Shiela from MI

Send Shiela a Private Message



(A sheila named Shiela)


To know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, 

though distant, is close to us in spirit ...

This makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.

- Goethe


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   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat - even when the site is messed up like it is now. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie and a video.

11/Jan/08 11:36 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page, Shiela! You are going to love meeting all the great people on this site! Stop by the 'easy' page and say hi to everyone. Visiting different pages is like taking a trip around the world! I have brought a pot of Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests. Bon Appétit!
11/Jan/08 12:44 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome, Sheila, to Sudokuland.
Drop by and say hello. It's fun, hope you enjoy it.
11/Jan/08 3:34 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Sheila and to
Hope all is well in your side of the world, drop on in over at Foxhaven Resort any time you feel like it.
for you to enjoy while you settle in.
11/Jan/08 7:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Australia    Supporting Member
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Yes Shiela, I did the puzzles for months, then started reading the posts, then thought I would join last October. I have had so much fun, particularly when I started to post comments myself.
11/Jan/08 7:34 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Shiela, I think most people all started out that way, reading and enjoying the comments/posts before deciding to join up. So glad you have followed thru with your New Years Resolution.
Hanging my head in shame here, I'm just waiting till tomorrow to start mine, funny thing is tomorrow never comes. LOL
Have a great day.
11/Jan/08 7:46 PM
   Madby3  From Qld, Australia
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WELCOME TO SUDOKULAND WITH YOUR OWN PAGE. I also did the puzzles for ages before joining in the chat.
11/Jan/08 8:02 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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11/Jan/08 10:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Shiela and to the wacky, if slightly broken, world of Sudokuland.
I've brought along a bottle of Aussie bubbly, a plate of nibblies and a selection of herb plants for your culinary delight.
I hope you have as much fun here as I have. Post on the easy page and wait for the guests to arrive!
Look forward to seeing you around.
12/Jan/08 1:38 AM
   Lori  From Adelaide, Australia
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Hi Shiela,

to Sudokuland. Hope you have fun with your new page.
12/Jan/08 3:57 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela, and welcome to your own special this corner in the land of Sudoku! I'll leave you one of my traditional double chocolate fudge beavertail pastries as a page warming gift. Enjoy your time on the site, and cheers!
12/Jan/08 12:39 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia
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Hi Shiela,
to our wacky world. It's fun here.
12/Jan/08 6:33 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Sheila, looks like you already have lots of goodies for your guests, I might just have a nibble of a beavertail - yum. Welcome, drop by sometime.
12/Jan/08 6:46 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela, plenty of food so lets just share some of Gail's bubbly.
13/Jan/08 4:17 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and Shiela, I'm near Chicago and early morining here. I enjoy visiting the site before I start my day. Take Care. Mary
13/Jan/08 6:07 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela - to your own page here in Sudokuland! I have brought you a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies to share with your guests. Please stop by for a chat sometime. The door is always open.
13/Jan/08 8:19 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela - I live about an hour north of Detroit. I see your husband has been mowing today! If you live in the Detroit Metro area, they are predicting snow tonight. I hope he was able to complete his task this afternoon!
14/Jan/08 5:46 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela - For your Avatar.......Try going to
This is the website that I have used as well as others here on the site. Also, in the "Forum" there should be pages that will help you also. Lots of luck. (I am very technically challenged, but I hope this has helped!)
24/Jan/08 11:01 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Sheila, No - I didn't write it - someone emailed it (forwarded, who knows how many times) I got a kick out of it - since I have a dog.

The recipe page is in the forum section under "off topics". If you don't see it listed - at the bottom of the section is "View all 'off topic' threads". Click there and then click on the Recipe Forum.
26/Jan/08 7:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday Shiela, just popping in to restock the fridge with bubbly and chips 'n' dips.
How are you enjoying the place so far? Everyone treating you ok? Have you had a good look around, there's heaps to do. Go to the forum page and click on the link at the bottom of each thread, you'll see there are a lot more pages to look at, for instance the recipes page or Our Pets etc.
Take care,
27/Jan/08 11:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just a quick look in to say I love your avatar.
Great photo Mr Shiela.
29/Jan/08 4:45 PM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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Had to check twice to make sure that I spelled your name right. I have one of those names too, Amy spelled Aimee. I love jigsaw puzzles too, haven't done one in way too long. Enjoy, the fun is getting there!

Hope you have a great day!
06/Feb/08 5:11 AM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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On the

Can also see Lmao - laughing my arse off or combine for roflmao Not very popular on here, but it is on most other sites :)
06/Feb/08 11:57 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Shiela, my cats are basking in the sunshine of your admiration! Yes, they're great family members and give us plenty of warmth and entertainment. I hope it works out well with your poor diabetic kitty and that your neighbours will be able to rise to the task of administering the insulin so you can have a worry-free couple of holidays (and don't those vacations sound fantastic? You must be so eager to go; we were in Italy and France last summer and had a wonderful time). Anyway, a pleasure to find another cat lover; I'm a fan of all animals, reptiles being the exception. Anyway, hope you're not shoveling too much slush like I did this morning.
I'm dropping off a bottle of Niagara ice wine for you to have as dessert with your friends. Thanks for visiting me and drop in anytime!
07/Feb/08 2:51 AM
Ame  From Pgh, PA USA
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No worries about the name. I get it all the time. My dad named me after an old song called "Once in love with Amy" and my mom picked the spelling. I am Catholic so she did not give me a middle name. From what she's told me the priests were adamant about children having names from the Bible (or after saints) and if your first name wasn't then they would baptize you with your middle name as your first. Sign of the times back then! Thank godness things have changed!

See you soon!
07/Feb/08 3:03 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela! I haven't made time to stop in before, but I guess it's never too late! I'm one of the "oldies" on the site, in both age & years participating (I started in fall of 2005!). Glad you have joined the crowd here. There's so many great people to meet & things to learn about the world. Judy from San Diego & I even discovered that we both attended the U. of Mich. back in the early 60's! By the way, I love the name Aimee, or Amy, the way we spell our oldest daughter's name. You can find pictures of her & the rest of our family on my page in Flickr photos. Would love to hear more about YOUR family if you have time someday.
15/Feb/08 4:31 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Oops, meant to tell Ame, not you, about my Amy. Sorry! I'm old, remember!!
15/Feb/08 4:34 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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It's okay if you're a Spartan. I like you anyway. But I'll always prefer maize & blue to green! It must be interesting having some Wolverines in your immediate family. We also have some MSU alums in our family - a cousin who lives in Lansing & a niece from Chelsea. By the way, could I ask if you get e-mail notices of new comments on your page? I'm still not getting any like I used to. Happy Valentine's Day
15/Feb/08 5:36 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Thanks for your good wishes, Shiela, from a fellow Michigander. Oh no ... you're a Spartan? Go Blue!
You mentioned that you are going out tonight with the "love of your life." Does your husband know? :)
15/Feb/08 6:42 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Shiela, I see I have never been to visit, sorry for taking so long. I haven't been on much lately life gets in the way. There are great people and fun times here.
17/Feb/08 3:19 PM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Hi Shiela, I've been here before to visit you but never left anything. Today is the day... to your page and to Sudokuland. You will find that there is a lot to do here and a lot of friends to visit. I brought you some Maple Syrup, it goes well on pancakes and also took the chance to put some on that small table near the entrance.
18/Feb/08 12:51 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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So glad to hear that you also do watercolors...Orchids are so beautiful and I am sure yours will turn out that way. I do not know the name of the flower but I called it Michahmed...because of Micheline and Ahmed who were getting married. You will have to take pictures of your paintings and post them like I did. You know that I never thought of taking pictures of my paintings until someone asked me.
18/Feb/08 2:02 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela - How are things down your way? My son, Jeremiah, is moving out today to live on his own. He works in Saline and has found an apartment close to work. I am sad/happy. I will miss him, but I will be glad he is close to work when the weather is bad. He now drives close to 60 miles to work. (120 Miles a day) He will definitely save gas money!

Did you have ice this morning? We live on a back dirt road and it was a solid sheet of ice.

As far as Flickr goes......It is very easy to sign up and it is free! If you want more space each month for pictures, they will charge for that. Just go the the sight and follow the directions. I am very technically challenged and if I can do it....I know you can too! Lots of luck!
18/Feb/08 10:13 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela - Thanks for the visit! I hope your "baby" had a wonderful birthday!
19/Feb/08 1:44 AM
appy  From india
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Shiela, the name is very Indian!!well sorry for not making a visit earlier, wasnt aware..for I am a bit ignorant regarding the note that appears announcing the new member.Never catches my eye somehow:)..Glad you enjoyed my pictures and like my humor.Plz feel free to make a visit to my page whenever you want and do feel at home.
Best wishes.
22/Feb/08 3:51 PM
   Fiona  From France
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oh hope you're not shivering too much with all that snow you've been getting! Yes spring is in the air here; we've had an exceptionally mild winter and three weeks of clear blue skies and warm temps so all the blossom on the trees is out and it's a wonderful sight to see. My daffs are in full bloom along with all the mimosa trees and the flowering cherries which make for some spectacluar displays. Where are you exactly in the states? Must be up north to get all this cold weather! See you soon!
27/Feb/08 2:00 AM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thank you Shiela for your kind message, it has helped me a lot to share my pain with such lovely people on this site. Each day will get better, I'm sure.
28/Feb/08 9:53 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the kind welcome, Shiela. You know, your grandson will NEVER properly learn his colors if you keep confusing him with that green stuff! Go Blue! XO
29/Feb/08 1:33 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Shiela! WELCOME TO CLUB 39! Yes, I'm going to be rounding up all the sudokuists who are celebrating their 39th wedding anniversary this year (preferably those who married in June, but all are welcome.) I'll be collecting photos (before and after - i.e. wedding and current) and will post them in a gallery on my page. I'll send you my e-mail address in a private message if you'd like to join the party. I'm off to tennis now - although it's barely above freezing this morning. Brrrrrrrrrrr!
29/Feb/08 11:59 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Is May 3rd almost June? Would love to join the party, decide the rules!
Snowing to beat the band this morning and I have to go help set up for our annual sister-city organization's "Pub Night" (held in honor of St. David's Day...our sister-city is in Wales) fundraiser.
01/Mar/08 12:18 AM
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