Deb from Brisbane

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Matt, Nicole and Kiarah

cooling off in the pool


Matt, Nicole and Kiarah in the pool.

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   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Welcome to my page. There were such beautiful comments here before and now all gone. Such a shame. I am pleased and grateful that I got to read most of them before they went flying into cyberspace though. Thank you to you all
Rola  From Perth
Deb, your daughter Nicole looks very healthy and beautiful. Best wishes to Nicole for a safe and healthy birth of Kiarah Jayde
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Ok come back to say heyello to you deb on your special page .... cant believe all our other messages are floating in cyberspace somewhere.
counting days now deb ..... hope you are ready for a new part of your life to begin.
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello Deb, just dropping in to say hello also how did you get the photo on there?
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Deb, passing through and saying hello, and wishing lots of love for when Nicoles' 'little one' pops her head into the world xx
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Nicole looks great. Now I have to try and remember what my guess was.
Ro  From Michigan
Hi Deb, Nicole looks like a very happy mom-to-be! It is true about that glow, isn't it?
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Oh, Deb. Not to worry. Your page is back and looking great, and here we are too. Nicole and the baby are so beautiful at 37 weeks. Best wishes!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb! Sorry to drop in so unexpectantly. You really shouldn't feed Nicole so much food because she seems to be getting a little 'heavy'. Better start her jogging every day! Cheers, and the best for all!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb - It is nice to visit your space. Your daughter is beautiful. Does she take after her mom? Here is wishing her a very speedy and safe delivery.
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Deb, lovely to visit you 'at home', and be made feel so at home!! Must get my kids to show me how to decorate my area.
Nicole certainly does look beautiful and glowing, but I bet she is getting fed up with herself! not long now though!!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Deb, I know that you are counting the days, if not the hours until Nicole has the baby, but relax if you can. She looks heathy and very happy and many wishes for an uneventful delivery. I'll return, and if I can, give you a hand in whatever you may need.
anew  From "the greatest snow on earth"
Wonderful picture! Definitely a glow, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Deb and Nicole, just popping in to see how you are both doing. The place looks great. Have you both packed for the Hosptial Visit yet?
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Oh yes, Angie.....Every morning my toiletries bag and pillow gets put into the boot beside my already packed bag. If I get the call while I'm at work I want to be able to just continue down the highway and not have to come back home first. Nicole finished work yesterday so she can now just relax....maybe......
fi  From NT
REPEAt repeat repeat

Nicole you look radiant. I'm sure your little babe will bring extra joy into a home with already bursting with love and laughter.

14th December 7am 7lbs 11oz All the best.

Better copy these and save them to a word doc this time. :)

Meg  From Kingaroy
Nicole looks great.. is this her first baby? I have only just come back to the land of Sudoku and have a lot of catching up to do.. 'check out my page' is new and I have no idea when Nicole is actually due but my guess is 18th Dec at 7:30pm 7lb 9oz
val  From bolton england
Hi Debs, Nicole looks radiant best wishes to you both.
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
All the best Nicole!

Thursday 14th December 7:25am 8lbs 3oz.

I'll now look for and post this in the competition area too!
Warren  From Philly
Are you sure their aint two in there?
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Deb, I forgot my first message was lost in cyberspace so I thought I'd better visit you again.
Nicole doesn't look any different than she did the other day. Oh, sorry, it's the same photo. Silly me!
You seem to have settled nicely into your room now.
Looking forward to sharing a cuppa with you some time. Cheers
chegan  From Albany West Oz
Monday Dec 18, 11.20pm 7lb 5oz
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Nicole I second Warren's comment.
You are the picture (no pun intended) of health and beauty!
My guess was December 10 (my daughter's b-day) and 8 lbs 9 oz (I think) looking at your pic....I don't know...My guess might be way under.
Tricia  From Queensland    Supporting Member
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Hi My first grandchild was born on 9th Novemeber it is a very exciting time. Enjoy. My guess would be 20th December 7lb 10oz
nantucket  From raleigh, nc
You're beautiful, Nicole. Bestg wishes for an easy labor at 7AM, December 12, with a 8lb 2oz baby.
Gina  From CA
Deb - I think December 14 would be a good day. The weight will be 7 lb. 5 oz. I sure hope it is a quick and easy delivery. Best wishes to mom and new baby!
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thankyou for the birthday greetings, Deb. It's so nice to be wished a happy day by people from far and wide.
Jacqui  From Cranbourne, Vic
Well, I think you're all right & Nicole does look very happy & healthy.... but she also looks at least as big as I was with my two and they were 9+ lbs!! (hope for your sake Nicole I'm wrong!!)
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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So sorry to all that have visited here and I haven't been home. Life seems to be in limbo right now while I await 'THE PHONE CALL'. Please make yourself at home. Feel free to leave behind any messages that may help a first time Nanna. There should be plenty of fresh fruit salad in the fridge as I make a new one everyday. Watermelon, rockmelon, kiwi fruit, strawberries and grapes. Also some yummy ice creams in the freezer.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Deb thanks for the ice creams! and the fruit, mmmmm! I understand you being gone, especially while you await the CALL!

Even though I haven't children yet, I wanted to share, the way I understand the ''bond'' between a grandparent, and grandbaby.
I've heard, that if you can recall the love you had when you're first child arrived, that after all the life you've lived, and then you welcome in your daughter's first child, that it's a love you can't quite fathom, or express. Seems quite exciting, what i've heard from grandparent's (my parents mostly). If anything, you'll have even more love in your life, to give and recieve!
Take care until next time
Jenneye  From SC
Praying for you Nicole to have an easy labor and
delivery on December 21, 7lb 4oz.
Best wishes to you all!!
Stella  From Brisbane
Hi Deb Am sure you will be a great Nanna just be yourself and be there for Nicole. All the best to you all. Cheers Stella
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Deb I can't believe, having seen the photo of you with yr daughter, that you are old enough to be a nana! can believe yr daughter is old enough but not you - doesn't make sense!
hope all goes well. bound to be a beautiful bub with such good genes.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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The countdown is happening! What a wonderful experience. All the best to Nicole and her child!
fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb I'm sorry I just couldn't help it! The fruit salad was so delicious .. once i started to eat it... I just couldn't stop....

It's your fault for making it so yummy!!
Linda  From Ohio
Your Nicole looks just beautiful!
Count me in at December 19th; healthy baby @ 8 lb. 4 ounces. Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year!
PS: I missed your recipe for fruit salad. Is there someplace to find it easily? Thanks. Linda
Jill  From Tacoma, WA
Hi Deb, your daughter looks fabulous. Congratulations and best wishes to all of you. Nothing more wonderful than babies and little kids!
Angela  From Dallas, TX
It doesnt feel like it when its you, but a woman will never be more beautiful than when she is pregnant. The shape is so beautiful, so round and ripe. Like a big watermelon! Also, those same hormones that cause nausea wack you out also make your hair and skin GLOW with vibrance. I look back at my old preggers pics and think 'I want that hair back!!!'
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Debbie! Geting closer! You're excited aren't you? Best wishes!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Fraz...Sorry I missed your visit but I am glad you enjoyed the fruit salad (a little too much it would I arrived home and the fridge and cupboards were bare.

Well, I am back from shopping and have bought a few more goodies for you all. Fruit Salad is always here (freshly made) as it is my all time favourite. I did also make rum balls, white christmas, caramel tart (drool drool)and pavlova. There is some punch in the fridge (that does pack a punch I can tell you) so help yourselves. Bailey's and Kahlua on the bench and ice cubes in the freezer.
Merry Christmas to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy
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