marylinn from Utah

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A favorite quote - 

"If the lesson learned is engraved on the heart, it is not lost."





The 2 boys I love most in this world!

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   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Anyone who visits, will see that I've just moved in, but I am very excited.
Come in, have a looksie!
Be back later, to spruce it up, bring in the furniture, and fire up the heaters!!! Especially for the Aussie's who will be visiting the Cold temps, from the HOT summer they're used to at the moment!!
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hey there anew! Welcome! A bottle of our wine from the private reserves of 'Kinda Snockered Winery' I hope you like a white zinfindel! nice place and I will just cozy up by the fire! cheers
Liz  From South France
How wonderful that you have your own pad, at last. Here is some French red wine and cheese to welcome you. Will call again when you are settled.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi anew, got some for you. Have fun decorating .
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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well done and welcome to the SM club
here is some Milawa cheese and local king valley wines to enjoy. to decorate with.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Anew! Welcome to your own page. Brought you a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa, and I hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing your page fully dressed!
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Anew, just popped into say hello and bring you some special hand made chocolates and some flowers, welcome x
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Hello, anew! Welcome! I have brought some hocolate from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory as a housewarming present.
tricia  From nemo, tx
Hey, congratulations. You are so excited. I sent you the Jol story. I'll stop by later check out what you've done to your new place.
   Glenn  From Orlando    Supporting Member
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Hello, anew! I wanted to thank you for writing to Robyn. She was very excited to receive your note and all the rest that others sent to her.

Now, start sprucing up this home of yours!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone who stopped by already, and left a note , Thank you!!

Well, it is time to start dressing this home. I'll start with all of the goodies everyone brought. Good thing I love Chocolate
Mmmmm everything is so great, love the variety of chocolate and treats from around the world
Now everyone come back to my High Rise Loft, and settle by the fireplace in a cozy luvSak,or in any one of the Pillowettes', or settle in the Comfy Couch Corner!
If you wish, sit on the woodladden slatted bench that wraps around the open windows, overlooking the CITY, and enjoy the view!
I've finished the hardwood floors and the dark cherry wood cabinets/shelves.
Have a huge/long cherry wood table in the dining area, if you'll check it out, with large comfy reclining seats, to lounge in after eating, and also, to indulge in game playing, such as cards...Anyone up for some blackJack..? Bring your game face, and some shades!
Watch out for the Master Suite however, that LuvSak is OFF LIMITS , though you can admire the window seat, and balcony, among other ammenities.
Go ahead and grab a laptop, as they are ready and waiting for guests, in the Tech Suite.
Anyone too tired to go home, just head down the hall, (grab a key first) and you can stay in any one of the 4 suites available for guests. However, if there are more than 4 of you staying the night~ You'll have to bunk!
Be sure to use OUR private elevator to enter/exit my humble abode'! and keep coming, the door is always open...
Wall hangings of pictures and such are on their way!
Don't forget to visit the Rec Room, with a Pool Table, Hot Tub, Video Games, and more! Also, almost ready~ coming soon is the DANCE MECCA, there will be a dance floor, and stage, for entertainment from and for ALL!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Good grief, Anew....What a place you have here!! It's so BIG. So much to do here I'm not sure where I want to be. I might just go and check out the view first. Oh, I almost forgot, I brought you some candles that I made. Will I put them over here on the mantle above the fireplace?
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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well hello anew
so nice to see a face that we can put to the chat.
our circle of friends gets wider and wider and the world gets smaller and smaller.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Deb, that is AWESOME! I love candles, it's the perfect touch, (it might even be my favorite gift so far?! ,shhh don't tell anyone else I said that)
I've been wondering for some time how to make my candles, I saw a kit in the craft store the other day, I may have to give that a try
You're welcome to just HANG in any one place you feel comfortable, THE VIEW, is a great place to start, stay as long as you like..please..and
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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well hello again, may I call you rose? or is that too informal, I'm glad you're in my home anyway. It is good to see a face w/ a name and chat, for sure!
I love that the world get's smaller and smaller every day, it's great meeting people, in the strangest of places
Get comfy and stay as long as you like, if we get a big crowd, I'd love to get a game going!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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WOW - Anew - welcome to the world of SM's.

Loving seeing everyone that we chat to, nobody is quite how I imagined them - and I have to say, ESPECIALLY YOU. You are gorgeous girl - I imagined you a lot older.

Here - some South Australian Chardonnary, some lamingtons and some Pavlova.

I will bring crumpets and vegemite later - for breakfast
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Oh the WARNING in the previous message, is only intact when POSTED, because my home is also a child friendly environment, as I often have nieces/nephews, and family over
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Anew, now that you've moved in I thought I would pay you a visit. I did have a bunch of flowers for you but the smilies won't work, so I'll bring a bottle of our local chardonnay instead, from a vineyard near Albany.
I like the way you've decorated your place.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Col, thanks for stopping by, is vegemite, anything like Carrot Juice, or Cal-e-tea? (if you're familiar with those), if not, no worries!
I know, i've been amazed myself at the looks of others after seeing their words so often, and thank you for the compliment..much appreciated
Come and go as you wish, you're always welcome here~
Maybe we could have a contest/competition to guess the age of those on the site, willing to participate?? I would! let me know what you think on that one!!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Anne, thank you kindly~ I'm overflowing with the wonderful Bottles of Wine and such! Definitely enough to warm this house I appreciate the flowers, and love them, especially bright,deep colors, like orange, yellow, red, and such!
Please~ Stay a while, or come and go as you wish
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Anew - Vegemite is NOTHING like Carrot Juice. It's a spread for your toast! lol
fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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It's so hot here in Melbourne today I thought i'd pop over to cool down... but it's warm in here... really really warm....

I feel sleepy.....

was I snoring?

BTW i bought a few bottles of Moet & Chandon's finest bubbly..... just leave me a little in the bottom of a glass please while i snooze off again..
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hi there - took up your invitation to pop in - good photo and you look like a lot of fun! Here's a couple of bottles of the bubbly stuff for the fridge - they're a bit warm after the trip over!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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anew, my houswarming gift is a redwood burl. I'm leaving it in the pool room, since that's where I'll spend my time. Keep it watered for 1000 years and stand back. What a place you have.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Thank you Keith, Fiona, Fraz, for stopping by! Love the gifts..

Col~ Thanks for coming back, hahaha, sorry about the carrot juice, thanks for the explanation
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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ANEW, welcome to the land of us who have gone this way before....what a suprise you are...I had you pegged for an old f2rt, and here you are a young, and very pretty f88t! Its just great to put the name and face to such a pleasent look as this. I'm happy you came to visit me and hope we will agree or disagree will love, like, or at least respect. Lookig to see more of you.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Please forgive the typos.You can figure out the missing letters and of course I meant 'with love, etc. and 'looking' in the above The word pleasant was also misspelled...sorry. No matter the mistakes in spelling, grammer,etc. the heart is in the right place, and I hope you return to see me!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew. Great to visit with you. I hope all's going well, and I'd like to leave several bottles of champagne for you to celebrate your new digs. Enjoy!
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello anew - Finally we get to meet you and what a pretty smiling face you have. Those chips might just be wanting to pop in!! I might join you in a glass of champagne, its a shame to let it go to waste!!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Oooooooo Andre - Bolly? ... did I hear the bolly cork pop?

Thanks, yes I'll have one if I may... Thanks Anew - very welcoming place you have here
(Still can't reconcile the actual picture with the mental one I had! lol)
Susan  From Mississippi    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew -what a terrific place you have! Should have guessed that the greatest snow on earth was in's certainly one of my favorite wintertime spots. Looks as if you have plenty of wine, so I've stuck some beer in the fridge for apres ski. Oh and here are some flowers from my garden.
Aileen  From California
Hi, Anew!
Nice to ''meet'' you!

Brought over a pot of short ribs that I simmered on the stove yesterday--tender enough that the meat is falling off the bones now...good stew to serve over rice.

   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Aileen, Thank you! These are yummy yummy RIBS
Susan, Love the flowers~ Thank you for the Beer..I don't drink alcohol anymore, but ALL of my guests have been GREAT to help me out there
Col~ that is funny, I still think we should do an age guessing COMPETITION ??
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Wow, you've really transformed this place. I just dropped off a state of the art BBQ at Fiona's - 4 burner stainless steel trolley with a hood for roasting, a wok burner on the side for stir-fries, and a kitchen sink on the other end. So here's one for you too.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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CP~ GeeeeeZ!!! You've gone out of your way! Though, I love it, and it will be fired up tonight!

Take care, and come back soon. We will play a game soon, i've got andre' ready to lay some chips one of these days, it'll happen, if you're up for it?!
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Anew! You are gorgeous! Young lady...I must see your driver's license before you start on all that wine everyone is leaving you. Are you sure you are old enough?
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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nal~ Thank you..SO kind
I'm definitely old enough...
What do you think of having an age guessing competition/contest on the site?
Thanks for stopping by~Come again soon
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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This is a great message. If interested, and you have a high speed connection,(or can risk a slower connection) please watch this video message~
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi anew, WOW you have done wonders with the place, I love it. Does the ski lift pick us up at the back door?

There is no way I would try to guess your age, you look young enough to date my son who is 21. I just can't figure out how I didn't get any older .

Take care, will stop back soon. Oh, and thank you, we thing the girls are pretty nice.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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LK~ You just uncovered one of my Surprises
There is actually a Tram that leaves from the balcony and carries everyone to the ski lift!
Let me know when you would like to go!...or your children
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