Candace from Lauderdale by the Sea

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My name is Candace or Candy and I live in sunny SE Florida. 

Like many of you I love to travel and to share photos - I have a 30' wall in my house with pictures from 5 continents and 50 states. 

Recently a friend stayed a few days and gave me a digital camera (one of the best hostess gifts ever!), so I am having fun posting them.  Please feel free to pass along advice!

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and Candace. It's great to have you here with us.
I look forward to seeing you around the pages.
Have fun.
26/Mar/08 8:16 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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Hey Candice, what a lovely name (it is my nieces name) .... Was it your photo I saw on tough or hard about 1 year ago? I visited Florida in Nov 06 and wonder where you live in Florida? Was it Jupiter?
26/Mar/08 10:34 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Candace, and Welcome to Sudokuland and your own page.
It was great meeting you in Chatroom tonight, I look forward to catching up with you again soon.
Also, looking forward to seeing what photo's you take, with your new camera.
02/Apr/08 12:33 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Candace. here's a pot of teas to welcome you. Glad you liked my ti-tree pic. They are also called tea-trees and they come under the melaleuca family. They are very common around the Australian coast line.
02/Apr/08 9:31 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hello Candace
I just checked out your Photo Gallery. The photo's only appear small when you click on view gallery. This allows you to view the whole gallery, however if you click on the individual photo's they all inlarge. Having said this, I think your photo's may be a little to big, you need to reduce them in size to fit on the screen. Have a look in your photo editing program, that you upload your photo's with, there should be a re size programme with that. If you have any problems, just buzz me again, and I'll help you out. BTW Love your Gallery, the photo's are great!
Have a great Day.
03/Apr/08 11:28 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Candace, no stopping you now!
04/Apr/08 12:56 PM
john  From ga.
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jackson ga. thanks. about an hour SE of Atlanta between I75 and I20.
08/Apr/08 2:37 AM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA
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Thank you so much for your compliments to my art work, Candace. I will say the same for your photography -- You are very talented also!
08/Apr/08 3:18 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Candace, you can bet your bottom dollar that will be a bottle of bubbly behind me! In fact, I have brought along a bottle of Aussie bubbly for us to share. I hope you enjoy much as I do!
11/Apr/08 3:51 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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It seems I missed your arrival in Sudokuland.
So a belated to you!
I've brought a of Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests. I live very near the Chesapeake Bay, home of the Maryland blue crab. I have lots of recipes using crab meat, the soup is one of my favorites!
16/Apr/08 8:29 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Candace, thanks for stopping by my page. I've looked through your marvelous photo gallery -- good stuff, my dear. And your backyard looks like paradise. Thanks so much for calling on me. It's been great to visit you! TTFN
16/Apr/08 5:21 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Candace!
One of my recipes for Cream of Crab Soup is on page 1 in the Recipes section. Go to the top of this page and click on Forum. Scroll down to Recipes.
Hope you like it!
17/Apr/08 12:50 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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It was great to see you posting last night, and I thank you for your concern about my daughter, all is well now, thank goodness.
Love your photo's and I would really love to see your Travel Wall, what an amazing feature that must be.
Have a great day.
17/Apr/08 11:19 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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The Forum page can be a little confusing!
When you get to the Forum page, you will see blue rectangles with a topic in them.
The third blue rectangle has 'Off Topics' in it.
Under Suduloholics Anonymous 4 is: Recipes-Gail (she started it). Click on it, and there you are!
18/Apr/08 6:14 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Hello Candy.. Thank you for your kind words on my page regarding my photos.
Your photos are pretty good as well.
we have had our digital camera a year.. still learning how to use it..
I see you are a recent member, so Welcome to the site. I leave you a vase of my yellow Nasturtium from my Garden.

20/Apr/08 11:09 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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I had not seen you post before today. Welcome to the site from a fellow South Florida resident!
21/Apr/08 8:33 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Candy! I see you are enjoying your page! I love your flowers, they are beautiful. I just came back from Orlando. I expected warm weather, but it was quite cold. Stop by any time! Here are some flowers to brighten your day! (Although, you have plenty of real ones for that!) Have a great one!
23/Apr/08 12:42 AM
Big Red  From PA
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Candace, I am soooo glad the primaries are over! After a while you get sick and tired of hearing about Battleground Pennsylvania! At least I didn't have little old ladies pounding on my door with political pamphlets like my girlfriend. And she lives in the country! Can you imagine?? Two little old ladies pounding on her door last night asking her to vote! And at the price of gas! It really annoys me if I get a recorded phone call during dinner. That can cost them a vote!
24/Apr/08 4:40 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Thanks for saying you like and are inspired by my photos! All of mine are taken with a basic point-and-shoot Nikon digital camera. There are a few other members on this sudoku site with some very good photos also. Check out Nal from Miami's personal page, I think she is a professional photographer. There are several other sudokitos from South Florida on here from time to time as well.
26 years ago, I proposed to my late wife in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, on a trip from the midwest to sunny Florida.
24/Apr/08 8:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Candace! A belated welcome to your own space on the site. Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Have fun, and cheers!
25/Apr/08 4:42 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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, Candace, to the wonderful world of Sudoku! It is great to have you here with us! Yes, I am enjoying warm, sunny Florida for a few weeks. We just returned to Cape Coral last night. We have had my mom up to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. We spent a few hours in St. Augustine on our way home yesterday and it was beautiful. I have always heard so much about it. There is so much history there. Of course, I wanted to visit the lighthouse! It was great to see it in person. I have left you some mangoes from my parents trees. Please stop by again for a chat.
26/Apr/08 1:10 PM
   Jerry  From Washougal, WA / USA
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Thanks, Candace for the welcome. Eats aren't necessary. I'm watching my boyish figure... Washougal is a bedroom community NE of Portland, OR. I do very little online communicating. No time. I do however try to find time for my daily "Sudoku Fix". I traveled most of my life - U.S. Navy & Trucks. You have me beat on # of states... I did get to Port Everglades. (A lifetime ago)

30/Apr/08 8:41 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Candace, just realized you are fairly new to Sudukoland, a big . This is a great site, everyone is so friendly and nice, I know you'll enjoy it as much as the rest of us. Although a little late, I'm sending you some pancakes and maple syrup for your breakfast tomorrow as a welcome. Drop over any time, would love the visit.
30/Apr/08 11:19 AM
Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada
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Hi Candace, glad you liked the maple syrup. You're one up on me, I've never been to London, Ont., Funny thing, being ex airline it was easier for me to get to London, Eng. This year you would have had to call a 'toe truck' for frozen toes, our snow lasted sooo long, but its spring now and the flowers are blooming (well daffodils - oh... here come the tulips). You've probably been in swimming already - oh that's right only the crazy Canadians go into cold water... I live at a Beach and it seems to take longer each year for me to get in... no polar bear club for me Here's some more syrup for you - enjoy.
01/May/08 11:16 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Candace. Your orchids look good. Benign neglect is usually a lot less harmful to plants than too much attention! You have some wonderful photos there, thanks for posting them for us to see!
03/Jun/08 2:01 PM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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And right on Kate's coat tails, I will just have to add, amen! Thanks for sharing the orchids!
03/Jun/08 3:21 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Candace,
Thanks for the invite on the jigsaw page - your orchids are delightful! I love the quizzical seagull too. You are doing very well with your new digital camera. It is hard to remember not having a digital and we had to wait for our photos to be developed!
Happy snapping
03/Jun/08 6:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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Hi Candace.... Thanks for the orchid and advice. What exactly is benign neglect? I've read a LOT about misting daily (I only remembered to do it about every other week) and keeping the roots slightly moist, and FEEDING them. Which I did on all now- deceased orchids weekly. I have one surviving orchid left and I haven't done any feeding (I keep forgetting- a serious mental block), yet this one is sending out new shoots right now. Is this benign neglect? Occasional watering and a warm, sunny spot? At least this last one is thriving.
04/Jun/08 4:04 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Candace,
Thanks for having a look at my photos. You asked about the cactus on my page - it is in bloom now - remembering that the first day of Winter is June 1st in Australia. So it may well bloom in December in Florida. Have a great day.
04/Jun/08 10:10 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Candace, sweet of you to help Izzie! I love your new avatar with your beautiful orchid. Cheers!
05/Jun/08 2:07 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Ooooh, lovely, just stopped at my page to find an orchid from you, Candace. Bless you!
05/Jun/08 2:09 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
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Hi, Candace. Are you speaking of the little heart above? I got that from the smilies page. The small heart from the introduction on my page, though, is from the font webdings, the uppercase Y. I imported it by writing myself a letter and then cutting and pasting. Let's see if it works here. Y (no, it doesn't). We have a bit more leeway on our "update details" function. Webdings has lots of cute art, and so does Wingdings.
05/Jun/08 8:00 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Candace. Just saw your question in my gallery. No photos aren't randomly picked we have to submit them. If you hit the button "Submit your own Pic" on the left above the sudoku box you'll get the information about submitting photos. There's more information in the Forum pages about how to get the right size!
15/Jul/08 2:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas

and a

25/Dec/09 10:47 PM
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