Quahog from Gloucester

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your own page after lurking for so long Quahog! How did you manage to get such an interesting name! Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Hope to see you join in the conversation more often.
03/Aug/12 2:32 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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Well... it's actually my trivia handle (NTN/Buzztime trivia). It was originally 'GEODUK' in honor of a large clam from the Pacific Northwest. The true spelling is 'geoduck' but the trivia handles are limited to 6 characters. I started NTN trivia as part of a team, and two of us had lived in the PNW and I'm a marine biologist, so we settled on GEODUK for our team handle. When I moved back to New England. nobody knew what a geoduck was, so I changed it to QUAHOG.

I'm a marine biologist/university professor who has worked with clams, so the handle somewhat makes sense. However, I have never worked with quahogs, except in the kitchen.
03/Aug/12 2:53 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to Sudokuland, Quahog!
I live near the Chesapeake Bay in blue crab country, so I've brought you a bowl of Maryland cream of crab soup as a page warming gift. Enjoy!

As I understand it, QUAHOG can be pronounced several different ways: ko-hog, kwo-hog, kwa-hog.
I have always said ko-hog. Hope I haven't been embarrassing myself all these years! How do you pronounce it?
I read something interesting. Researchers may have dredged up the oldest living animal near Iceland(I think) in 2007. A Quahog from about 250 ft. deep that was 405 years old. Unfortunately, they only learned this AFTER they cut through the shell to count the growth rings. I wonder how long they can actually live? I read the average is 200 years? That's if they don't end up in a kitchen, of course.
03/Aug/12 6:55 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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I worked with a blue-crab guy who did his graduate work at William and Mary -- and I have worked on other crabs myself, but not any that find their ways into kitchens.

I pronounce it 'co-hog' too, Kathy. Nobody around here would say 'kwa-hog', but I do sometimes hear 'kwo-hog.' It can also be spelled 'quahaug' and maybe one or two other ways as well.

I think there are probably animals older than 450 years. Some animals primarily reproduce asexually, by fission or budding. If, say, a coral propagates by fragmentation, aren't all the pieces resulting from fragmentation still as old as the original, whole coral? If so, then some corals are very, very old -- and other clonal animals would be as well.

But that sure would be one old clam! I hope this quahog last a few more years, too.
03/Aug/12 7:14 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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BTW, if you want to leave a comment for someone, just click on the blue 'Check out my page' next to the person's name.
If you'd like to send a personal message, click on the blue 'Send (whomever) a Private Message' at the top right of their page. That is where the answers go to the (non-sudoku) poozles that are posted daily. I, Fiona, and others usually refer to it as the '(something or other) inbox'.
Once again, good to see you posting!

03/Aug/12 7:17 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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That's a relief! 'co-hog it is! Thanks!
03/Aug/12 7:22 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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Quahog, glad to see you here. Come visit more often.
03/Aug/12 2:08 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there.
When I read that you were from Gloucester, I presumed it was from Australia.
Now I know there are a a few in the world and you are from America.
Welcome to the site.

I am a Nurse working in Aged Care in a small town in Queensland Australia.

Enjoy your visits.. they are a great bunch.
Call in to the forum also...mostly they are women but you would be most welcome.
03/Aug/12 7:35 PM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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Thanks for the welcome, Nola. I should have thought to be more specific about my location. Or... maybe it's more fun this way!
03/Aug/12 10:03 PM
   Fiona  From France
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Hi there...great to see you posting...almost met Glenn in Orlando a couple of years ago & have often chatted with him on yahoo!
11/Aug/12 9:14 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How fascinating to find out what Quahog means.. had absolutely no idea. It is hard NOT to learn all sorts of interesting things form fellow members here.
Welcome to the site.
I'm one of the DUG's..downunder girls..
Bye for now.
14/Aug/12 1:39 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I'm a little tardy in my welcoming you to this wonderful site, but welcome indeed.
Glad to see how quickly you have become fully involved with these wonderful folks. Continue to enjoy. Peace.
28/Aug/12 12:11 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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THank you, Momacita!

28/Aug/12 12:29 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Stay warm & stay safe, Quahog!
Hope your pup goes out before he goes!
10/Feb/13 4:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I assume you are in East Gloucester if there are houses being claimed by the sea. Stay safe and take it easy when you dig out. Take care.
10/Feb/13 4:59 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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Thanks. I got the pup out and he took the longest leak of his life. Later on he produced a little poo. We think he's making diamonds!
10/Feb/13 10:54 AM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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Oh -- yes, the houses lost were on the Back Shore which is technically in East Glo. But it's all Gloucester. I live closer to downtown, about a mile or two for, the Back Shore.
10/Feb/13 10:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I hope all your students are safe after the marathon bombing :(
17/Apr/13 4:34 PM
Quahog  From Gloucester
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So far no bad news. May take some time to know for sure.
17/Apr/13 11:46 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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My condolences on the loss of your brother. May he rest in peace.

14/Feb/21 12:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Thank you for letting us know, Quahog. I have passed it on through our FB Sudoku Friends page. I'm sorry that I only found this today.
My condolences on your loss. I do remember when Leah came to Australia. I think June (from Epping in Sydney) met up with her and helped her.
(June also passed away a few years ago.)
06/Mar/21 10:37 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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My deepest sympathy to all of Glen's family. Thank you for letting us know . RIP Glen.
07/Mar/21 6:08 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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My condolences to you and your family. May he rest in Peace.

09/Mar/21 2:31 AM
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