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Tough Sudoku for 18/March/2006


Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Dave  From Illinois
First posting! Posting First?
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Bertha  From Harlingen, Netherlands
I'm second, that's new!
Bertha  From Harlingen, Netherlands
Not so tough today. Goodbye!
Brocks  From Cookspane
Looks easy today and fills easily till 46...
Now what?

I'll think about that tomorrow...off to bed...
Rob  From Liverpool
Terry  From BA-OK
Cute kids! They look very happy! Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
andrei  From US
UP to 26; bc5=1 elim dfgh5=1; UP to 38;
a46=2 elim a379=2;UP to 45; def8=4 elim df7e9=4; gi1=5 elim e1=5; e89=5 elim d78f78=5; ai7=45 elim i7=2; UP i9=2 to 46; bc1=2 elim e1=2; e1=4==e1=1--f3=1==f3=2--f8=2==f8=4 elim f2e8=4; UP to 51; de8=2 elim f7=2; UP to 54; d4=8==d4=4--d2=4==d2=7--d3=7==g3=7--g3=8 ==g8=8 elim d8=8; UP to end. Depth 4.
Hugh  From Glasgow
Too many mistakes.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Another way to solve:
1) Start 23. Unique Possibilities to 26.
2) Locked 1's forbid 1 at DFGH5. UP to 38.
3)Locked 2's forbid 2 at A379. UP to 45.
4) Locked 2's forbid 2 at E1. Locked 5's forbid 5 at E1. Locked 8's forbid 8 at H2.
Danger - ALS solution.
The Locked Set e1=14, h1=143, h2=43 forbids 4 at i1.
5) UP 81
Depth 3, sets 9.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Sorry I cannot count - depth 3, sets 8.
Kristi  From Virginia
10:16 New personal best!
to Steve  From nic from syd
Steve, can you please explain step 4:
'The Locked Set e1=14, h1=143, h2=43 forbids 4 at i1'?
Linda  From Bilbao
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
For those needing an explanation of my step 4 above:
e1,h1,h2 = (134). This is a 'bent' triple. Any cell which sees all three of these cannot contain 134. Thus, 134 cannot exist at g1,i1. Of these possible eliminations, one is available, i1=4. No more complex then a triple, same depth, not easy to fc.
to Steve  From nic
thx Steve, it seems so logic now :)
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Forthe purposes of the elimination, the fact that e1 does not contain 3 and h2 does not contain 1 are immaterial. If they did, the elimination would still exist. This is exactly the same logic one uses with a naked triple.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Sorry, I am mistaken in my last comment above. It is very important that 3's are weak across the sets:
(s1) = 34 at h2. s2 = 134 at h1, 14 at e1.
3's are weakly linked across s1,s2 forbids 4 at i1, h1. (As one of the two sets must be locked)
to Steve  From nic
the same bent triple also eliminated 3 in h1, right?
to Steve  From nic
in g1 I meant
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
As an fc like logic chain.
S1= (h2=34) S2=(e1=14, h1=134).
3 in S1 -- 3 in S2 implies either S1 is locked, or S2 is locked implies 4 in S1 or 4 in S2 forbids i1=4.
The only strong links considered are the cells themselves.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
As an FC:
h2=4 == h2=3 -- h1=3 == (h1=14, e1=14) forbids i1=4.
rob  From
Steve - what is a 'bent' triple?
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
As an FC above, it appears to be depth 4. Nevertheless, One can expsose the depth as follows:
h2=4 == h2=3 -- h1=3 == (h1=14) -- i1=4 or e1=1== e1=4 forbids i1=4
to rob  From nic
Steve just explained it, while you were refreshing :)
rob  From
thanks Nic, but the comments are way over my head. its like a foreign language to me
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Rob - it is a phrase I coined. It is seen in many cases of depth 3 fc's, and fc-like configurations. A Y wing is sort of a bent triple. This elimination is 'Y-wing' style. It is most easily recognized though as an Almost Locked Set elimination, for which GB has written a nice theorem - I wrote one also, but his is far superior. It is based on the simple idea of counting. Here, one has a choice of calling S1= h2, S2= e1,h1 and noting weak 3's across the sets - OR S1= h1,h2 and S2= e1 and no
andrei  From US
Steve: congratulations on finding a neat step 4 which makes your solution much superior to mine. Bruno and I have found a way to write such a step in the matrix form:
e1=4 e1=1
h2=4 h2=3
h1=4 h1=1 h1=3
In this matrix every row is a strong set, and in every column except the first one every two entries are in conflict with each other. The conclusion is that the first column is also a strong set. This works for matrices of any size and covers lots of cases where the original FCs
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
cut-off : noting weak 1's across the sets. In either case, One set or the other is locked. Thus, one or the other must contain 4's. OK?
nic  From
it is a foreign language to me too, but with some help from people like Steve , gb, DJ, Andre (thanks guys) we can get there
andrei  From US
The last sentence was cut off: This works for matrices of any size and covers lots of cases where the original FCs don't exist. BTW, the FCs can also be represented in this form. Also the matrix should be
e1=4 e1=1 0
h2=4 0 h2=3
h1=4 h1=1 h1=3
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Thanks Andrei! The matrix is a much neater way of detailing the native weak links which produce the strong 4's.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
BTW - yesterday's puzzle could benefit from such matrices - although one might need to link the matrices.... How is that best done?
Bob  From Troy, Ohio
Much to easy. Even an old 'piker' like me solved this one easily
Cathy  From southern Ontario
12:17 Great kids in the picture. Happy weekend, everyone!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Ah yes now I might understand! The idea is to make the matrix large enough to reveal wink links - I suppose I am confused on how to expose non-native weak links in the matrix, if they be needed. This topic warrants some study....
DJ  From AZ    Supporting Member
Bravo, Steve.
DJ  From AZ    Supporting Member
Andrei, Let me make sure I know how you form your matrices. You have n strong sets (cells in this case) with n colors. Each row is a strong set; each column is a color. The theorem is that if in every column but one, each pair of entries is in conflict, then the one column is a strong set? I'll have to check out your paper again.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
I fear perhaps that the matrix idea is beyond my learning... I am Not sure that I really have a handle on it yet - It will give me something to muse about as I drive about later today!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
BTW - I am still of the opinion that Sudoku is essentially a Three dimensional game, and that the struggles to represent proofs are the result of using essentially two dimensional representations. If I still knew how to represent transformations, I think I could illustrate this opinion more clearly.
larryville  From ks usa
13'21. G'Maen, all. First time in several days that I've been able to complete tough in one sitting. I suppose it's an easy tough? And have we Ashley Violet again? If so, who is the boy?
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