayor
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Nancy, I left directions on how to stay happily married for over 50 years on my page, just so you can come back and see me again. Thanks for the visit!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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After reading your comment to KATHY, I had to go back to your flickr page and check my buddy Harlie out...tell him that I think he's cute! He was so quiet the only times that I had a chance to chat with him. To see that picture shows a lot of.....something, but I can't put a name to it. I never would have made the connection..... Great balls of! Go Harlie... I'm very happy that he dropped in to see my page too!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! How are you? Do you have time for a little getaway? Please come tip toe through the vineyard with us? Here are your plane tickets and boarding passes for our first class ride to San Francisco! This week, we depart BWI and head west to tour Napa and Sonoma, then south to Big Sur and the central California coast. 'hope to see you onboard. Cheers!
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your birthday greetings, Nancy. It's been such fun to receivew greetings from all over the world.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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OH Nancy, Nancy, Nancy - look what you've done!

Now he's been interrupted - he's forgotten where he was - uh oh - he'll just have to start again

   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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lurvely photo nancy
keep smiling sweet lady.

glad you shared in the party in cols room ... twas so much fun to see you boogying .....
jeb  From ks
Hi Nancy, I'll pass on the coffee at this late hour. If you've got a short snort of bourbon, we can sit out back, enjoy to quiet of the woods and compare notes on the finer points of deer stalking.
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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I forgot to say thanks for the carrot cake, Nancy - my favourite. I'm not much of a cook myself, but TimTams are always popular. I hope you and your guests enjoy them.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hello Nancy. Your neck of the woods looks absolutely gorgeous... so peaceful and relaxing. Thanks so much for taking the shuttle with us. I'm all tuckered out with jet lag! Stop in again as time permits. Get your passport ready. Next time, we'll try an international destination.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Oh Gorgeous...104 acres? Oh Yes! You need company. I shall move in to the East property line (love my sunrises) hope there is a swimming hole there.
OK ... must stay in Miami - But at least I'll visit.
Nancy  From Mary
Nice picture of your woods Looks familiar Keep in touch with me now
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Mary? ....... .......
are me if you are
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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it was Mary!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! I lke your photos. Who shovels the driveway?
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nancy: Say hello to Harley for me! I don't normally go into chatrooms, but now that I know you have a Mayor.... I hope if I go in the chatroom we won't be talking local politics!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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popping in to wish you a wonderful holiday, Nancy. Here is a little bubbly. Enjoy!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year x
mo  From sheeptown
Hey Nan! Move your mother-in-law out of the caravan, I'm on my way!
fi  From NT
For Christmas Just thought I’d drop you in a bottle of home made LEMON CORDIAL. It’s fantastic with water and with soda water. Cheers.
Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.5 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off the heat and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven ) bottles

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