Deb from Brisbane

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Matt, Nicole and Kiarah

cooling off in the pool


Matt, Nicole and Kiarah in the pool.

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   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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That is a beautiful photograph Deb, she is a gorgeous little one xx (obviously takes after her nan!!)
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Deb, she is just adorable. You are so very lucky, wish I could have a cuddle.
Hmm perhaps you can plan another visit down here with her?
Rose  From Sydney
Morning Deb

Fantastic photo of wee Kiarah! She looks very cuddly and that little roll under her chin looks made for tickles and kisses. Are her eyes going green? How's Nicole doing?

Thank you for your thoughts yesterday. My official due date is March 20. So as of right now I am 33 weeks.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Kiarah looks fit and healthy cherub. such a lovely time with them when they start reacting to everything.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb. Those are beautiful pictures of Kiarah! You wouldn't be just a little bit proud of her would you?
   SpadeScorpio  From Toronto, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hiya Deb, thank you very much for the nice comments...we couldn't refuse Freckles with the kids saying how much they wanted him. I almost must say, Kiarah is those eyes!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb! How is that new Granddaughter doing? She is a beautiful baby! Six months is my favorite age. You can have so much fun with them!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb! Good to hear from you. I know she isn't 6 months and I wouldn't want to wish her any older. I just really enjoy the age of 6 months. They aren't old enough to talk back yet....., but can be a lot of fun. Have a great day!
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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I understand why you are so proud of kiara - she is a gorgeous baby ! Wish you and of course your family many , many years of happiness with her .
In hebrew we say AD 120 ! All the best till you are....120
Mamacita 2  From PA.
Its been much too long since I have had a chance to drop in to say hi and to check up on your beautiful grand baby. Kiarah is growing just fine. She certainly looks quite healthy and most kissable.Hope she is sleeping better and Nicole is getting some much needed rest. Please visit when the opportunity presents its self. Meanwhile continue to enjoy this God given gift of a grandchild.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb! Stopped in to see if you had new pictures of Kiarah. She must be growing like a weed! Cheers to you!
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Deb - get your pedometer and sign up with the 10,000 steps programme. It is free and run by Central Queensland University at Rockhampton. It keeps me on the straight and narrow knowing I'll put my steps on site every day.
Love the picture of Kiarah
LynnDee  From WA,USA
First time visiting and thought I'd say, what a cute baby Kiarah is.
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb
Beautiful photos of your grand daughter. She is absolutely adorable
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb, I'm b-a-ck!!Will catch up with emails in the next few days. Kiarah is gorgeous!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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A very nice photo Deb. Wonderful looking family. Thanks for sharing it with us!
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb, I was just on Rosemary's page and reading that you weren't well. I hope you get better soon. I know that I get chest pains with anxiety - I also grind my teeth. Hang in there and I'm sure things will improve.
My best wishes to you and Mark.
20/Mar/07 2:23 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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and Deb hope you are feeling okay and the tests go alright. Stress brings on so many symptoms so try and relax and have some 'me' time xx
P.S loved the joke about the little boy lost the other day xx
22/Mar/07 8:15 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I tried to post a comment but everything disappeared h'm this seems to be happening on lots of pages now??
22/Mar/07 8:31 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Oh its back now. Take care xx
22/Mar/07 8:32 AM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb
Great, fantastic, wonderful photo of Kiarah and her family. Sometimes it just all works, doesn't it?
What happened with your face? Are you going to be OK? How bad was the needle? I hate needles... and yet I did IVF - go figure!
Hope you are feeling better soon.
26/Mar/07 4:25 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Deb have you had your results in yet? Hope they were okay for you, take care of yourself, there is only one of you xx
01/Apr/07 8:14 PM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb, Just wondering how you were doing after your needles. Hope all is OK.
03/Apr/07 11:49 AM
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hello to all...I have some sad news to pass on.

Mark and I have separated. It wasn't mutual and Mark is taking it very badly. It wasn't a light decision made on my behalf. For quite a few months now I have been struggling with Mark's disability and have felt angry and disgusted with myself for feeling this way. Through no fault of his own Mark was born with a disease that as he ages seems to be becoming more painful with no relief in sight. The operation (that we had high hopes of helping him to have a better quality of life) failed. There seems to be no where else to go now. He lives on pain killers and our social life is nil. It has caused him to be out of work and to also retreat from living a full and exciting life. He was happy but, selfishly I admit, I couldn't see myself living like this for the rest of my life. We have discussed this and have been to counselling over this but the stress has been weighing on me heavily for quite a few months until it got to the stage I couldn't go to work anymore either. I was suffering chest pain, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, shortness of breath etc etc. For the last few weeks I have had numerous tests done and had the all clear on all of them. It was then that we both knew that my problem (although manifesting itself physically) was actually an anxiety problem. Over the last few weeks we have had to discuss and confront some other issues that have been interfering with our lives. Some family, some more personal and it was decided that, for now, we should part ways. More my decision than Mark's.
Mark is the most wonderful, gentlest, sincerest, sensitive person I know. He has extraordinay qualities and it breaks my heart that I have broken his. We are still friends and I'm sure we always will be as we connected so well on so many levels. A very sad period of time for both of us.
04/Apr/07 6:11 AM
Bill  From Texas, US
A few months back our pastor was doing a series on I and II Corinthians and when he got to the part about divorce he stressed this verse. 'I want you to live as free of complications as possible.' The pastor said God doesn't like divorce but if you've tried to work things out, 'God wants us to be happy.' Sometimes you have to move on. Good Luck
04/Apr/07 6:35 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Deb, may your decision prove to be the correct one.
04/Apr/07 8:05 AM
MizTricia in Alabama  From USA
Linda, it is so sad when something that is totally outside our control, like your husband's illness, affects your life so severly. I know it took a lot of courage to face this, make a decision and follow through. Good luck as you continue to do the things that help you heal. Remember to take time for YOU.
04/Apr/07 8:06 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I hope that if works out for you both Deb and that you continue to both be friends. Look after yourself and say hello to Mark too for me xx
04/Apr/07 8:08 AM
MizTricia  From Confused
That should be to DEB, not Linda, sorry
04/Apr/07 8:09 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Anything that makes your health suffer is not right. Loving someone doesn't always mean being able to live with them. I'm glad that your tests gave you a clean bill of health. Had you carried on under such stress they may not have been next time.Take care of yourself.
04/Apr/07 8:35 AM
Kate  From TX
I too have been married to a man with similar health problems. He has been ill for more years of our marriage than he has been healthy. (well-10 years, ill-17.) He, too, is a wonderful person. My health has suffered as well. I am taking care of my health problems but I can't leave him. I feel so sad for him. I sound like a martyr. I guess I am a martyr. But, what would he do without me? and sometimes I think, 'What would I do without him?'
04/Apr/07 10:49 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Deb, I am sorry to hear about you and Mark splitting up. I am sure that you are as devestated as Mark is, but it is probably best to call it quits now than have your health suffer as well.
My best wishes to you. I'm sure your sudoku friends will be here to help you as best we can.
04/Apr/07 11:47 AM
gloria  From Sydney Oz
Not an easy decision for you, Deb and obviously not one taken lightly. Wishing you all the very best and hoping that both you and Mark will still enjoy a caring relationship, even though separated.
04/Apr/07 12:13 PM
   Rose  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Deb, what a horrible decision to have to make. I have been through a break up as well, though not as amicable, and even though it was a relief, I still went through a grieving process. I'll be thinking of you and I hope that you'll be feeling better soon. Take care.
04/Apr/07 3:00 PM
Col  From Pooter-Less

I don't have my pooter at the moment I am borrowing one - so I don't have email, SM or anything. I will email you as soon as I have cyber options again. For now, however, I send my love to both you and Mark. Having met you both and seen you interact with each other, I am sad at your news. I will talk to you later.
04/Apr/07 5:19 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Love and hugs to you, Deb, and to Mark. This has been an agonising decision for you to make. I hope your health improves.
04/Apr/07 10:03 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb - What a nice photo! Here is wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.
04/Apr/07 11:00 PM
sherri  From alabama
Best of luck Debbie! Everyone has a burden to bare, it may seem selfish, but I do believe personal happiness leads to happiness for others! Have you read 'The Secret'. I'm just reading now, but it seems to offer a lift to the spirit. Your pictures show a beautiful loving family. Be happy!
04/Apr/07 11:08 PM
Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co
Deb, I was just reading through the posts and was going to chip in my 2 cents wort. Than I read the last post. Please ignore it! We have become a sort of family here, and this is a fine forum to share your problem. You posted on your private page, they didn't HAVE to come here and read it, they chose to(and from the vernacular, I don't think this person is from the USA!).
That being said...2 years ago I separated from my husband. Everyone thought that I had made a terrible mistake and that I should return to him (except for one true friend). You would not believe the depths that so called friends sunk to in the effort to get us back together. Long story short, I did reconcile. You have read of my problems recently.
You have to do what is right for YOU! I'm sure Mark is a wonderful person, but that does not invalidate your feelings. My thoughts are with you. This is a difficult time.
07/Apr/07 3:44 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Deb. I have no words of wisdom or comfort for you. I know it is a difficult time. Do hope you are bearing up and coping with the stress, both personal and external. Wishing you a good Easter weekend and hope all is well!
07/Apr/07 9:17 AM
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