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Chalkboard from FL, USA
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Finished this work August 28, 2007
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See you need something to brighten up your page.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Come visit my page anytime.
11/May/07 2:10 PM
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Hi, Chalkboard, and a big WELCOME to your page. I almost didn't react when I saw your name, because we have been enjoying your posts. Then I realized that you now have a page! I hope you'll enjoy these freshly cut lilacs and a big box of Frango Mints as you get settled in.
12/May/07 8:58 AM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Chalkboard! Noticed you have your own page now so thought I'd come by to tell you that Menopause the Musical is back in town!! It will run from today until July 29. Hope you get to see it this time around. I'm hoping to go again with two of my friends who missed it last time around - it was SO funny!! How are you liking your new home in FL by now? Guess you'll know better after you get through the first hurricane season from June to Dec.!! Wonder what we have in store this year?
19/May/07 3:27 AM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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I forgot to mention that I love your beautiful Monarch avatar & the motto for your MA school!! My husband got his Masters at KU. We never heard about their Monarch Watch program, but we were there way back in 1983! Hopefully, it will warm up soon in MA. And before long you'll be glad you're up north instead of down here in the brutal FL summer heat. It's 84 here today & humidity is gradually getting worse. Had some rain today & hope the daily rains start soon - we need them!
19/May/07 4:49 AM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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The Navy sent Rob to KU for his Masters in Petroleum Management. As a child he lived in Wichita & his Dad graduated from WSU!! I think Ed from Lithia is still willing to be postmaster even though he doesn't have time to comment on the site very often lately. I will write & let him know it's okay for him to give you my e-mail address. His is I'd love to hear from you. Maybe we can get together sometime after you get back to Spring Hill.
19/May/07 12:06 PM
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Hi Chalkboard, nice to see your page. Have you been doing any quilting lately? I haven't, just some embroidery. I got my friendship group (?bee) to make some small - 20 x 20 inch - blankets for where I work at the hospital. The girls exceed themselves, the quilts are just gorgeous.
20/May/07 7:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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to your page.
I happened by CP's page, to leave a note and while there, I eavesdropped on your post to her, cause I saw the word QUILTING in your post. It just jumped out and grabbed me, honest! I am a quilter, and was very interested in your sudokuahholic quilt, OH MY, that is creative! One way to decide random placement of colors hehehe. I did have a lot of trouble with random for a long while, gradually had to teach myself to get over it. I was telling CP, I have quilt photos on my puter, would be interested in swaping show and tell photos if you have any. I would love to see the sudaku quilt in progress, and maybe could offer suggestions for your borders? I have a LOT of ideas, cannot piece them all, so I share with other quilters. My story and I am sticking to it, promise.
I also invite you to come visit the Sudokuaholics Anonymous page. You know you are a sudakohaulic when you make a sudoku quilt!! You belong with us, for sure! Find us by clicking on CLIPS at the top of the page, scroll down for conversations, and we are about second on that list. Hope to see you there and do xdrop in to visit my page whenever you are in the neighborhood.
I am leaving a page warming gift of Home made Apple butter, it smelled so good when I was cooking it earlier this month that I had to share.
21/May/07 1:53 PM
Wagdy Kamel
Cairo Egypt
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Congratulation to have your own page.Iam very pleased to visit You having with me these very beautiful flowers ,hope You enjoy it.
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to your own page
You are
to my own page.
You are
to visit 'The Egyptian Guest House'any and every time You wish.
and have a very nice
22/May/07 5:57 AM
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Hello, Chalkboard! Have a dram (a measure of Scotch whisky). You say you have two houses, one winter, one summer - makes sense! And I always thought Cape Cod was in Canada - shows you how much I need an atlas. Am I doing sudokus or am I learning geography? What's wrong with both? Please drop in any time you are in the area I love to meet people.
23/May/07 7:08 AM
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Hello chalk board ,thank you,i think you are right about the vacation ,but may be when things are over ,i feel that i cannot be far from my homeland if it was in a crisis .Indeed news are not good ,terrorism is not a joke ,ihope our army will finish them soon .
24/May/07 2:34 AM
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Hi again , thankyou very much ,infact , my oldest son who lives in LA USA was planning to come on august ,if things didn't change till then , i might go there to see him ,but sure i will post every day ,every body on this site is adorable , i love you all .
24/May/07 3:09 AM
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Good morning ,i am fine ,fights are far from me , but the explosion of last night wasn't , i could hear its sound , this was the third one in three days .thank you again , i will stay in touch .
24/May/07 2:55 PM
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Good evening ,i cannot thank you enough for your feeling . Yes ,you saw what is happening , the terrorist went inside the camp of Nahr el Bared and are attacking the army from there , the army accepted the ceasse fire until they let thousands of the civilian-palestinians who live in the camp ,they took them to other places to spare them . the army now is waiting the terrorist to surrender or will keep bombing them ,these were the orders of the government .I hope things will not take long .
25/May/07 4:06 AM
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Chalkboard ,until now ,it is only in the north which is far from me , but nobody knows if there is more of them ''terrorists''somewhere else ,hope not .South of Leb is calm now ,my mother lives there .
25/May/07 5:49 AM
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Hello chalkboard ,a new day with the same news , i heard about the help which is coming .It is pleasant to find your messages waiting for me ,you are sweet ,thank you for thinking of us.
25/May/07 3:32 PM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Chalkboard! Thanks for letting me know of your exchanges with jano. I am interested in what's going on in Lebanon, too, so I can come here to read reports, & she won't have to type as much!
26/May/07 1:20 AM
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Hello Chalkboard ,hope you are not worried about me because i am late to respond . I had a busy day ,had some friends for lunch ''for a change'' ,guess what ,i didn't even have the time to hear the news ,they've just left now ,how thoughtful of you and Kathy to think about me .I will check now to see if there is any news and will post more .Thank you
27/May/07 1:16 AM
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Hello chalkboard ,the news today are the same , the army accepted the truce so that the terrorist surrender ,and they are still evacuating the civilians of the palestinian camp who want to leave ,if not the army will attack them again . You reminded me of my mother ,she used to do covers of small pieces and put them together , i still have one now .i don't sew ,but i used to do some beautiful crochets ,and tricot ,before i had the pain in my shoulder .pls keep in touch , i love to see all your messages ,sudoku friends are wonderful
27/May/07 3:08 PM
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Hello chalkboard , things are stable now , except for some small incidents here in Beirut . I had a lazy day yesterday ,am not going out unless i need something urgent .since i have bad memories from the first war , i always keep quiete at home . it must have been an enjoyable weekend for you with your grandson ,my sister has two grndson who visit her every day after school ,and my brother invites his on weekend ,but i can tell you ,they both spoil them . i don't intend to do that when my boys marry .But it seems that grandchildren are very special.have a nice day .
29/May/07 2:55 PM
aggieland texas
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Chalkboard - you seem to be almost literally acting as a chalkboard!
Enjoy it. I really enjoyed reading about the monarch butterflies.
31/May/07 2:57 AM
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Sorry it's taken me so long to come by and visit
I'm leaving a big pot of Maryland Cream of Crab soup for you and your guests to enjoy.
Nice to see Jano here. Very good to read that she's okay. Stop by my place anytime, door's always open
31/May/07 3:14 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Hi Chalkboard, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
My first visit to your page as well, so as a page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry for you to enjoy. And for your birthday...
Enjoy and have many more!
31/May/07 5:44 AM
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HELLO ,just came and knew about your birthday ,i wish you a very happy birthday and many many years to come ,full of health and wealth .
31/May/07 6:02 AM
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Hope you have a great day Chalkboard
31/May/07 10:11 AM
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.. Chalkboard ..
31/May/07 10:18 AM
aggieland texas
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Chalkboard - did you start teaching when you were about 13? I am incredibly impressed. I don't have what it takes to teach that long (even if I had taught straight through instead of taking 12+ years off).
31/May/07 12:03 PM
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Chalkboard! Hope it's a good one!
31/May/07 12:26 PM
Albany W Australia
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A very Happy Birthday, Chalkboard. I didn't realise that you had your own page so I'd better give you a bottle of our local Goundry Unwooded Chardonnay to toast your birthday with. Cheers
31/May/07 4:11 PM
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Chalkboard. Hope you've had a great day.
31/May/07 10:05 PM
aggieland texas
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WOW! When I retire in two years, I will probably be taking home barely 50% of what I have been making. On top of that, Texas has a really messed up retirement program, and I will not qualify for ANY of my SSI benefits, even though I have close to 15 years of working in jobs that payed into Social Security.
As long as my wife and I can pay our bills, I am not going to worry about the drop in pay - it wouldn't do any good if I did.
I am glad to hear about your good fortune. And of course I knew you didn't start teaching at 13. I could obviously increase my pay by teaching more years, but with my wife retired and the kids I have been seeing the last 3 - 5 years, it is time for me to enjoy other things.
01/Jun/07 1:59 AM
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Hi Chalkboard , i left you to celebrate your birthday , how do you feel , i love birthdays .
fights are resumed siince seven in the morning , and still , we are watching the news , didn't go out today . Yesterday i went shopping , nothing special , things for the house . These days i cannot plan for anything , the army is on the streets searching and checking , people feel safer when they see Leb .army on the streets .most of the nights we are staying home , the boys visit their friends or go for football ,but they don't go to any restaurants or night clubs . I hope that things do not take more time now , i think this must be the last battle .I pray that they getrid of the terrorist to have oyr peace and life again .Thank you for thinking of me .
01/Jun/07 11:31 PM
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Hello again , i just came from my daily walk with Boris , we walk an hour every day , and was listening on my cellular radio for new news , they said the army has taken many important posts in the camp of Nahr el Bared which used to be very important posts for the terrorists , i want to keep you informed .
Yes i have two more boys with me , the youngest 22Y finished mechanical engineering last year and working here now , he was in Qatar for 6 months before . and son no2 24 Y he will be graduating next month in Computer science , and living with us . In Lebanon children stay at home until they marry , unless , if they were working somewhere far .Hope am not boring you .
02/Jun/07 2:24 AM
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Good morning Chalkboard , i am glad you had a good time last night ,i wish all your days and nights be as good . Things are still the same today , although i felt the end was near last night .I will go to my brother's house today ,we will watch the news from there . Youngest son is going to the beach , he cannot go during the weekdays because of work . Son no 2 is working on FYP , He chose a tough one , he said it will be on his CV .I wish you a happy sunday .
03/Jun/07 4:33 PM
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Hello Chalkboard , how was your sunday , i am still safe and fine , fights in the north are still on , hope it doesn't take much longer , an officer and two soldiers were dead yesterday , very young . My heart aches for them and their families . Re the south , yes they started yesterday night but stopped today , i , think they did it to ease the army's pressure on the north .i pray it stops here because we have Palestinien camps all over Leb , i think we have 14 .Thank you for remembering me every day .
04/Jun/07 7:39 PM
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Hello Chalkboard , long time , i missed you , i made it a delightful habit to find your post every day . It is still the same here with a new explosion on monday evening , which i heard its sound . I am fine , except for shopping for the house and my daily walk with Borris i don't go out much . People are tired , they want this to finish .They are starting to ask where will be the explosion today? i pray hard this will be over soon .
What are your news ?is the Cover finished or not yet ? Thank you for your visit .
06/Jun/07 4:22 PM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hi Chalkboard! I see you have decided to make some of your Flickr photos public. I think that is a good idea as it helps people get to know you a little better. I discovered your first quilt photo when I was on the Flickr site earlier today & then saw it was marked ''Public''. I left a comment on the one you made for Peyton. Beautiful!
07/Jun/07 8:36 AM
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Hello Chalkboard ,you have a handsome son and a very cute granddog . Amazing work eith the quilts . Chalkboard , may be you will post a picture for you , so we get to know you better .It took me a week to decide which pic for me to choose .
07/Jun/07 3:33 PM
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Hi , i wanted to ask you before , what do you use for the backing , mama used to use a special sheet , i don't remember what she used for the sandwich , it was a long time ago , she is 84Y now . she was good with the machine annd the pin . i only took crochet after her , and some tricot . I don't do them now since i had the pain in my shoulder . But i used to love this work . My two sisters don't do any of this , guess because i was the youngest , she had the time to teach me . As for your picture , don't worry , we say beauty , is the beauty of the soul , and you have it . I already gained five kilos since last year , i am trying hard to loose some of them .
08/Jun/07 2:46 AM
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Hello Chalkboard , thanks for answering my questions ,but i think this is difficult to make.You have a talent .
Things here are worse , the explosions are every where . every two nights , people are starting to be tired and bored . Every time the boys go out at night , i stay waiting for them to be back safe . I wish i wake up in the morning and find that the country is safe again . Many schools are closed now . they finish their year before the finals . Christian Schools are
threatened .So i think this is the best solution , keep the children at home . My second son has his finals next week .
This is all till now , i feel that i am reading the news , i have to smile now , will wait to see what happens tomorrow .
09/Jun/07 4:55 AM
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Hi , oh i am sorry about your work , you have a lot of patience , i too say you go to the shop and work there and do not forget to take a picture when it is finished .
re the fight , they say on the news that yesterday was very very tough , the army made a great progress but lost 6 soldiers and many were wounded . We didn't have an explosion last night but the police found many cars were prepared to do so in different places .
We are going today to my brother's house as most sundays ,we cannot see each other during the week days , he has work. the menu today is fish .
,he always tell me the menu before so i do not have any ideas , to miss it ,he is our oldest , and i am the youngest .''youngest of 50''i can see you are smiling .Usually i am a funny person , but you caught me in a bad time this month . i wish you a happy sunday . please Say hi to Kathy /val , i wish her a nice week there .
10/Jun/07 5:18 PM
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