Danstell from Terrafirma

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Jiminoregon  From Portland
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28/Apr/08 2:36 AM
Jiminoregon  From Portland
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I also find this exchange of virtual gifts highly amusing. Now you will just have to imagine a nice hunk of dark chocolate to bite into.
28/Apr/08 3:13 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi there Danstell.
Good to see you posting today...
The 28th was a gray day for me and I missed your arrival on site.
Please allow me to wish you a belated
to our wonderful world of sudokuland where almost anything goes...........
I hope you will enjoy the site and enjoy getting to know us better as we will look forward to getting to know you.
04/May/08 11:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and belated greetings to you Danstell. Great to have you here with us.
I look forward to seeing more of you around the pages. Feel free to drop into mine anytime by clicking on the blue 'Check out my page' link. I love having visitors.
Have fun here in Sudokuland, we all do!
04/May/08 3:42 PM
Twiggy  From Victoria, Australia
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Welcome Dansteel, hope to get to know you. I'm often out, but you're welcome to call at my page any time.
10/May/08 9:26 PM
Twiggy  From Victoria, Australia
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Glad you enjoyed the song, Danstell. I tried to use the one sung by Militza Korjus, but couldn't get a link to work. This one's good though.

I'm not a singer myself and have to admit to not even liking lots of music. Now poetry, that's another thing!
15/May/08 5:36 PM
   Danstell  From Australia
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Hi all
Any one would know when is the best time (weather wise) to go to Las Vegas and Memphis?
19/May/08 10:05 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell! I just saw your post on 'easy' and didn't recognize your name. I seem to have missed welcoming you to Sudokuland. So....
to you!
As far as weather in Las Vegas, I've been there several times and I know you DO NOT want to go in the (US) summer! It's very hot! I would suggest March and/or April.
I lived near Memphis many years ago and I remember hot, humid weather in the summer, so I would suggest May, June, or even October.
You might want to do a Google search of both cities where you can find yearly weather and sights to see. Hope this helps!
20/May/08 7:14 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Danstell - a very belated to your own page. Today is the first time I've seen you on here so my apologies for not having welcomed you sooner.
Just leaving you a bottle of our local Wignall's Chardonnay for you to enjoy with your visitors.
20/May/08 9:34 AM
   Danstell  From Australia
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Thanks Kathy for the tips... This is great I will also check on google
22/May/08 10:36 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell! Nice to meet you. If you've been "lurking" since 2004, it took a long time for you to have the nerve to comment! Glad you did. Now we can get to know you better.
27/May/08 7:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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DANSTELL, I just noticed your recipe post on yesterday's EASY page. Realized a couple things. One, I have not been around to welcome you to our board, so

Hope you enjoy your time here, there are a lot of thlngs to do.

Second, I wanted to ask, how did my recipe for
"boiled cookies" get to Australia? I have made a very similar cookie for many many years. It was published in a Better Homes and Gardens cook book, 1960 edition, so it is a very old recipe. my hubby loves those cookies! most interesting to see the recipe surface in Australia!
28/May/08 2:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH DANSELL, I am afraid I left the wrong impression with you. It is "my" recipe only because I use it, because I have a very old cook book with the recipe in there. I did not create it. sorry for the confusion. Oh it is really a good cookie, you gotta try it.

I do like to cook, and I do create a LOT of recipes now, since hubby is on a fat free diet. I modify existing recipes and on occasion, set out with just an idea and some ingredients, but mostly modify.

Thank you for the recipe sites, I will check them out. I do look at some sites occasionally. No special ones, I type in something i want to cook, with the word recipe and take whatever recipe sites come up. Usually I find something , some guideline I can modify hehe.

To me, a recipe is more a suggestion than something written in stone.
28/May/08 1:59 PM
   Danstell  From Australia
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Apple sauce my way

5-6 medium yellow apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1/3 cup Sugar or less to taste (Australian sugar is less sweet than the Canadian one)
1 tbl Drambuie (Scottish malt whiskies and spiced honey liqueur)
¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon
Water to avoid scorching

Bring to boil apples and water then reduce to medium heat. Add Drambuie, sugar and cinnamon. Cook uncover, stirring occasionally until apples is tender (10 to 20 minutes) Mash the apples or let cool down and puree using blender or food processor.
Delicious served hot over ice cream.

Sugarless apple sauce to serve with meat:

5-6 Granny Smith apples or green apples, peeled, cored and sliced or chopped
¾ cup Champagne or sparkling wine instead of water,
½ tsp Finely grated lemon rind
1 tbl chopped thyme
45g (1 ½ oz) chopped butter

Bring champagne to boil for 1 minute.
Add apple and lemon rind, cover and simmer until the apple is tender.
Stir the thyme and leave to cool for 5 minutes.
Transfer mixture to a food processor adding butter gradually until puree.
Salt and pepper can be added to taste.
31/May/08 12:46 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Danstell, I'm glad you liked the funny. A little light humour makes the world turn more bearable! I see I'm on your first page so I leave some California wine and my favorite chocolates (just don't inhale while eating the liquor filled ones, or at least don't exhale by a flame!)
02/Jun/08 12:52 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell. I've also been tardy in welcoming you! Sorry, but it also extends the welcome: to many people all at once might be overwhelming!??.... That's my excuse & I'm sticking to it it!!! Wonderful to have you as a "declared" member!!!
05/Jun/08 10:41 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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to many + too many!!!!
05/Jun/08 10:43 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell, first how remiss of me not to welcome you to Sudokuland. Yes, you may use my pictures of the waterfight, they remind me of a warm (hot) summers day.
08/Jun/08 12:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Danstell, just saw your post from last night on easy and popped in to say congratulations for winning the first prize at the charity dinner! WOOHOO
To answer your question about the bottom of the page, there are 40 comments to a page and then it goes onto the next page. Hope that answers your question.
Have a wongerful day.
15/Jun/08 9:48 AM
yvette  From Tacoma WA.
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Thanks for the help I will keep trying im sure i will figure it out eventually. Ive always wanted to go to Australia its one of those before i die goals. Is it as fantastic as i think it is?
16/Jun/08 3:08 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Danstell for the birthday wishes. It is great to receive so many wishes from people all over the world.
16/Jun/08 12:52 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Danstell I'm following my sister around saying thanks for her birthday wishes because if she hadn't told me about this place I wouldn't be here so this is me saying thanks to her as well as you!!
16/Jun/08 9:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Danstell, Thank you for visiting my page with birthday greetings. So many messages from such far flung corners of the world have truely added to my 3 day celebration. So many messages has also added to my birthday week, rereading them and saying thanks extends the birthday further.

for taking the time to help me celebrate.
21/Jun/08 9:06 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell! I can't believe I haven't been to your page before. So many new people having fun here you got lost in the shuffle. Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Cheers!
22/Jun/08 3:05 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Okay, now that I've welcomed you properly, I wanted to thank you for the link to the snow sculpture in China. This is an awesome site, and I will have to spend much more time there before I've seen everything. I will also promote this site to others! Thank you!
22/Jun/08 3:08 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love the Purim Fruitcake recipe!
27/Jun/08 10:25 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Danstell, I noticed your comment in 'Medium' today. There are a number of pilots (or former pilots) on this site and if you are interested in aviation I can let you know who they are.
27/Jun/08 11:53 PM
   Jane  From Mississauga
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Hi Danstell, I'm glad you like the pictures - I must put up some new ones soon. I spent a couple of university work terms in Montreal a looong time ago & loved the city. It was so much livelier than Toronto back then. Toronto is improving, but it still doesn't have as much character as Montreal.
07/Jul/08 2:09 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell, I will reply properly when I have more time, but for now, thanks for your support, and it's no problem at all for you to copy the puzzle on my page and send it on. I just got it from the back of a Reader's Digest.
09/Jul/08 2:49 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Danstell, love the Tom Thomson pictures..thanx for sharing
10/Jul/08 10:20 AM
   Fiona  From France
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sorry - I gave you credit for a posting you didn't make!!
24/Jul/08 6:19 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell!
I wanted to stop by your gallery (ohmygodwhatfabulousphotos!!!) to see if I could view a bigger version of your most recent avatar. No luck ...it looked like an underwater pic of synchronized swimmers (I use to do that when I was a kid). Stop by my place and let me know what it is, OK? Thanks!
24/Jul/08 11:22 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Danstell - just revisited your gallery. Love that Roo sculpture!
26/Jul/08 1:56 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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The difference of a turtle and a tortoise
Turtles primarily live in water (fresh waters, Oceans) and have webbed front feet to make swimming easy. They eat both plants and fish (omnivores)

Tortoises live primarily on Land and have normal feet. They eat only plants and leaves, shrubs. (herbivorous)

Turtles live much longer than tortoises

Turtles migrate from one place to another swimming mighty oceans, tortoises pretty much stay in a place.
04/Aug/08 6:54 PM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell. How did your friends go with the puzzle from my page? Believe it or not, it's easier for kids than adults.
07/Aug/08 5:35 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell, sorry I missed you when you joined.
Just had to say I enjoyed your joke the other day and sometimes they get a bit too serious around here. Good to see you are still posting hehe!
07/Aug/08 7:08 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Danstell, live in Thorneside, Redland Bay area. Have a great day!
08/Aug/08 7:52 AM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Oh Danstell I'll forgive you if you will forgive me I'm not sure if I've visited before so have come prepared now am I forgiven ???
09/Aug/08 12:07 AM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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I have been wandering through your gallery they are fantastic photos.
09/Aug/08 12:23 AM
   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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Hello, the quilt you saw on my page is a hanging I made for a friend who owned a quilt fabric/Bernina sewing machine shop. One day, she picked up that bolt of cloth and suggested that I make a "Stack and Whack" quilt. It was my first of that design and so I learned the technique and gave her the quilt. I have enough cloth left to make one of my own, too. Thank you for your kind words.
12/Aug/08 6:13 AM
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