Col from Vic

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   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Col, You know I got on 'ere before you did, ha!!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Col, you need to call in the interior decorators. Hope you enjoy your own place as much as the rest of us have.
When it's ready are we invited in for a drink?
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello Col, I agree with rose, andre and anne, you need to call in the decorators
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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hi Col
take no notice
who needs clothes after all?!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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For Goodness Sakes - can't a girl have a nanna nap without al these busy bodies knocking on the door
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon Col! Do you mind a visitor from Canada? I do hope I didn't wake you, but are you ready to join Anne's party? I'm just on my way.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Well hello there - hocolate you're after is it? Well sit down, yes yes I see you've brought your own drink - from Rosie's fridge was it?

Well sit down, yes sit down there, hmmm comfy isnt it !

Now, Australian, French, Belgian - what's your pleasure?
anew  From "the greatest snow on earth"
Hello Col:) Congrat's on the beginning of your PAGE !
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew - what can I offer you? hocolate? no ? Here try some of these savoury pinwheels
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Col, Just dropped by to say howdy and to share a few ideas about how to best decorate when you can't get the things you need...maybe just to whine....LOL. Thanks for saving some of that delightful wine, it was wonderful. Hope this helps to brighten your day.
ap  From india
well well,a very practical place set by a down to earth practical woman..who believes in herself rather than the outer decorations..
so col,all set looks take this from my side..its called the 'hill plantain'its a banana variety thats offered to special persons when you visit them at their place..its ripe and tasty..enjoy..and best wishes..
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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You're welcome Mamacita2. Ap - Thank you so much for the housewarming gift. Unfortunately I am allergic to bananas, but then again, I suppose that's all the more available for my guests when they drop in for a visit or a whine (lol) hic..hic..
Anne at work  From Albany
Hello Col, thanks for coming to visit me while I was at work. Next time I'll make sure that I'm home. Just called in to see how your decorating was going and it looks good.
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Very disappointed Col! Was expecting with a country cabin at least to have a stuffed deer's head, checked curtains, bunk beds galore but nooooooo! Just wine and nibbly bits!
Billy  From Perth
Where the hell's the gin???!!!!
Hey sweetums - how you going? Bit of pav would go down well too!
Haven't visited everyone yet - getting there Rose, Loza etc...but I have to go out tonight, might bump into robbie as he's at the hotel I'm going to...Let Meeeeeeeeeee Entertain You!!!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Ahhhhhhhh Mel - but aren't the bits to nibble just divine. A bit HARD - but divine all the same.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Col, got more hocolate? I could do with some. I have to go to bed, I'm sooooo tired - I'm cranky, Thanks for the hocolate, I feel better now.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi Col. Your place is feeling really warm and cozy. Thank you so much for the wine and nibbly bits. Should your supply run low, we have plenty of goodies for you over in the vineyard. Do drop in soon. I hope you will enjoy these fresh cut for your table.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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OK - just back from the shop.... hmmm. Gin (check) Tonic water (check) ingredients for baking Anne's super secret recipe (check) hocolate (check) wine (check) deer's head ..hmmmm not yet.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Col, don't forget to invite me over when your cooking is done. I'll bring a bottle of Chardonnay with me. Looking forward to it.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Ello, just popped in to see how things are going over here. Been busy I see, had lots of guests. Mind getting me a scotch and coke? Nah, thats Ok, I 'll make it myself.
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi Col, love the cabin, you have done wonders with it. A Gin & Tonic sounds wonderful, even at 9:35 a.m.
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Col - I love the country and your cabin is beautiful. Here are some daisies for your table.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Love the the huntin good here?...seen and nice bucks?
Is it a huntin cabin?
I'll leave my bow at home ok!
Aileen  From California
Hi, Col!
Lovely little place you've got--the hospitality makes it, not the outward appearance (never a fan of deer's heads).

A handful of narcissus blooms from my garden to brighten up the place, since you've already got plenty of refreshments!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi again Col! I forgot to leave you an Ottawa beavertail, so to make up for it, you get two, a double chocolate fudge and a voyaguer special.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Ottawa Beavertail - havent caught up much in the past few days - I'm just HOPING that it's some sort of food! - if so, well thanks Greg. If not.................................
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good morning Col - yes, the 2nd page thingy is annoying me and the Report this comment, etc, doesn't work on our page so I can't delete my own messages. I don't like to keep writing to myself but it's the only way I can read peoples comments to me.
Hope you enjoy the piroshkis when you make them. Very simple but very tasty.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Col: Ottawa beavertails are a wonderful pastry treats unique to us. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. If not, let me know and I'll drop off some Canadian maple syrup instead!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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LOL - was just reading your comment Greg - when my 6yo came in asking 'WHY' can't we have pancakes - and my answer? ....'Because we dont have any maple syrup'!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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good evening Col - have you made the piroshkis yet. I'd love to try one of yours. My friends in England made them once when I visited because I had e'mailed them the recipe and I didn't recognise them. They looked so different to what I make. Last year when I visited them again, I had orders to make them while there for the mother's 80th birthday party. I believe that they went down very well but I was home by then.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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OH anne - so things to see and people to do.

OOPS - no - that wasnt right was it ? I was so busy (better?)

I have cut and pasted the recipe so I have easy access (read as 'dont get distracted by postings when I come in here to find it)

I WILL get around to making them and you WILL have a full report
Mon  From Melbourne
Hi Col.
Love what you're doing here. Dropping off some yummy cup cakes (try the chocolate ones, with jaffas in them - can never have too much hocolate!). A joke just for you: What's the most common wine served at Christmas? Do I really have to eat my brussel sprouts?
Have fun, and open up the Grange I left, because I think that might be a decent wine, rather than a whine!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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ooooooooo Grange and cupcakes - a 'different' combination - but hey - hocolate and wine (not whine) my favourites.

Thanks Mon

Deidre  From Perth WA
Just passing and thought I'd drop in. Unfortunately I noted that you did not have any clothes on, nor did you have any nice nibblies like Anne did, so I am not staying long. Let me know when you have corrected the situation and I'll stay longer.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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1.10AM Friday 1st Dec 2006.
B...see A
D...see A

I love to have a drink with col
We drink in Moderation
and we never ever get drunk
I love to have a drink with col
cause col' mate
see A.......
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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That was just Loza that thought I had no clothes on (I think she was drinking... heavily)

No nice nibblies??? .... OMG Girl - what do you call chocolate from every nation, homemade cupcakes,piroshkis, and Beaver Tail (hmmmm), wine, Gin, and.......OH LOOK ....Angie's brought spuds!
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Nice place you have here, pour one for me! \_/ yummy's some Seattle coffee and some smoked salmon from my parts. Let the party begin!! Come visit me when you get a chance!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Col - Oh, if I only lived closer I would love to go with your grandmother to a pub to celebrate our birthdays together!! Gosh, here I was thinking 60 was old & your grandma's got 34 years on me. Please give her a birthday hug & kiss from Kathy in Valrico. God bless her!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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nobody home here ......
gone away for the weekend ......
just check under the table ......
NO COL ....must have recovered from last night...

SO LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope it doesnt all end in when Col returns ......
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