Stella from Saratoga, NY/USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Stella and Welcome to your new page! I hope you enjoy these tulips and the huge box of Frango Mints as you begin to settle in.
01/May/07 2:53 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Welcome all to my new page. Relax and enjoy! Sit a bit and chat sometime. Have some chocolate covered strawberries and something to drink. Gath! This is really great!
01/May/07 9:16 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Welcome to sudokuland and your own page.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
My door is always open so stop by when you can.
02/May/07 3:10 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Stella to the Members Club.
I've brought you some to brighten up your room, shall I just place them over there next the Iris from sue. Oh and I see you already have had some guests, so I'll leave you some to help celebrate.
02/May/07 10:00 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Wow Stella, your up late?
And another big Wow, guess what, tee hee, its my birthday tomorrow (3rd of May). In fact we have a week of parties here, Its mine on the 3rd, hubby has his on the 5th, and the 2nd set of twins have theirs on the 8th. One big party house this time of the year.
Glad you enjoy my music, and feel free to pop in anytime and leave behind requests.
02/May/07 12:36 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Congratulation to have Your own page.Please accept this and enjoy Your page .
See you again and have a nice maEn .
03/May/07 3:37 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Nice to meet you Stella. I already had a flickr account and I enjoy doing things on the computer. I Googled 'create avatar' and found a great sight to make one. The picture I used is one I drew and scanned then coloured it using Microsoft Paint. I just haven't figured out if I want to add something from youtube or not. This is my favourite site and it just keeps getting better.
03/May/07 1:39 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Thank you so very very much for your good wishes today. The party is still going so pop back anytime.
What a wonderful photo of the family. Now which one is you?
03/May/07 4:08 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your own special page Stella. You have been active on the site, so some nourishment maybe? Leaving a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry form Ottawa. Enjoy!
04/May/07 4:20 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Stella,
Thanks for stopping by to welcome me to my new page and leaving the beautiful flowers.
For you and your guests I am leaving a bushel of steamed Maryland blue crabs. Enjoy!
04/May/07 5:12 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Nice to be with You again to share You this very wonderful Birthday Cake.May I have a piece of it.
To whom this cake so I can say to...

Have a nice day.
04/May/07 5:20 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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To You.
04/May/07 5:52 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Stella: You should be an editor for the site with the way you are bringing the story together! Wonderful recaps! Love the photos of your family. Thanks for sharing!
04/May/07 8:54 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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you have the cake, so I've brought the bolly, now lets celebrate!
Wishing you a wonderful Day filled with love, happiness and much Laughter.
'celebrate good times common'♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
04/May/07 2:38 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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HI STELLA, I have been so busy on the 'last to post' page I have neglected going visiting new pages. I'll send over some of my Apple butter soon as it is done. If you are not into eating it, just warm a bowl of it , wonderful fragrance will fill the room

You mentioned your son in a state scoccer game tomorrow. Now I do not know a lot about scoccer, but my second grandson plays on several teams in CT. One of them is Olympic Prepardenss or some such, do you know what I mean? His older brother is a referee for a lot of the games, the kid earns a nice salary for a 17 year old.
05/May/07 12:43 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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STELLA, thanks for the information about Soccer. I just cannot seem to learn this stuff for some reason, does not compute :>( My daughter tells me grandson #2 is good, I was not sure how much was a Mom bragging though. He plays on more than one team and also the ODP, on one of the teams, he plays a year ahead of actual age. I know this spring he went to Bermuda for some tournament or something, I remember the drama of getting his passport in time. As a family, they are really into soccer, my grandaughter, finishing up her Junior year at College , went first year on soccer scholarship.

ANYHOW, the apple butter is almost done, yours should arrive on site shortly. Recipe is easy, unsweetened applesauce, brown sugar, cinnamon and about 18 hours in a slow cooker on HI, uncovered. Do the fast canning m ethod from the BALL canning book (hot jars, lids and food, fill, invert for 5 min) and it is done.
06/May/07 12:03 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hi Stella, and thanks so much for visiting my humble space and for suggesting I jump aboard the home page train. I'm still perfecting things--a technowizard I'm not--but hopefully soon I'll have a homier place for people to drop in on. Cheers, and have a super weekend!
06/May/07 1:47 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Stella - Welcome to your own Page! I have brought you a bouquet of spring flowers. You have a beautiful family! Chocolate covered strawberries!!!!! Oh Yum..... Thank you so much!
09/May/07 12:42 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi! I enjoyed your visit. Thank you for your kind words. Jenny is a senior also and she will be graduating on June 1. She is out fifth and last child so we are very excited! My husband retired last year so we feel almost like we are free. Please come and visit again sometime.
09/May/07 3:38 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Nice picture of the family...
Meghan's Hair looks similar in colour to my Son #2.
09/May/07 9:41 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra
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Hello Stella, I am visiting pages instead of refreshing the competition because it is taking too long - love that song and love the Doobies. This is a great site and it is great getting to meet all these new people.
10/May/07 11:28 AM
   Leigh  From NL Canada
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Just thought I'd stop by & say hello in real time while waiting to post. this compitition is really amazing! It is mind-blowing (does anyone say that anymore?) to think of all the people all over the world conversing for two weekds steadily!
11/May/07 11:54 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra
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Hi Stella, thanks for visiting me. You changed your picture - this scene is stunning. My Youtube is Robbie Williams. He is HUGE in the UK & here, maybe not so in the States? This song is called Angels and is one of his biggies. He has gone off the rails a little lately, and unfortunately his music has too (I love his older stuff)
11/May/07 1:36 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Stella
I hope you dont mind me popping by to say 'hello'
Stunning view you have!
Sorry I can't stay long at the mo, I was just popping out to the shops to get dinner in.
Maybe you could pop by and visit me sometime. You're more than welcome.
12/May/07 2:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Stella! I'm sending some virtual confetti and balloons! CONGRATULATIONS! You really deserve the win!

Happy Mothers Day tomorrow!
12/May/07 1:37 PM
   Gath  From    Supporting Member
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Hi Stella,

Congrats on the win! I will send you the details of your prize (I think I can send the voucher via email) on Mon or Tues. I'm going out for the weekend (birthday treat!) and will send your prize as soon as I get back.

12/May/07 1:51 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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on winning the Last to Post Comp. Well done.
12/May/07 1:54 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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woo hoo! congats Stella!
12/May/07 2:01 PM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Congrat again Stella, it is now official!!! Dropping of copious quantities of Bubbly for celebrations!!!!
12/May/07 2:05 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra
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BIG CONGRATS Stella, Just cracking the top off the top of a bottle now and pouring you a glass. Cheers, have fun.
12/May/07 2:10 PM
Steph  From Kansas
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Stella you won!
Congrats to you!
Girl, you deserved it!
Here's a great big WOO-HOO!
12/May/07 2:12 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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All right Stella. Too bad I missed it. I just got home and was all ready to get back into the game. Congratulations!
12/May/07 2:20 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Stella
I'm very pleased for you. Also for myself - if this comp had gone on much longer I'd never have caught up at home. See you at the first SA page though.
Enjoy your weekend and again many congratulations
12/May/07 3:21 PM
   Sharon  From Old Toongabbie, NSW
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Congrats Stella
12/May/07 3:33 PM
emm  From germany
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Congratulations Stella...I'm leaving a few bottles of bubbly to help you celebrate. Cheers!
12/May/07 3:40 PM
   Jan  From BC
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Congratulations Stella on your win..I have left you a bottle of Chardonay and a cheese and cracker plate to celebrate with
12/May/07 4:08 PM
lynn  From tas
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congrats stella on your win. enjoy your prize dont forget to post and tell us all what you spend it on well done
12/May/07 4:31 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Well deserved win, you put in a lot of effort, so well done
12/May/07 6:31 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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way to go Miss Stella
a grand and deserving winner.
12/May/07 7:02 PM
Tina  From Carlton, Sydney
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Congrats Stella - well done!
12/May/07 8:24 PM
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