Fiona from France

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   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona! See you haven't moved in to this place yet. But since you already have other places I guess it would take a lot of time for upkeep everywhere, especially during the holiday season. I'll just leave a tin full of homemade peanut brittle. It should keep just fine until whenever you get here.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey Fiona!thought I'd stop in, I saw the out ,oh no you saw the viagra sandwich ooooooh long story... top and bottom post for the stuff thats why I said that but maybe thats why I'm on my page!

I think that stuffs for ?
Chris  From Canberra
Hi Fiona,

It depends on where in France you and Liz are. We will be starting in Lyon for two days, on to Avignon for a week, another week in the Dordogne region, another week somewhere around Anjou and finally a week or so in Paris.


   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Right this minute I am scratching my head wondering how or why I have this page!! I never asked for it!!! Oh well..
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona, I came to visit before but you hadn't moved in then, so thought I would wait until you had settled in.
I wasn't going to bring you a bottle of wine, that's like selling ice to an eskimo, but then I decided to bring a couple of local wines because we make them so well done this way. I'll also bring you some and a box of your favourite chocolates.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi Anne, didn't realise I had a page - thanks for the ymmy things!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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My pleasure, you'll have to come and visit me in my place sometime. The door is always open.
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Fiona! Need some help moving furniture? Here is some wine and fresh baked peanut butter cookies with a chocolate kiss on top!
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Fiona, we haven't officially met yet, but I do enjoy reading your comments. I've never been to France, and it's unlikely that I will, so I appreciate your pictures from there as well as from your travels.
I brought you some single malt scotch whiskey --(hope it doesn't offend).
It was nice of Gath to give us (the SP's) these pages; he's pretty incredible.
Enjoy your decorating, have a womderful day, and drop by my place when you get time.
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Well about time my girl. Have been waiting patiently for you to move in here and now finally you have arrived. Leaving you some yummy sambuca truffles and some flowers and of course lots of love xx
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your own place. I'm dropping off one of my redwood burls for you to grow. Stop by my place for dessert.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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you're all very nice bringing me food, but what about some furniture - this place is a bit empty!!
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Three wheelchairs enough!!!!!!!!!
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Thanks LK, I'll just have a sit in one of those while I talk to Fiona, who is very pretty. I brought some and a . I'll bring some furniture next time.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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thank you CP - a few cushions will do fine!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona
here are some of the cushions from my naughty corner ..... maybe you could use them for a while.
welcome to your special page and I will leave some and some of our local Milawa cheese and wine.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona! Nice to put a face to a name. I'm dropping off a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa for you as a page warming gift. Enjoy.
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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A very quick visit to claim the champagne you offered, Fiona. My birthday is now history - it's 9.35am Tuesday here, and I'm about to head out for the day. Thanks for your birthday greetings. I enjoyed hearing from so many people from all over the world - it was lots of fun.
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona, nice to see you have moved in!! Lovely pic!! I've brought you a lovely side table to store all your goodies on, and a big bright floor cushion decorated with Aussie native flowers!!! Enjoy!!!
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Howdy, FIONA - a big Texas hello, and your decorations are coming along nicely.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Why on earth would you want to add a bunch of furniture in here...With all of this lovely room to party in ,folks can pull up the floor and sit many Beautiful picture. Nice to put face and comments together. The bubbly is in the fridge...enjoy!
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hello Fiona. Nice to see you again.

   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Striking, Fiona. What incredibly piercing blue eyes. You exude such a love of life. I'm dropping off a card table and folding chairs for the jigsaw puzzle, a 2 seater glider for the old folks like me that can't stand forever, and a cushy sofa for kicking back visiting with friends ... it's a BIG sofa.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Fiona, Thanks for stopping by my place. Nice place you have here too. Great photo of you, and your HAIR looks FABULOUS!!! Must be the online consultations!! LOL
Aileen  From California
Hi, Fiona!
Nice to see you have your page up and running.

Brought some TV tray tables to serve as a sideboard for all the drinks and nibbles people are bringing over.

And few narcissus blooms from my garden...

Great picture! If there were a caption, I think it would say, 'Gath! You've given me a page and I don't know where to start decorating it!' :-)
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - this photo was taken BEFORE the hairdresser from hell got a hold of my locks!! For those interested, I went from this to in one short afternoon!! On the mend again now though - siiiiiiigh of relief!
Susan  From Mississippi    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona - I've brought you some rugs and a comfy club chair. Oh yes, and some flowers to add to the rest!

Back later!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Fiona - My sincerest apologies for sounding so dazed & confused when you called for my birthday. I had not yet begun to realize why so many people were calling me & none of the previous callers were from the Sudoku group. When you said who was calling I thought you said Joanie instead of Fiona. Joanie is a friend of ours who lives in Switzerland (very near the French border) but has an accent much like yours. She also travels quite a bit so I thought she must be calling from France instead of Switzerland. After I hung up I thought, gee, that really didn't sound like Joanie, but thought maybe she had a cold or something. The next caller after you was Keith from California, & it was only then that I discovered my husband's plot to surprise me & realized that my phone number had been passed around. I really feel bad that I passed up an opportunity to have a more ''aware'' conversation with you. Hope you don't think I'm a total dork!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona. Took a little while, but i'm dropping off a Canadian maple rocking chiar for your place. Hope it fits with your decor. If not, pass it on to someone else (maybe Rosemary so she can rock in her naughty corner).
Liz  From South France
Hello, Fiona! What a great place.. Can't stay long, but brought some red wine (St Joseph - the best from this region!) and a rather superb Roquefort. Enjoy!
   Glenn  From Orlando    Supporting Member
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Fiona - I don't know why you changed your hair! How can you improve on perfection? Stay the way you are - and I also am in love with your eyes (they are close to the same color as my eyes!).

I am bringing by my backgammon board and we can share a bottle of fine French wine whilst we play!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Bonjour, Fiona! Your picture is beautiful. I am stopping by as many rooms as I can just to say hello. I would like to leave you some flowers to decorate your lovely place. Enjoy!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Fiona~ Beautiful Beautiful Girl!!
Thanks for stoppin by my place. Love yours' for sure
I'm on the run, but i'm droppin' off some coasters' for your pad, so that all your visitors' have somewhere to rest their heavy drinks~ When their hand gets tired
see ya around
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Fiona, I've received a notice from the flight crew that it's getting unruly in first class!! I hear rumors about pushing and shoving and wine glasses breaking! Our pilot has arranged for a naughty corner whilst cruising at 35,000 ft.
I don't know, but Col thinks you will be among the first to be banned!!
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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me, Bert????? what have I done??
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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I've recovered from being squished up in my first class seat on Bert's plane, it was such a fun trip, a little squishing wasn't a problem. I think you need a BBQ for your place, I'll put it out on the verandah. It's stainless steel, four burners, with a hood so you can do roasts, and there's an extra wok burner on the side. There's even a sink on the other side!
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Fiona, Thanks my friend, Jim and I had a fabulous time. You are looking a bit different to last time I saw you just out of pool and kids in tow. Thank you for your good wishes. I have found 'four sisters' white and it doesnt taste too bad. Great Aussie wine ... left a couple of bottles for you.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I'm on my way to try out that new barbeque Fiona. Bringing some AAA Canadian steaks, and some of my dirty dishes. I want to try out that sink on the side of the BBQ too. Some tasty red wine please.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Fiona, the bbq sounds great!

About the trouble on the plane? I know you're innocent, but the airport authorities have come to claim the party people who destroyed the first class cabin on the return trip from California. I hunched my shoulders and said ''I think they went that'a'way!!'' You'd better hide, girl.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Mon 11 Dec:
Bonjour Fiona, It's so long since I paid you a visit I thought I'd better drop in and say hello. Well, not drop in exactly, I'm not travelling by parachute today, it's too windy and might take me to the north pole. I don't think Father Christmas needs extra help and I'd just get in his way. Just brought some Christmas treats for you, some White Christmas full of almonds and cherries, and some shortbread for the new year. Whoops, that's like selling ice to eskimos, giving shortbread to someone from Scotland.
By the way, I love your photo.
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