eaa from Tassie

Send eaa a Private Message

Kick off your shoes and sit right down. Help yourself to some of Tassie best wines & cheeses.  Fill your glass and take a tour of my galleries. Enjoy.

 I  invite  you to leave a comment  on any of my photos . Thank you.  

  If any one interested view my photos at


You can even buy  a card to a poster and a calender if your heart desires





I have just been reading some pages and comment under photos,  I have laughedLaughing, criedCry and remember what a truely  gr8 bunch of friends I have here , lots of loveKiss to each and every one of you.



Foam on the beach

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday eaa, how you doin? to the wacky world of Sudokuland. Brought along a plate of nibblies and a bottle of bubbly as a housewarming gift. Catch you around the place.
11/Jun/07 4:54 PM
haz  From Malaysia
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Hi eaa to Sudokuland. Hope you enjoy being here . Here's a traditional gift for you...Steamed Rice Cup Cake from Malaysia. Hope you it.
11/Jun/07 5:24 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Thank you Gail and haz for your warm welcome and gifts. I'm a little shy and a little slow typing.
11/Jun/07 5:46 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello eaa - to your own page.
Here's some to get you started with your decorating and a bottle of our local Wignall's Late Harvest for you to enjoy.
Looking forward to seeing some Flickr photos on your page soon.
P.S. What part of Tassie are you from?
11/Jun/07 7:14 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa, believe it or not we were all shy once! I know I was. Welcome. I have put a basket of fresh fruit on your table for your guests to enjoy. Enjoy.
11/Jun/07 7:32 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Thank you Anne and Lynda. I answered ealier but our power dropped out.I live in the nor/west tip of Tassie.I have a few photos I could share if only I can work how.
12/Jun/07 12:10 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello eaa - thanks for popping into my page but I thought your photos would be up the top of your page here for me to browse in. I'll check the other out, thanks a lot.
13/Jun/07 9:52 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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eaa - I tried that name in Flickr but couldn't bring anything up. I'm not sure if there is more to it as I'm not very good looking for things on websites.
13/Jun/07 9:57 AM
Anne at work  From Albany
Hey, eaa - I see you've managed an avatar. Great one, it's cute. Good luck with the Flickr page.
13/Jun/07 5:41 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Great one eaa, I'll check them out when I get to work as running really late right now.
14/Jun/07 10:38 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Great photo eaa, now I hope to see lots more.
14/Jun/07 6:02 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa, I have just browsed through your flickr photos and I think you have a brilliant collection. I guess you have been photographing for a while because your choice of subjects and composition are just great. I look forward to seeing more of your lovely photos - on sukudo perhaps?
14/Jun/07 11:08 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi EAA, and welcome to your own page! Always nice to meet someone new on the site. I have a tradition of leaving a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa as a page warmimg gift, so I hope you like sweet pastry. Enjoy! Great photo on your page!
15/Jun/07 5:34 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW
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Hi Eaa, Great photo. One of my sisters lives at St Helen's - north east Tassie. I would love to visit Tassie one day.
15/Jun/07 5:54 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello eaa - I was just reading on Greg's page that you were having trouble listening to his You Tube. I also have that problem so I click on the central arrow and once it starts to download, I pause it until it's downloaded fully by the red line running along it.
Hope you can watch them now. Cheers
16/Jun/07 12:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi EAA. You might just need to change a setting in your Control File on the computer, but I'm not sure as to why the pause is happening. I tried to help Anne in the past with no luck. You might want to pose the question on the new page that Angie created under Clips (in the Sudoku toolbar) for Memebers Help and Information. Someone may know what the problem is and be able to help out. Sorry!
16/Jun/07 6:18 AM
Ian/Sydney  From Lake Macquarie
Hi eaa, I'm away from home at the moment and I will give you a proper reply when I return to my own computer. Cheers.
17/Jun/07 9:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Just passing, noticed you were from the n/w of Tassie. Anywhere near Burnie out of interest?
17/Jun/07 10:44 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa, Maureen/Dubbo told me to see your photos. I've gone to flickr' & can only see the the one that's above -great picture! How can I see the others that everyones saying are great too, please? Thanks!
18/Jun/07 8:00 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Just worked it out!! I'll go back & look at them!!
18/Jun/07 8:04 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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That's a fabulous group of photos. for sharing them.
18/Jun/07 8:19 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa I know that feeling! But there are other times I've carried it around & not used it!
18/Jun/07 2:41 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your concern eaa, but it's bypassed where we are. It's blue sky outside & only a bit windy! Both roads over the mountains - Great Western Hwy between Wentworthville & Mt Victoria, and the Bells Line of Road - are closed due to snow. So anyone wanting to get to Sydney from west of the Great Divide won't be able to unless they go hundreds of miles north or south, & the norther way around is probably still under water in parts by the Queen's Birthday weekend storms!
20/Jun/07 11:10 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa, we escaped the worst of the weather - Kate has told it all. Thank you for your concern.
I have some photos from Newcastle which I took last weekend. They are on my flickr page if you are interested.
20/Jun/07 3:23 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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An Avatar is the little picture with the message you send,ie mine's a bit of hydrangea, your's is that pretty bird, Maureen's is a Tassie beach etc. It's from Hindu mythology. An Avatar was a deity descended to earth. So an incarnation or manifestation. So those little pictures are representations of ourselves, I guess is the best way to explain it!
20/Jun/07 3:24 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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So you and Maureen are sisters,with a sister in St Helens.I would never have guessed it was a bit of a hydrangrea.
20/Jun/07 3:56 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa, I think the 'lady in red' will remain there until she rusts, but that's just my guess. My specialty is aviation - I don't like getting my feet wet!
I love your avatar.
20/Jun/07 5:50 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I've just wandered through Tasmania again, thanks to your photos, eaa! I've been there about 4 times for about 4 days each time! My husband's done quite a bit of walking in the South West as well. One day we might have a longer holiday down there!
28/Jun/07 8:08 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks eaa for your visit!
02/Jul/07 12:24 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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lovely pic of Tassie - certainly looks a nice place to be!
05/Jul/07 6:03 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Wow, eaa, I just popped in to see your photos and you have lots of them. I'll have to come back when I have more time and have a good look as you have some beauties there.
05/Jul/07 10:00 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa, thanks for dropping by. Yes, the 'Lady in Red' has gone and I think the fact that she has been refloated is a tribute to the skills of the salvage crew.
I've just looked through your Flickr pages and you have some wonderful photos there. Have you thought of submitting some of them to the Sukodu pages ? Your photography is distinctive, creative and talented. You should share it around a bit.
23/Jul/07 12:12 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa, I have just sent you a long comment which got itself lost in cyberspace. It was asking you if you lived on the West Coast and telling you of my adventures as I drove around Tassie many years ago. Please let me know if this one gets through OK.
23/Jul/07 4:39 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa - oops! - resonding = responding
23/Jul/07 10:12 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa, I have sent you another installment of the tale of my Tassie adventures but this time I put it in your 'Inbox' at the top of the page. Please let me know if you have received it OK - I just want to test Gath's new system.
25/Jul/07 5:50 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa, I have tried several times to reply to your comment and have mucked it up each time.
So, now to try to resurrect the comment I made this morning which got lost.
'eaa I hate the big cities also, we live a bit out of Sydney and I only go into the city when I have to.  My trip to Tassie would have been in the sixties so I guess the signpost would have been in miles, I'll have to check.  If you don't already know, I think I am the oldest member of the Sukodu family.
My wife has never visited Tasmania and it will probably be the next place we visit - after our trip next month to Wales to attend the funeral of her mother. 
By the way, is your name Emma and may I use it in these exchanges?'
Also, I will look for the photo and post it when I find it.
25/Jul/07 1:31 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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eaa, I have found the photo. It is on my Flickr page.
25/Jul/07 1:47 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Thanks Ian, I've just Viewed it and left a comment. Brings back memories of my primary school days. Windmill corner was a pick up point for the High school bus.once again Thank. cheers.
25/Jul/07 2:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday eaa, thought I'd escort you to your new page. A bottle of bubbly to toast your second page.
I am aslo leaving an invitation to pop into my page anytime. Find a park bench in the garden, have a seat and meet my family. Love to see you there.
28/Jul/07 10:46 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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by the way, eaa, you have some lovely photos in your gallery.
30/Jul/07 3:57 PM
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