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Tough Sudoku for 11/February/2007


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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I have read and noted some justifiable comments regarding the blog - that it perhaps is a bit too mathematical.

In my efforts to build a foundation that covers everything about sudoku, I have chosen a path that is perhaps a bit too obscure.

A new blog page that presents a step by step path to solve today's tough puzzle is available through the link in the upper right column, directly under 'Check out the Sudoku Blog'.

This new blog page attempts, and hopefully succeeds, in presenting a simpler, less mathematical group of hints about how to tackle some tough puzzles.

Let me know how I did. Feedback is appreciated, and helps me to do a better job.

   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Interesting and pretty!

Have a great day everyone.
Nancy  From New York
Very strange looking.
Laura  From IN
Cool!! Were is this cave?
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Good morning to all! Interesting photo. One of your's Ian? I believe the Jenolan caves are in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Australia. Is that correct?
June  From Epping,NSW,Australia
That is correct Greg and The Orient Cave probably has the best colour and formations in the Jenolan Caves area
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Yes, Greg, the Jenolan caves are west of Sydney and no, it's not one of mine. Is it one of your photos June?
Susy  From Ver
22:56 Interesting formations. I bet the actual caves are even more impressive.
Nick, you have not posted times lately.
Morgan  From NY
A nice change of pace. Methodical. After the pointing pairs, naked quads and triples, the entire puzzle seems to have been predicated on locating the hidden triple in box 3 (which wasn't easy to spot). So I guess that was today's lesson.
Glad the Medusa lessons are (hopefully) over. I shouldn't run my mouth, the author might take it as a challenge and throw the book at us. Regards all.
fire bloss  From canada
Another interesting photo. Thx for clarifying where those caves are. This is the second photo I've seen posted here.
Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
Nice picture of this cave which is too perfect due to the spot light effect.
Nice maeN to all.
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
One of mine! Another from the 6th January trip! The others were 9th January and 19th January - both on the Tough.
Jaffy  From Manaus
(Photo: Digital color lower G.I. scan.)
Alternate photo caption:

Patient consult at proctologist's office:

Patient: I still have those deep stabbing pains in my abdomen Doc!
Dr. Reynolds: Well looking at this scan from your recent colonoscopy, I am seeing a lot of calcified deposits, they could be pinching the inside of the lining of your duodenum. Doctor Mays?
Dr. Mays: Move that scan up a bit on the lightbox... that's better... Hmmm... looks like BAT GUANO in the lower intestine!! Could be a bacterial infection. But I think Bob here has the real diagnosis. (Pointing to man in overalls.)
Patient: Hey!! Who the hell is that guy?? He's not a doctor!!!
Bob: Of course I'm not a doctor! I'm one of the hospital's janitors. Looks like you accidently ate on of my 150 watt spotlights!! THAT'S what's ailing you.
Patient: WHAT! Do I need surgery to get it out of there!?!?
Dr. Reynolds: Yes, we'll schedule you for a lightectomy for next week. And meanwhile, Bob the janitor will write you out a prescription for a GFCI outlet that you swallow whole before your next meal so you won't electrocute yourself. Oh, and drink some Gatorade to balance those electrolytes!
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
The others were SHOWN 9th and 19th January I should have said, they were all taken on the 6th and posted on the 7th!

Ha ha funny, Jaffy!
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
Good memory Greg! It's interesting, isn't it, how much about our chat about on Sudoku arising from the great variety of pictures enhances our general knowledge?! I've learnt about martello towers, stained glass in Dubai, markets around the world, lots about Peru and Utah (and California, Colorado and Arizona) and relived my trip to New Zealand (remembering things I had forgotten) and seen new things that weren't there then. I've seen more of the NT here than I have in person (though that's on the short list to rectify). And, of course, many many more, So thanks everybody!
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Nice photo Kate.
mark  From goulburn NSW
17.51 jenolan is an hour or so north of me. worlds oldest limestone caves!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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lovely photo Kate
our virtual touring is very enjoyable and gives great ideas of where to travel to.
Amelia  From Robinvale Aust
Lovely colours when they are spotlighted.
Mark  From Canada
Nice photo!
Eva  From Kentucky
Great picture of the caves. Look at all those minerals. Pretty cool.
Nick  From Toronto
Just over half an hour.
rugram  From India
This is a simple one. Took less than 25 mts. No guess work.
04/Jun/07 6:18 AM
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06/Jun/07 9:41 PM
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06/Jun/07 9:41 PM
mb  From delaware
Dec. 5, 2007.
06/Dec/07 6:21 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 11:37 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
25/Jan/21 4:47 PM
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