Chalkboard from FL, USA

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Finished this work August 28, 2007

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jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Chalkboard , long time ! how are you and your work , how is the Quilt , i am fine just checking how are you doing .
13/Jun/07 5:15 PM
   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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Jano, I just read about the bombing in Beirut. I think it is time for you and your family to go visit your son in Los Angeles. Now you have my strong opinion!
Yesterday, I went back to the school where I taught for 20 years to serve lunch to the teachers. Since it was the last day before summer vacation, the students were there only until 1:00 p.m. After the children were gone on their school buses, I drove up with 15 pizzas! It was fun to see all my friends again. Of course, I ended up staying until 4:00 helping whenever anyone needed any assistance. I came home tired!
14/Jun/07 2:31 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Chalkboard , i am starting to think that you are right , these last days were depressive . things in the north took time a n more souls , people are angry . And the explosions in Beirut are worse , i didn't go anywhere this week , last explosion was yesterday close to the beaches .thank God i didn't think of going yet . Today every thing is closed , schools and universities , my son had his last exam today , he didn't go . I am going to renew my passport next week , i still have one more year for the visa , they gave me 5 years at the time . We have to wait and see . We had a long nice chat Becky and me 4 days ago .Wish we do it again with you .You forgot to tell me about the quilt .
14/Jun/07 3:16 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Chalkboard , missing you too , am still living , but starting to be impatient , we had a lousy week , watching the news day and night ,i feel tired and sad .
Yesterday was the first day i go out since monday , some shopping and hairdo , just to change a little . am still here , i was doing the jigsaw when your message arrived . What are your news . Today i made the bread of Becky , Foccocia , it was delicious . the boys loved it .
17/Jun/07 1:26 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hi , that was quick , do you want to go to chatroom?? if you have time . I am here , just tell me when .
17/Jun/07 1:47 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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hello , don't worry we will try another time , since we don't go out at night these days , i am always available .
It is good that you did some work in the garden , i love gardens ,thoug i don't have one here . Wehave a big one at mama's . i have some flowers and mint on the balcony and a very beautiful Orchid at home .enjoy your sunday .
17/Jun/07 5:59 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello , how are you Chalkboard ,
the heavy fights stopped but the army is still working on cleaning the pockets , and they are waiting the surrender of the leaders of Fath el eslam , they want them dead or alive .
but the political situation is still on hold about the government.Things are mixed up here .
son2 , finished his exams and FYP , i am waiting for the last two results ,he said he did ok .
He is supposed to graduate on july 13 if he passes them . What are your news , is Kathy back yet ?
please keep in touch .
22/Jun/07 2:58 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hi , i sent the e-mail
waiting for a reply , thank you , it is a great idea.
22/Jun/07 4:58 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling so good lately. Hope better days are ahead. Did you say you might be coming back to FL sometime this summer? It has suddenly turned into our typical FL summer - very hot & humid with more frequent rain, thank goodness. Our lawn & flowers look much better, but we really need to get out & do some major weeding & replanting areas where things died in the drought. Ebony & I had a great night. She slept from 11 PM to 6:30 AM! I slept peacefully, too, without Rob's snoring to keep me awake!
23/Jun/07 12:13 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Chalkboard , miss you ,just want to tell you , son no.2 passed his exams and will graduate on thhe 13th of july , if nothing happened to postpone .
last year they postpone all graduations after the Israeli attacks .
i want you to share me my good news also .
he got A- for the FYP
24/Jun/07 1:42 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Chalkborad! Just stopped in to give you my best wishes. I didn't know you could have Granddogs!
28/Jun/07 6:01 AM
jeb  From ks
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Small world isn't it? Yup, I live right here in the home of the Walnut Valley Festival and arch rivals to the Ark City Bulldogs. They are 10 miles South of us and you may not remember that Oxford is right at 10 mile West, only its in Sumner Co. right on the Arkansas. And its still called juco.
30/Jun/07 4:46 AM
jeb  From ks
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The hereford operation was liquidated a few years back, I never did get acquaited with any of the Waites but certain knew all about them. I do know Charlie and Janet, though not real well. The old swimming pool was shut down and parking made over it's grave. The new one has all sorts of bells and whistles and was built in the area where the old 'colored' pool used to be when I was growing up. There is still good fishing in the park lagoon and grandparents bring their little munchkins to feed the ducks. The crick you are thinking of is Timber Creek.
I don't know if it floats your boat or not but a great week can be spent the 3rd week of September at the Walnut Valley Festival. Everybody sets up their 'home' in the pecan groves. Around 10 to 12,000 people show up for it every year and the school here lets out on Friday of the big weekend, the administration just gave up. I think it is in its 37th or 38th year now. People start showing up two weeks in advance. If any more foggy memories start keeping you awake at night, I'll try to fill you in.
30/Jun/07 5:33 AM
jeb  From ks
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After 7 years in the service I enrolled at SC and received a BA in BA. That's where I met my wife. One of those solid Western Ks. co-eds that the guys your girlfriends were watching, were watching. The campus has changed a lot over the years and so has the academic standing. The student body is just superb. We have been suporters of one of their academic programs and really enjoy the contact with the students.
30/Jun/07 6:22 PM
jeb  From ks
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There was discussion about the Osawatomie situation at coffee yesterday morning. One point was based on tv network news about the town of Oh >saw wa >toe me. (>=accented syllable). I love feraner's pronounciations of small towns. You never now how it's going to come out. Ar >kansas City vs. Arkansaw City / Neoda >shay vs. Nea >do sha, the list goes on.
04/Jul/07 1:22 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello chalkboard , i miss our page , had to visit you here .
04/Jul/07 1:40 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Hi Chalkboard. You are just about due west of me. Thats pretty country over there on the gulf. Rusty is half peke, so he and Titan could be distant relatives. Love the quilts. Once upon a time, I used to have time and energy to quilt, now all I have is a ton of fat quarters and various scraps. Once of these days I'll get back into it.
Take care,
13/Jul/07 11:58 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Chalkboard, I thought I would stop by your page and say Hi! Hope you're have a good day! Here are some flowers to help brighten it! Visit my page anytime! If you ever want to chat, you can visit the SA2 page (under Clips conversations). People pop in and out of there at all times. Take care.
17/Jul/07 4:34 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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hi Chalkboard, that quilt with the black batik lattice sounds interesting. I hope you post a picture of it when you finish. I intend to quilt again someday, thats why I keep hanging on to all that material. Never seems to be enough time to do the things I want to do, the things I have to do keep eating it up!
17/Jul/07 6:24 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Chalkboard, you must be a teacher LOL giving me homework. Okay, I'll pick out the material, but won't be able to do much with it for awhile. I've got 2 scrub tops in various stages of completion, a half refinished table, and a watercolor that I am trying to get finished for a wedding gift. But I'll get there. In fact I think I know which ones I'm going to choose. Looking forward to seeing your finished masterpiece!
18/Jul/07 12:42 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Okay Teach, I've almost finished my homework, I have 6, still looking for just the right colored greens. What grades did you teach? I spent many years in the elementary system, both paid and unpaid. Did everything from substitute teaching to teaching enrichment math and rememdial reading. I got frustrated working with parents that wouldn't take time to help their kids and went into nursing. I work on a surgical floor, we have a bit of everything, orthopedics to neurosurgery. Never the same day twice. If I ever finish the watercolor I'll post a pic. My daughter is the real artist now and has used up most of my supplies. I should post some of her paintings. Thanks for the assignment, I think I need the little shove. Take care, Cindy
18/Jul/07 2:17 AM
   Beast  From MA, USA
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Ah, trouble in a puppy suit! What a sweetie.
Thanks for the welcome note. Yes, I guess I'd better be a Red Sox fan or I'd have to move out of the state! Here's sending your new baby his own ball park hot dog!
18/Jul/07 7:20 AM
jeb  From ks
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I don't know if Ed has my addy. If he doesn't, Nancy from Pa and Linda from Mn do. There's also the new message board but I don't know if it's open to everyone. As to your question, my standard, right out of the box answer is always '47'. I hope that will suffice until we can establish better communications.
23/Jul/07 4:52 PM
jeb  From ks
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The process has been initiated. You should hear from Ed forthwith.
24/Jul/07 2:40 AM
jeb  From ks
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It has been nearly 24 hours since I emailed Ed. I'm beginning to run out of ideas for potential answers.
24/Jul/07 11:59 PM
jeb  From ks
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Glad you found out what you needed to know. Sorry the email thing floundered. If there is anything I can do locally to facilitate, don't hesitate to ask. I can make a phone call or office visit a lot easier than thou.
25/Jul/07 1:41 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello chalkboard ,
i was waiting for some new pictures .
i hope to see them soon .
10/Aug/07 5:41 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Chalkboard (Karen). Saw your picture on Kathy's page and it was nice to put a face with a name. I didn't think you looked like a quilt! Hope all is well in your part of the world! Cheers!
14/Aug/07 7:17 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Chalkboard finally we get to see a beautiful picture of you and Kathy it is nice to put a piccy to a name. Hope all is well with you, take care x
15/Aug/07 4:20 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Chalkboard/Karen, I got the idea from a few months back you might be from Kansas? I lived from the age of 5 to 12 in Wichita. Then parents moved us to southeast Kansas.
I agree with Andre it is nice to have a piccy to go with a name. I got to meet Kathy in March while we were in Florida.
18/Aug/07 4:10 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Chalkboard! Stopped by to see your quilt photo & left comments on both Flickr & the Photo Gallery. Figured I'd leave a note here, too, so you'll get an e-mail notice of my visit. Congrats on the completion of the lovely quilt - really a work of art!
29/Aug/07 12:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Chalkboard, thanks for letting me know about your quilt photo. I LOVE IT! Oh such good use of colors and the pattern is lovely and new to me for a stack and whack, have not seen that one before! I do like how the stack and whack gives the kalidescope effect. That is indeed a great quilt!

Just what is the size of that lime green inner border? looks tiny to me and you kept it STRA?IGHT hehe . that does so set off the quilt. and I am looking at the fabric, and do not really see that green in there! but it really goes . . . well of course it does, green is a complimentary color for Purple, right? I also like the asemetrical border. Heck I like it all!

What is the size of the quilt? and did you make it for yourself or someone else as a gift? I know I ask a LOT Of questions, but I just love show and tell for quilts!!

If you have not posted on Quilts page that you have a quilt photo up, I do hope you will do so.

BTW, I happen by accident to have 2 home pages, one as a non member and one as a supporting member. Luckily I still get notice from both of them when I get a message. My quilt photos are on the SupportingMember page, MizTricia1.

03/Sep/07 1:17 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Hi Chalkboard, so good to hear from you. The quilt is fantastic, I love the colors. I think I need a few more weeks before I get a new assignment, as I'm having some minor surgery in a couple weeks and have been working extra shifts to make up for it. Soon things should settle down and I will be able to spend some time doing enjoyable things. Are you still up north?
ps: is that different colors of the same fabric pattern? The flowers in it are striking and so perfectly placed.
03/Sep/07 11:06 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Great effect in the stack and whack - the colours are fabulous!! Well done! (Oops, that sounds teacherish, but is sincerely meant!) Not working on any quilts at the moment - I'm playing at knitting socks (not very successfully, I might add).
07/Sep/07 9:26 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Chalkboard, Love the quilts they take so much time to make. I have embroidered a top for a quilt also had one my Mom did but had to take them to a person to have the quilting done. I don't have the knowledge or equipment to do that part. Would love to have one quilted by hand but can't find anyone who does that any more, at least here. Do love the pinwheel quilt and purple happens to be my favorite color.
11/Sep/07 3:34 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Hi Chalkboard. Thanks for the quilting links. One of these days I'll get back into it (I know I keep saying that). Have good safe trips . . in both directions. Its finally getting a bit cooler down here, at least we are getting the evening seabreeze. Take care, Cindy
12/Sep/07 2:58 AM
   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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CeeCee, ask Ed/Lithia for my email address. I want to know how you are doing.
12/Sep/07 8:43 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Thank you Chalkboard, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, it is hard but we all know she is better off now and waiting for us over Rainbow Bridge.
14/Sep/07 10:44 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Your quilts are beautiful. I can see that this one could drive a person a little crazy with the pattern on the material and design. Consider the end result - beauty.
24/Sep/07 4:55 AM
   Tami  From Florida
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My husband went to USF and is a big fan. He is taking our sons to the game Saturday against FAU.
30/Sep/07 11:17 AM
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