marylinn from Utah

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A favorite quote - 

"If the lesson learned is engraved on the heart, it is not lost."





The 2 boys I love most in this world!

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   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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This is an age guessing
feel free to offer any idea's on the prize, and go ahead and place your guess on my age/d.o.b/ time born...
Will have more details later...(the cutoff date)
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Guessing starts now Dec. 8th, 9th for AU~
Judy  From San Diego
Money as a prize seems a bit crass ... why not something indigenous to Utah ... like a jar of red dirt ... or a bottle of snow? LOL
Judy  From San Diego
Seriously, something unique that is grown or produced in Utah would make a nice prize.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Great idea Judy~ I mostly thought of it, because I figured that if I were offered AU/Euro $ as a prize, I would enjoy it, being that it was from another country, so I thought it might interest others around the world, in the same way. If the winner were in the STATES, with us, I figured they might enjoy an extra $20 bucks..but it's all good. LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea...
Hope everyone keeps em' coming.. and if you have anymore~ please add them. You're awesome Judy. I don't know why I didn't think of that, myself. I just needed some inspiration I guess.
val  From Bolton England
Hi Anew just popped in to see how you`re settling in. hope you like strawberries thought they would go well with the champagne.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Val love the strawberries, some of my favorite fruits' among kiwi, oranges, bananas', fresh(not bottled cherries), grapes, tangerines',pamagranites(spelled wrong most likely), and many others...
Come again! Please~ you and your strawberries are any time!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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I've got to tell you Anew, I am not good at picking ages of people. As one of my emails I received the other day said..I don't know whether to take away 10 years from my guess because of your looks or add 10 years because of your intelligence.....
I will say 25 years old. Birthdate January 12th. Born midday.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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anew: You do not look a day over 20, April, mid-month- I'd say...14th....Early morning baby.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Oh! Forgot! Thanks for stoping by my place.
Judy  From San Diego
OK, Anew, while you look about 16, I'm with Deb on this and think that because of your ''take'' on things, you are probably older than you look. So I'll say 28 ... born May 15, 1978 ... 2:00 PM. If I win, all I'd need is your good wishes ... or maybe some of that chocolate you're hoarding there! :)
Rola  From Perth
Hello anew. Hm looking at your photo, say 28yrs of age. Birthday. gosh....ummmm.. July 27th , 3.25am
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Anew, There's something about you that reminds me of me! You certainly look like a kid of 16-20 in your picture, My impression of your comments as you expressed yourself more and more, were of a woman in her late 40's, early 50's. Talk about shell shock when faced with your! I'm going against the grain, and as Deb said, giving you credit for wisdom and the willingness to express it in this forum, hopefully you will be a forgiving person. My guess is 45, born in May, in the late evening. You may well be a gemini(may21-june20). When Will we know the answer? or will we?
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Hi all! Thank you for your guesses, I have come up with a PRIZE...Thanks to Judy!
The prize will be` a package of fresh Mormon Muffins'(Really their name, in a popular mountain restaraunt here) They are very yummy, just had one tonight..and I thought, this is it..ALONG with, possibly, a bottle of snow~
Depending on what UPS offers in that-a-way.
I will post the best guess BY mon the 11th. I'll let you know, on your own pages, if it will be any sooner! I'd like to see if I can get any more guesses.
I appreciate the guesses I've recieved, thus far~ Thank you all. I can't wait to comment on your guesses after I give out the answer!!!!!!!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew......My partner Mark wants to guess as well....When he saw your photo he said 'wow, she's good looking' and his pick is that you are 32 and born on 29th Feb 4-27am
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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ahhhh Deb, I can't wait until I can TELL!!!
Thank you Mark for the compliment...Deb, you've got a great man though i'm sure you know that already...
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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I am going with a baby faced 39 born on March 23rd 4.25 am.
but then again you could be 28 or 45!!!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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rosemary, thankyou for your guess..LOVE it!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sat 9 Dec. Hello anew, thanks for visiting me at my place. I'm glad you liked my photos of Albany as it is a beautiful part of the world.
tricia  From nemo, tx
32 yrs. old, April 5,12:08am. You look very young, but your comments and wisdom make you seem older. There's my guess. Can't wait to find out!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Never try to guess a woman's age!
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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anew - what an interesting contest - better than 'guess my weight', I think. As somebody else said - I am HORRIBLE at guessing ages, especially women. But what have I to lose, except some Morman Muffins and maybe an invitation to snow country?
30 - November 17 - 3:45 a.m.
btw - enjoyed your page, and I left some Texas barbeque in the refrigerator along with a jar of homemade sauce for it.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Anew, what a fantastic contest.
I gathered the family around to help me. We all agree you are very beautiful and look very young. Whats your secret?
Ok since we couldn't all agree here goes.
Angie: Age 23, 31st Dec. just before midnight.
Bruce: Age 28, 15th Aug. 3am
Chantel: Age 21, 19th Dec. 4pm
Rebecca: Age 16, 21st Feb. 12.02pm
Monica: Age 17, 19 Feb. 2.15pm
Emily: Age 18, 14th June. 10am
What every your true Age is Anew, I'm sure you will always be young at heart.

   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew - Well here goes......

I would say you are about 19 years old, born June 16 about 3:00 in the afternoon......
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Ok so here is my guess; You can't be more than 22 (your skin still has that youth, healthy, god I'm so envious look about it) however, I think that you maybe older so 27yrs old, that is my guess and you were born in January 15th at 2.30pm.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Okay, but don't hold this against me. You look younger then you are, so I'm guessing 29. I think you're a Taurus, so my guess is April 17th. Time of day, hum, somewhere between 12:01 AM and 11:59 PM. Close enough?
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Wow...Anew!!!! I've just been reading the guesses for your age. What a wide range there to 45?????? Geez...hahahaha

I think we all agree though that you look very young and healthy and have the wisdom of somebody who is very mature
Liz  From South France
You are a beautiful young lady, like my daughter, Anna. I am going to guess at her date and time - i e Age 33. Born 26th May 1973 at 11.30 in the morning. Hope you are not offended if you are a lot younger or older than that.
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Hello Anew, just popping in to se you for a minute. I brought some homemade fudge, some SC pecans, and some scented candles--something I have a particular fondness for. Everyone who receives a gft from me gets at least one candle.
I'll visit again when I have more time to tour the entire estate.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Anew...I am doing my Christmas visiting today before I go away for a week (whenever Nicole decides to have her Merry Christmas to you and your family and here are some goodies for you. Because you have such a huge place here I thought I would make something for every room. The semi trailer with all the yummy sweets should be here soon with the delivery. Do you know how long it took me to make it all??? Geez...the kitchen is a mess..but you are worth it...
Angie  From Wisconsin
Okay, I'll bite on the 'guess the age' game.

You are 30. Born on July 14th. 8:45pm

I don't have a page of my own, so I'll just look on here for the answer.
Julie  From IL, USA
Hi, Anew!
Love your place (can't really call it a humble abode - all those bedrooms, pool room, views, tram stop, etc.).
You said you have given up drinking. You mentioned healthy fruits, etc. This is not meant to offend - just a guess. My guess is that you are 30 years old, born July 23, 1975, at 7:23 p.m.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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I'll take a stab at half as old as I am - so age 30, born in February, middle of the night?? Very nice place you have here. I'm dropping off a crate of fresh Florida oranges. Stay warm & healthy out there in that snow!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Anew - I've already said that you look WAY too young for your wisdom and history.

You LOOK 18 - You chat like 25 - You're wisdom is 50 I'm going to take the womewhat middle ground - I'll say 35 (a very youthful 35, born December 22.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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and of course that should have read 'Your wisdom' .... NOT you're !
Rola  From Perth
Hey anew, a thought, it's not your birthday on the 11th December?? is that why you will tell us then. surly it's the 11th by now in your part of the world. We want to know!!!!! (my guess is further up the page)
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Rola~ I just came back for one last looksie at my page before heading off to bed. IT IS the 11th of Dec where I'm at, at 1:20am!
However, even as excited as I am, I haven't tallied my charts to organize everyones guesses, and thus, you must wait for tomorrow/later today
Sorry, sorry
I'm just soooo tired hard to keep em' open...BUT stand by..after I get some
I'll get it aaaaall ready, and ANNOUNCE!
Take care, till then
Rola  From Perth
oooooooooooh!!! must learn to be Patient...must learn to be Patient...must learn to be Patient......
hurry up and wake up anew!!!!!!
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Last minute guess - age 34, BD 15 August.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Anew, I noticed that I didn't give an exact date of birth, so I'll amend my guess somewhat. Age, I'll stick with 45(is that possible), and birtday ,May 29th born at 9:45 pm. Okay, waiting with bated breath for the big unfurling of an age that is very difficult to guess!
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