Jerry from Washougal/Toledo, WA

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   Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea    Supporting Member
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Welcome Jerry! Not sure where Washougal is, but Washington being so lovely, I am sure it is nice.
Others will be dropping by, giving you good eats, etc., Sorry I don't have anything (as I have not figured that out yet!).
30/Apr/08 4:10 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie, a video and a tour of Historic Jacksonville, OR.

30/Apr/08 4:43 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Jerry! I am sure you'll enjoy Sudokuland -- such a great bunch of people from all over the world! Even Washougal! Is it pronounced the way it looks or how?
30/Apr/08 8:37 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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to the wide, wonderful world of Sudokuland!
Glad you could join us!
Since Eve left her famous pie I will leave a pot of fresh-brewed, fresh ground Seattle's Best coffee for you to share with your visitors! (Or Starbucks, if you prefer.)
30/Apr/08 8:40 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Preferably a sock without a hole in it! Good use for all those socks where the washer eats the other one???
30/Apr/08 12:24 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Jerry, thanks for your answer. I did guess the pronunciation right! It's always fun to hear new people try to pronounce the Indian names -- not an easy feat. Isn't that interesting that you used to travel to OKC! Small world, hey? I've had "other lives" myself, am enjoying this one most of all! Cheers!
30/Apr/08 1:42 PM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry, It was great talking to you in chat. I hope you have a great time on this site. I have some wine and a donut to welcome you to Sudokuland.
30/Apr/08 5:26 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page, Jerry!
I have brought a of Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests. I've also brought J.R. and Maggie a few to welcome them too!
I'm so glad you've joined us!
03/May/08 4:02 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry, and welcome to your own space on this site. Dual citizenship, or you just fly back and forth between OZ and the US for pleasure? Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Cheers!
03/May/08 5:00 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry.. to your own page.
Enjoyed your post today and wondered why I didn't recognise the name...didn't notice the announcement of your arrival on the site. I hope you really enjoy yourself in this crazy wacky world of sudokuland.
I hope you enjoy getting to know us as I'm sure we will getting to know you. You are off to a good start tickling our funny bones like that!
Ciao for now.
p.s. LOVE your dogs...their expressions are wonderful.
03/May/08 5:42 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Sorry for my post Jerry. I went DUH and thought of WA as Western Australia instead of Washington, but I still give you warm welcomes to your own page. Cheers!
03/May/08 10:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and belated greetings to you Jerry. Great to have you here with us.
I enjoyed your post today and look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Feel free to drop into my page anytime by clicking on the blue 'Check out my page' link. I love having visitors.
Have fun here in Sudokuland, we all do!
03/May/08 3:53 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Another belated Jerry, hope you enjoy your time here.
03/May/08 10:40 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Looks like the view from Vancouver. Got any photos of Multnomah Falls?
04/May/08 1:29 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Jerry, I'm not sure if this will help, but check out the following Q&A link:
04/May/08 4:16 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Good one, Jerry! Wish I had a bull! (We are adding a family room & a county inspector had to inspect our drain field before we could go ahead. Now, why did they have to inspect the drain field??? Who knows! We are not adding bedrooms or bathrooms which might change the drain field's usage. Maddening!)
09/May/08 4:29 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Jerry - I just stopped by to you to Sudokuland! I have left a bouquet of multi-colored tulips on your table for you. Please stop by my place sometime for a chat. The door is always open.
09/May/08 6:01 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Jerry...or should I just call you that wonderful, sentimental ol Fa8t.....! I think I prefer just plain Jerry.
Thank you for your visit....another newbie that I haven't given a proper welcome to remedy that... Now that that's out of the way, I'm glad to hear that an ol navy man is confident enough in his manhood to share thoughts and feelings...I love it! You are a welcomed fellow human here.
I must leave you with some of Philly's famous cheese steak sandwiches and some Philly brewed beer to wash it all drop in anytime...I've enjoyed your comments and sense of humor...Great to have you aboard!
18/May/08 10:40 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Jerry, I got on the sudoku site about 12 hours later than usual and came across your Heaven & Hell story. I know this isn't exactly a "guy" word, but it was beautiful! Glad you posted it!
18/May/08 12:38 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Jerry.....Glad you discovered the steak sandwiches and beer before they had been there for awhile and started sending the wrong messages...Let me know when you are thinking about driving through this area again and we can set something up perhaps....but be afraid to just try what ever is labeled 'Philly cheese steaks' ...even in could be great or a big mistake...listen to one who knows.....
Love the comments....keep them coming.Peace!
20/May/08 11:33 AM
   marylinn  From Portland
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Thanks Jerry for the info on the hard drives. My first question along with what you offered is- do I need white gloves to pull the harddrive out? I think i'll ask my husbands sister to help us, she knows a little more.
Then I'll see about buying a connection for the USB port, do you know how much the run, $$ wise?

Well thanks anyway for all that you shared :)
BTW it's Oregon
24/May/08 10:47 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Thanks Jerry for adding your birthday greetings to to the many I received from my Sudoku family...Being remembered is always nice, and I was fortunate enough to be well remembered on my birthday.
29/May/08 6:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Jerry - your comments about soldiers returning home made me think about the responses here, and to be very grateful that today people don't seem to blame the soldiers if they don't like the war. Sometimes something good can come out of something very very bad.
02/Jun/08 6:34 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry!
I just saw your post welcoming the new member(hsyao)
What type of welcome gift (smilie) are you thinking of?
Maybe I could help. I spend an embarrassing amount of time finding unusual smilies (really, I'm talking DAYS here!) How about a bushel of apples? Wash=apples, doesn't it? Just let me know what you are looking for and in my travels around the internet, I'll see what I can find.
06/Jun/08 3:49 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry! These are sized and ready to submit as smilies. Don't know if you want apples for welcome gifts, if not, there's always "delete"!
08/Jun/08 7:41 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I'm sorry, I didn't answer your question. Yes, the "welcome gifts" are smilies, sized and submitted, just like your little farmer guy.
08/Jun/08 7:46 AM
   Tulio  From Cali-Colombia
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Hi Jerry. I want to thankyou for your concernment with my problem regarding the youtube.
Enjoy your stay in think crazy world of ours!
12/Jun/08 12:29 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Jerry
Could you please explain the message you put on my page?????
Thank you
13/Jun/08 9:04 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Jerry
Thank you for explaining that. lol ehehhehe
and for the flowers. Love them.
14/Jun/08 8:58 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Jerry. Thanks for responding to my plea for help. Unfortunately most of those that come up on Google are in the US. The Australian one that came up first was a clock radio with night light. But, I did find one that was released in Australia just recently which wasn't there when I last googled, so I'm hoping to get my hands on it.
18/Jun/08 4:20 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi again Jerry. Thanks for your reply on my page. The problem though with electrical items is the different power points here. I guess I could buy an adaptor though...
19/Jun/08 10:12 AM
   Phillipa  From Tasmania
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Hi Jerry

Many thanks for your welcome and the apples - you are right the group is very friendly which is great!
20/Jun/08 8:55 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi Jerry! Hope your flight worked out ok! Been busy lately so didn't get a chance to welcome you to your page. Hope you're having a great time with it. Here are some flowers to help brighten your day!
24/Jun/08 1:48 PM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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I'm sorry, Jerry, but I don't get it. Fire extinguishers and cars were not designed to kill. As far as I am aware, guns were designed for just that purpose and no other. I do not understand how you can equate cars, fire extinguishers and guns - but then I DO live in a country where it is against the law to store a loaded gun in your house.
05/Jul/08 4:12 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota
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Hey Jerry, I hope that you got an adult malted beverage. The puppies look cute and the view from your deck is awesome!! I hope to make it to your neck of the woods some day.
14/Jul/08 11:49 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hey Jerry

nice view - sunset I assume. Most of the pictures on my page are not my own, but reflect my completely bizarre sense of humour. Thanks for visiting. Nice pupies btw

16/Jul/08 4:25 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Glad you enjoyed the joke. :) ☺
17/Jul/08 10:24 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Bravo, Jerry. My sentiments, too. I believe that someone you've never met in person can become a friend still.
28/Jul/08 8:31 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks very much for the helmet, Jerry. I'll use it when I hop on the back of my daughter's bike (I think it's a Yamaha?!) next time around at page turning, after it's passed Gath's inspection again! The BSA is in bits in the garage, Mr Kate started renovating it 15+ years ago & he hasn't had time to anything for nearly that long! There are actually enough bits for 2 1/2 BSA's. He had 2 going at once, one with a side car attached for picking our daughter up from child care when I was nursing! It was cheaper than having 2 cars!
12/Aug/08 2:05 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hello Jerry, looks like I have been remiss and have never been to visit. Just took a look at your gallery & saw your hottie pictures. Looks like you were in the Navy? were you a river rat? My hubby was a Marine during that time. Glad you made it home.
11/Sep/08 7:05 AM
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