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Mags from Scotland
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Hi Mags, I see I'm the first to post on your page - welcome to the site! Would have offered you some shortbread but you've probably got enough of that in the local Co-op!! Would be interested to know where in Scotland you are - I'm originally from Highland Region.
08/May/07 6:28 AM
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Fiona has just popped in, and as a newcomer to the site, I would like to offer good Scottish type hospitality, so roll up for a dram, oatcakes and good cheese, a chunk of shortbread or Dundee cake (fruit cake with almonds on top), and anything else I can find in the fridge. Ceud Mille Failte! A thousand welcomes!
08/May/07 7:41 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Hi Mags, and welcome to your own special page!
No ties to Scotland, but my father was born in Ireland, went to Queen's University, and then emigrated here. I'm leaving my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail (flat pastry) dessert for you. Hope you enjoy it, and drop in for a visit!
08/May/07 7:53 AM
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hi again, originally from up the Inverness way, now down in the depths of south-west France, not far from Grannie MO. Oh and what i'd give for an oatcake right now!!! (the aussies have never heard of them!)
09/May/07 7:36 AM
Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hello and
I'm here to help you with an avatar. If you have a picture picked out already, you're halfway there. Go to this site:
change Set avatar size to 50
Hope this is helpful. Drop by my page sometime.
10/May/07 4:36 AM
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Welcome mags! The avatars are just photos shrunk down to meet size requirements. I use the publishing software on the computer to make it the specific size. I know Keith from CA had a couple of sites, maybe post the question on his page. It is one of those things that once you do it one time, it is much easier from then on.
I am leaving you a bottle of our 'Kinda Snockered Winery' wine, a special Cabernet Savignon that we made when my aunt and uncle visited from Scotland last September. We called it Clackmannan Cabernet, enjoy
10/May/07 4:37 AM
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Well Rena and I must have been typing at the same time!
10/May/07 4:37 AM
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Hi, Mags! Here's a great big Sudoku
to you! I hope you'll enjoy these fresh lilacs
and a big box of Frango Mints, not to mention all the great people on this site!
10/May/07 5:33 AM
Wagdy Kamel
Cairo Egypt
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Congratulation to have your own page and Iam very happy to offer you this nice cake
hope you enjoy it.
I had visit Aberdeen,Montrose and Adinbrugh mamy many times and have very nice memories there.
You are
to my page 'Egyptian Guest House any and every time You wish.
10/May/07 7:19 AM
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Mags, thanks for stopping by my place. What part of Scotland are you in? Do you know where Clackmannan is? I still have lots of relatives there, would love to back someday to visit. Cheers!
10/May/07 7:53 AM
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Welcome to your page in Sudokuland.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Drop by when you get a chance.
I would love to visit your country someday
10/May/07 11:59 AM
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Thanks so much everyone for the flowers, the cake, the wine that gets-u-drunk-qwikker (must do if its brewed in Clackmannanshire!) the mints and for all your good wishes.
Have just got another 2 bottles of single malt for those that like it, Timintoul (a Speyside malt) and Islay Mist, also fresh apple juice with ginger for the drivers and alcohol-free folk; with oatcakes (flat savoury crunchy biscuits made from oats) and cheeses.
Please help yourselves, and enjoy a taste of Scotland.
11/May/07 6:24 AM
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Sorry, I mean 'Tomintoul' a shpelling mishake!
12/May/07 3:05 AM
I don't know who bought the FIRST phone but I do know who had the first phone in Bristol, TN, USA. My Great-great-great uncle's wife was sickly and he wanted to be able to check up on her while he was at work. He had a wire run (on the ground) from his house to his office.
12/May/07 7:34 AM
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Daplap, thanks for calling! Have a dram, if you drink whisky!
Well done your great x 3 Uncle!
A modern man. The thing is, the person who bought the first phone had nobody to ring up!!!
Now your great x 3 Uncle fixed 2 phones at the same time - which makes sense!
13/May/07 7:13 AM
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Mags - How are you today? It is cool and breezy here in Minnesota.
Our winery is actually the brewing of our wine at our friends house. We just named our's Kinda Snockered Winery. We make wine for our private use, and as gifts for friends, etc. We have a lot of fun doing it, and have made many different kinds.
16/May/07 5:23 AM
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Hi Mags! I'll just have a sip of everything being offered
An oatcake too, if I may?
to your special page! I'll leave the Maryland Cream of Crab soup on the table. Grab a bowl and spoon and enjoy
16/May/07 6:00 AM
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welcome mags to your own page!
i am bring to you my traditional house warming gift og fresh powered snow from the high utah mountains. i do hope you enjoy!feel free to stop by my page anytime.
17/May/07 1:28 AM
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Mags, a dram and some good cheese ... now that's a welcome! My traditional housewarming gift is a Redwood Burl from my part of the United States, the coast range in Northern California. For more info, come to my page and check out the pictures on my Flickr site. I would have given you the same Avatar site as Rena did.
17/May/07 7:58 AM
Naperville, IL
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Mags. My son was in Scotland last week of Feb. of this year with his College Band. They travelled to Scotland and England. Scott said He enjoyed Scotland most of all. Did he take any pictures ? NO.
I have to say
I was reading your comments above and saw some information on the picture by the name. I'll be looking in to that advice.
Well, I'll be helping myself to an oatcake - havn't tried one before. My Iris are coming up outside so enjoy some
and I did make some fruit salad for a potluck that we can share.
Mary from Naperville, IL - in the Midwest of the USA - outside of Chicago - voted best town for children - a couple years ago.
Have a good day
17/May/07 8:01 AM
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Hello Mags! -
to your own page in Sudokuland. I sure hope you enjoy being here as much as I have. If you look on the U.S. map.....Michigan is the state that looks like a left-handed mitten. It is at the top and a little to the right of the middle.
I don't have any immediate ties to Scotland, but I understand I had a grandfather in the 1700's come over as an indentured servant. Everything except for the ship he was on has been traced. I never knew this until my children had to do a family tree and I called an uncle who had been researching it.
I have left you a bottle of cherry wine from Traverse City, MI. I hope you enjoy it. Please come and visit me when you can.
17/May/07 8:35 AM
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Me again. Please tell me what a dram is. I never heard it before. Thanks.
17/May/07 8:37 AM
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Mags, as a welcome gift, I have left some fresh squeezed Florida orange juice. Florida is in the southern part of the USA. It is the state that looks like a handle. I live in South Florida about 4 hours from the home of Mickey Mouse. Had a friend that live in Dumfries, but unfortunately we have lost touch. Stop by my page anytime and enjoy the Florida sunshine.
17/May/07 9:31 AM
los angeles
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Hi, Mags!
I live in Torrance, but I use Los Angeles because, Torrance is a little suburb of Los Angeles, close enough that some of the students go to LA Unified School District schools. The longitude/latitude is 33.80/118.33. It's a quiet little town like place with huge shopping malls. When it rains or is cold or nighttime, the malls are where I go to exercise. We do have a wildlife marsh preserve in the middle, so I have all sorts of creatures come visiting my yard. How about you? What's your town like?
17/May/07 11:32 AM
los angeles
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Oooh, where are my manners?
to the sudoku family! I brought some
, chocolate pastilles, and a bottle of wine (red or white you choose) Enjoy while you can. We can be a bit much, boisterous but funny.
17/May/07 11:35 AM
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For your Atlas:
I live in two small towns in the US. In the summer, I live in Massachusetts. It is a small state in the northeast part of the US and it has a hook that sticks out into the Atlantic Ocean. That part is Cape Cod.
The rest of the year, I live in Florida in the southeast part of the US. Tami described Florida as the state that looks like a handle. We're on the Gulf side of the state about halfway up from the bottom.
I hope you are having fun with your Atlas!
17/May/07 11:53 AM
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Hi Mags! - Thanks for the info. As you can see, Whiskey isn't consumed much as my house. I always say you should learn one new thing a day! Please come and visit any time. I love visitors!
18/May/07 1:19 AM
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18/May/07 1:20 AM
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Hi Mags. Your Atlas is a great idea! I live in Maryland. The state is on the East Coast of the U.S. On a map, it's to the top right of Virginia and below Pennsylvania. I live in the town of Bowie which is halfway between Annapolis (capital of Maryland) and Washington, DC. I am close to the Chesapeake Bay, the source of the famous Maryland blue crabs.
18/May/07 2:16 AM
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hi mags...thanks for stopping by my page.
fresh powered snow is REAL good for the ski industry here, and since thats our main business it only seemed right to offer the snow to all my friends all over the world. hope you have a good day mags!
18/May/07 3:20 AM
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Thanks for stopping by my page. When you need more orange juice just let me know. I will be glad to deliver it to you.
18/May/07 10:02 AM
los angeles
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Oh Mags, I was just having fun yesterday. I haven't this bad in ages, and was it fun. Must have ruffled quite a few feathers. Got to fly about to retain your youth!
California has four counties that are world famous for their wines, Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Santa ?
forgot the last one. If ever you find Californian wine, look for those counties on the label. But ever you come out here look me up. In a few years I'll be retired and will have plenty of time to dawdle with friends!
18/May/07 12:06 PM
Wagdy Kamel
Cairo Egypt
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Dear M E G S.
With all the interst I am very happy to read Your last comment concerning my recent photo .
My appologise to make You 'disappointed' regarding my recent photo in my 'Egyptian Guest House',But I have my reasons,If You are follow my photos which have been shown in the buzzles or in my page or even you have a look to my photos in my photos which is ready to shown ,I believe ,most of it give you and most our friends the character of Egypt ,the ancient and the modern Ones.
In fact this week photo of Hurghada Resorts I have my reason to put it in that time as shown in my comment of the picture.
Also I like to show You and all our friends that Egypt is not' Pyramids,Desert,Timples,Nile,Old Cities'....etc,but also there are the modern Egypt 'High bridges,Luxary Hotel ,Beautiful Beaches, Modern Holidays Cities ,Many nice Resorts'......etc .Is all that things are not enough to show you the character of our beaqutiful Country 'Egypt'.
Any way ,Please back to me, after checking all the photos in my page and I will be happy for any more comments and I will do my best to show you more interst photos.Hope it will meets your interst.
21/May/07 10:27 PM
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Hello, Mags!
Thanks for posting on my page. I, too, have learned much about geography from being adicted to this site. I feel as though I have friends around the world. It does make the world seem smaller.
When we first planned to build our house in Florida, neither of us expected to like being there so much. We kept the house in Massachusetts for a couple of reasons. One is to be able to stay near our two adult children and our grandson who live in Rhode Island. We may decide to sell the Massachusetts house sooner than originally planned because they like coming to Florida!
Thank you for offering the Scotch whisky. It is a favorite!
23/May/07 7:19 AM
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Mags, what a wonderful description of your paddlewheeler. Made me feel like I was there on the final voyage, and what a great way it must have been to see part of Scotland. Sorry to hear it has been retired.
23/May/07 2:59 PM
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Hello Meg. my MIL is on holidays in Scotland at the moment...
28/May/07 12:30 PM
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Hello Meg Just received an email from MIL, she went to Perth, Scotland a couple of days ago. She has been there before on a previous holiday to Scotland some years ago.
I also have been to Perth, in 1979 with my friend Sue. we were on a 7 month holiday to England, Holland and Europe
09/Jun/07 10:43 AM
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Hello mags. Thanks for info on St Kilda in todays sudoku. I'll check it out tomorrow, except I've just realize it'll only be the 21st then over there. I won't be able to watch it on Saturday! Anyway I'll still check out St Kilda!
21/Jun/07 7:58 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Hi Mags. A 'weiner' is another name for a hot dog or a sausage. Here in North America people roast hot dogs over sausages over open fires when they are camping or just relaxing at beaches where you are allowed to have open fires. Usually you use a freah green tree branch and trim it so the it is pointed such that you can insert it in the hot dog and hold it over the fire. This is also done for marshmellows and other things. So, a 'weiner stick' is a sharp branch with a point like a spear used to roast things over an open fire. Cheers!
23/Jun/07 6:53 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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And since I'm here, a little push.... PUSH... and guess what?
23/Jun/07 6:54 AM
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