Maureen from Dubbo, NSW Australia

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The photo is of my mother-in-law and her sister taken in the early 30's with their dance group.


Iris (groom) and Betty (bridesmaid in blue). 1930's

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   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW
Check out my page
09/Jun/07 3:06 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW
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I mean to my page.
09/Jun/07 3:08 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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thanks for the welcome, Maureen. That pic does not look like Dubbo, though.
10/Jun/07 7:51 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi N A U R E E N
Congratulation to have your own page.I am very pleased to visit You with these very beautiful flowers hope You enjoy it.
You areto your own page.
You areto my own page.
You areto visit my 'Egyptian Guest House 'any and every time You wish.
Enjoy Your time there to see Egypt through my photos and enjoy the Egyptian Sons and Music.
See you thereand have a nice Day.
10/Jun/07 9:37 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, fabulous. (Haven't looked at Flikr yet but am about to!
11/Jun/07 4:48 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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There are 18 now!! They're great. I think you were faster than I was to work out the way to get the pictures over.
11/Jun/07 4:56 PM
Jenni  From Chelmsford
Hi Mummy

I like your photos.

Your roses look awesome this year, you must be a green thumb afterall.

love you
11/Jun/07 8:43 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Maureen - to your own page. Nice to see you have become a member. I love your photo of Coronet Peak.
Here's some and a bottle of our local Wignall's Late Harvest to welcome you with.
11/Jun/07 8:44 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Maureen - I love your photos and some of them I have been to in NZ and England and they brought back memories. Isn't travelling a wonderful thing.
11/Jun/07 8:47 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hey Maureen, I've just posted a comment to you on my page, sorry. I was trying to cut & paste a long comment I gave Ian!! I'll try again!:'Thanks for your concern, Ian. We were sensible & decided not to go up. The Hawkesbury is roaring. The tides are low at the moment but the water is as high or higher than the peak King tides! Our neighbour up there has been keeping us informed (by mobile when the phone went off!). One otherneighbour's boat was sunk another ended up on the rocks outside our place. Her husband is in the UK with a boat for the Fastnet race, so our immediate neighbour (who's been keeping us informed) became her 'Sir Knight in Shining Raincoat' & got it off the rocks & back tied up at her place. He's 72&1/2. His wife was watching & thought he was going to be pulled into the water, so she stripped to her undies as well & donned her raincoat, but he managed by himself. He got back home & noticed our canoe had been knocked off its shelf so then he retrieved it! There's no power at the moment but everyone we know up there is safe & still have their homes. Some of them have collected pumpkins floating down from Windsor!! The river is muddy & dangerous because of all the trees & rubbish (& pumpkins!) being washed into it. We have friends in Maitland & the Hunter (as a lot of others do) & it's a lot worse up there! It's not much good for the farmers whose produce is being washed away & the others who'd just planted because they'd had some rain!'The power went off Friday evening just after Sandra ran us with the first bit of information, it's still off now. The phone went off today for sometime (Sandra rang us on the mobile to update us about 8am, but she rang us back after 2pm on the 'land line' with a further update

after 2pm on the 'land line' with a further update
11/Jun/07 9:44 PM
haz  From Malaysia
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Hi Maureen...

. I see that you have a nice photo on your page too. Here, have some Steamed Rice Cup Cake from Malaysia. Hope you it.
12/Jun/07 12:29 AM
Veronique and Pickle  From Veronique and Pickle
Hi mum, where are the photos of my birthday? Couldn't find them. But the others are ok. Veronique likes the one from your sisters house and the ducks. quack!
13/Jun/07 9:48 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hello Maureen,
I just found your page, wanted to stop and say Hi.
Loved your pictures,
14/Jun/07 9:45 AM
Elizabeth  From New Zealand
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Hi Maureen
Thanks for your warm welcome to sudoku membership. I'm in Masterton, just north of Wellington, and I work in Wellington. I hope to set up my home page properly soon, and look forward to hearing from you again.
14/Jun/07 3:20 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hey, Maureen, shouldn't you have 'supporting menber' when comment, now?
15/Jun/07 11:53 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I like your new photos!
15/Jun/07 11:55 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen. Thanks for visiting me, and I am visiting you for the first time. Welcome to your own special page. I have a tradition of leaving a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa as a page warming gift, so I hope you like sweets! For your mate, a bottle of Guiness. Great photos on your Flickr page. Where are these glaciers located that you have pictures of? Cheers!
16/Jun/07 6:25 AM
Mary  From St. Louis
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Thank you for the welcome. What a beautiful garden!
16/Jun/07 3:12 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, how do I connect with 'Eaa from Tassie's page' ?
16/Jun/07 8:41 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday, Maureen. Hip hip hooray!
16/Jun/07 9:17 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Copy of comment to the 'other' Kate: Hi Kate from Sydney(Lane cove) I'm sorry I've upset you so much. I've been Kate/Sydney on jigsaws for quite a while. My sister Maureen introduced me to the site. I have a few friends called Kate & at least one of them lives in Lane Cove, so maybe you should add your street in lane Cove as well. I've met Schultz quite a few times on jigsaws. I think he's a great dog.
16/Jun/07 9:46 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Maureen, I just dropped in to peek over the fence - Love your yard. The Rabbits got to my little garden I put up a fench - with netting over it and planted marigolds - but the plants are gone - I wanted some blace eyed susans (don't tell the rabbits but I planted some on the other side of the house. - For the back yard - I guess I'll try a field of daisies Have a good on in sudoku land - Mary - oh and a to you also.
17/Jun/07 12:38 AM
Misss O  From Ocho Rios
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17/Jun/07 11:40 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Maureen, and a very happy birthday for Saturday!! I hope that you will have much better weather next weekend for your visit than we had this! Are you driving down? I think it is about 5 hours trip, but it is a long time since I have been to Dubbo. What suburb does your son live in?
18/Jun/07 9:16 AM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello again Maureen! It sounds like you will have a full weekend! The new M7 road cuts about 1/2 an hour off the trip to Richmond, or the Blue Mountains, but you have to have an E-Tag as it is a cash free tollway, and you come out at Cambelltown, on the M5, and then down the Picton Road to Wollongong, so you sort of circle around Sydney. There is some some way of paying without the E-Tag, and I think you have 48 hours to do it, but I am not sure of the details.

The new bridge is spectacular. Ian has some pics on his Flickr page of it, and the coast.
18/Jun/07 12:52 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Hello Maureen,if and when you came to Tassie Take plenty of time to explore th roads less travelled. Kate from Sydney has just being in touch .thanks for sending her to my page. cheers.
18/Jun/07 1:25 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, thanks for the info. I eventually got there by hitting the 'tag' button near the photo on eaa's Flickr page!
18/Jun/07 3:26 PM
   Gath  From    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen,

Thanks for becoming a supporting member! Enjoy your smilies.

18/Jun/07 7:27 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Glad it came through! Did you know Ian has some photos of the new highway to Wollongong? He's also got some of the beached boat in Newcastle
19/Jun/07 10:41 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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I am very pleased to stop at your very nice back yard ,enjoyed the beautiful flowers and that very nice swimming pool.
Many thanks for your last visit of my page ,Yes I was out City to Alexandria (3 hours driving from home) to visit my wife's family to say hello and Goodbye before flying next Monday to Los Angles CA U.S.A to visit my Son and his family.
I will submit my posts from there when arrived.
Goodbye and see You.
Have a nice time.
20/Jun/07 7:07 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great avatar, Maureen!
20/Jun/07 11:12 AM
   Anni  From Bathurst Aus
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Hi Maureen, Just found your page and thought I'd drop in and say hello. I'm just down the road in Bathurst.
20/Jun/07 3:05 PM
appy  From india
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hi there..well i cant even pronounce your name properly i reckon!so what,doesnt make much of big difference i presume..:)thanks a lot for your comment in my page..glad you liked the stuff in my are welcome at anytime to listen the offbeat numbers i load in the youtube plus some weird!pics in my flickr may entertain you
21/Jun/07 2:32 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, congratulations on becoming a Supporting Member. Kate told me a couple of days ago but I have been too busy to give you the courtesy of a proper welcome.
I love your photos, you seem to have travelled widely. I wonder if you have any more photos of your travels that you might like to share with all of us?
I was very interested in your photos of Oxley Downs. Have you visited Dundullimal? it is just out of Dubbo on the road that passes by the Zoo. It is a lovely old homesteadand we really enjoyed our visit. If you haven't been I recommend a visit.
23/Jun/07 8:49 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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You've added more pictures, Maureen, that's great!
27/Jun/07 12:03 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen. I heard you had some new photos posted, so I stopped in to see them. Wonderful shots my friend. You brought the Sydney Opera House to me from a new perspective. Thankk you for sharing.
28/Jun/07 7:45 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, I'm putting up my Tasmanian pictures!
You've got more too I see!
29/Jun/07 12:26 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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The hang glider's fabulous!!!
29/Jun/07 12:27 AM
Karen  From Monaco
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Ooh, thank you! They're lovely. And your page is gorgeous - love the photo!
08/Jul/07 4:14 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Maureen I forgot to tell you in the email that I've got some pictures on my sudoku home page!
12/Jul/07 12:03 PM
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