Shiela from MI

Send Shiela a Private Message



(A sheila named Shiela)


To know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, 

though distant, is close to us in spirit ...

This makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.

- Goethe


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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Shiela! Enjoy your day.
26/May/17 10:15 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Your present was a new page.
26/May/17 10:15 AM
Judy  From San Diego
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You're welcome! It appears that you have a major sweet tooth!
27/May/17 1:28 AM
Cake Lady  From NY
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A belated to you Sheila! Hope you had a great day!
27/May/17 1:30 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Shiela, will pass on your greeting at lunch.😘
31/May/17 10:22 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi Shiela. You asked earlier about how it goes in SC. After a couple of days of rain, it has cleared up nicely. But we're expecting some much warmer weather. Into the nineties for the rest of the week. Thanks for asking.
10/Jun/17 11:07 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Shiela,Avery had a problem with her lungs to start with but ok now, next they have to get her lips strong enough to feed properly. At the moment they have Stacey expressing milk to tube feed her as well as letting her try feeding.
07/Jul/17 7:49 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Shiela - it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Nice to see you back home and on the site again.
07/Jul/17 1:06 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Shiela, about that pain in your arm, do you get regular chiropractic adjustments?

I had a mystery pain across my right upper chest for years. Doctor was stumped. Then I got a new computer and moved it to a new location where my mouse pad was positioned differently and the pain went away.

Glad your pain isn't your heart and hope it's not serious and you get it resolved soon!
19/Jul/17 2:29 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Wow, Shiela. I've never heard of an amaryllis with so many stems and buds. Sounds as if it was 'crossed' with an orchid!

Maybe you could post a photo?
27/Jan/18 11:57 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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The sweetness comes full circle.
15/Mar/18 4:49 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Shiela! I hope you have a really great day.
25/May/18 3:28 PM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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I've stayed up late enough that today is your birthday, though you are likely asleep by now, not yet celebrating. Happy Birthday in our time zone!
25/May/18 3:37 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful birthday Sheila! Cheers!
26/May/18 4:51 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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Happy *first-day of your two-day Birthday!
25/May/19 6:09 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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* was supposed to be (
result of one-handed typing
25/May/19 6:10 AM
   Chris  From Canberra
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Shiela, I hope you have a wonderful day filled with fun and !
25/May/19 11:35 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Best wishes for a very , Shiela! I hope you have a great day.
25/May/19 2:01 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Shiela! I hope you enjoy your special day.
25/May/20 7:46 PM
   Famia  From Arpin
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Sheila, about the fire department in yesterday's post. Our fire department is 'volunteer' but they still get paid when they go out on a call. Our little township spends so much on the fire department that they don't have enough money to fix the roads or doing anything but minimal upkeep on the rest of the township. They get maybe 3 calls a month but spend over $150,000 dollars every year. Kind of a sore point with me. Husband and I even ran for a position on the town board to slow them down but the fire department organized and convinced the township we were the bad guys. Seems like nobody else even noticed. Gotta go, just saw two bald eagles fly past my window.
30/May/20 9:58 PM
   DotCom  From Boca Raton, FL
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Hi Shiela, Thanks for the tip about jigsaw planet. I went there and liked it and made an icon for it. Many hours of happy playing in the future thanks to you.
05/Jan/21 7:33 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Shiela
Happy Birthday to you!
Hip Hip Hooray!!
25/May/21 6:26 PM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Happy New Year Shiela. all the best for 2022.
31/Dec/21 10:44 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Shiela!!! Your birthday message was the second one I've received ! Peter on Australian time got me yesterday! I hope you and your family are well!
14/May/22 1:30 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Shiela! Enjoy your special day.
25/May/23 11:56 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you Shiela, for looking at my photos and your lovely comment about them.
27/May/23 2:21 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Shiela! I hope you have a lovely day celebrating your special day.
25/May/24 5:22 PM
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