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Tough Sudoku for 23/September/2006


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Judy  From San Diego
Could make a very pointed comment about this photo. Anyone want to make a climb?
HalT  From S Carolina
Ginza? Or Vegas? :)
Debby  From MI, USA
Great Picture. Is it in Egypt? Any explanation for it?
Sue  From Ottawa, Canada
I've seen this pyramid before, someone wanted to know what that was on the top - a man or a mast!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Another 'too easy' tough. No more then 5 sets required, max depth 2, rating .07 or less.
Alene  From Spokane, Washington
Looking for some help from y'all. My daughter has a student presentation to give in her microbiology class and, long story short, she is looking for synonyms for 'vomit'. (Barf, hurl, puke etc.) She's hoping for some local slang terms, and would also love some foreign language words. So there's the challenge, folks!

I know - I have a strange daughter. But she is an amazingly cool person, and we love her dearly!! :-)
Nick  From Toronto
Sundance  From Virginia
Start 22F. UP to 25.
1. X wing 1's df19. UP ato 26.
2. 56 in c12. UP to 40.
3. 75 in f68. UP to 45.
4. Multicolor 7's. g9==g6--f6==f8 and g6==g9--d9==f8. Since g9==g6, f8=7. UP to 81.

I agree, Steve. A very easy tough.
Bruce  From Sydney
A different proof to the puzzle

1) start 23 UP 35
2) pairs 13 at a3 b3 and 14 at d1 f1
3) locked 9s at e123 forbids e4=9 UP 44
Am still confused as to how to express the FC so forgive the longhand
If d5=5 then d9=7 & f6=7 however either g6 or g9 =7, therefore d5 ≠ 5 UP 81
Fred  From Mi
8:37 Maen
ttt  From vietnam
Pyramid in Egypt? The beyond is looking to the present ...! nice pic. Oh ... good time for tough today
KM  From Cape Town
Its not a man or a mast, its to show the height of the original pyramid before the coating rocks were removed for local structures! Makes me want to rush back though!
And  From Maine
upchuck, throw up, get sick, regurgitate, spew, purge, retch, heave, keck, vurp, sick up...
naomi  From toronto canada
for arlene in washington ...we say 'toss your cookies' here slang
naomi  From toronto canada
arlene...has your daughter tried www.wordreference.com? This is a translation websight. We use it here for my daughter's French projects. Sometimes it is quicker to use it rather than my 3 inch thick french-english dictionary...type in the english and then click on english to french or english to spanish etc. Its pretty good, though not perfect
me  From delaware
toss your cookies
Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Good afternoon to all! No disrespect, and regardless of the comments, it's not really a pyramid, it's a giant ant hill!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
pray to the porcelain god?
Doug  From Australia
To drive the porcelaine bus, Seems throwing is the basis for many eg chuck.
joe b  From ontario
' Ralph' ' ': was a term used
Pat  From Milwaukee
there goes my diet, another cream puff.
Pat  From Milwaukee
to Alene: surely you egest!
val  From Melbourne
to Alene: 'chunder' is a very Aussie saying
me  From not Australia
Is chunder used as a verb 'oh man, I'm gonna chunder' or a noun 'dude, that's pretty nasty looking chunder'?
fi  From NT
The explanation for the pyramid is - REPEAT! Gath must have run out of pictures on Tough.
Jill  From Tacoma, WA
Well, very interesting discussion here on the tough page today. For us doctors, the technical term for vomit (the noun, not the verb) is 'emesis' as in 'emesis basin.' My book 'Oh, Yuck: The encyclopedia of everything nasty' also suggests 'blowing chunks,' 'doing the technicolor yawn' and 'running the stew-master' - the latter 2 of which I was previously unfamiliar. Alene, I hope this helps!

On a less disgusting note, I stayed up till midnight last night squaring, shrinking, and submitting some more pictures so hopefully there will be some new ones soon.

Anybody know what happened to the tough picture archives? I haven't checked today but as of yesterday it was empty except for one picture.

Happy weekend all.
Brett  From West Virginia
Hmm, Pyramid...
Alene, If you're looking for a better or more scientific term than 'blowing chunks' or 'vomiting' - you might try regurgitation...

I hear it's a great way to lose weight.
Midnight lady  From Apple tree
Just a brown pyramid? Humh, unsightly...
catherine  From France,Th    Supporting Member
hello Fi have you seen the explanation for linaigrette (your cotton herb) on wikipédia?
Arlene I add: rendre= simply return and gerber reference to a spurt!
keyan  From up

Hindi: ooppee
Bengali: Bomi
fi  From NT
Thanks catherine, I just googled linaigrette and it is the very same one. Mind you the explanation came up in French. ;)

Is linaigrette the common name for this cotton herb in France?
sarah  From sydnay, australia
how do people do tough sudokus like these? to me, this is impossible! what do you do when you get stuck, like i always do???
fi  From NT
The first 38 were fairly simple deductions.

At 38 filled If g5=6, d5=5, f6=7, f8=5, f9=1, d9=7 leaving no opportunities for 7 in Cg.

Therefore g5=5. UP to 81
Nick  From Toronto
geo  From gr
Mostly easy
mb  From delaware
Nov. 24, 2007.
25/Nov/07 1:14 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 10:03 PM
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